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19 minutes ago, ChrisB said:

CC only disagree on one point.. Oxford I think has more cycles than even Cambridge and therefore is my cycling capital. Mind never been to Beijing.

Unfortunately , for me , Cambridge out scores Oxford on cycle journeys according to a 2011 survey , partially due to it being more compact and considerably flatter .

Admittedly is only a percentage of riders quoted but is a vast difference 

even going back to the cb radio days of the late 70’s it had gained the Monica of “ cycle city”


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3 hours ago, CambridgeCabby said:

Unfortunately , for me , Cambridge out scores Oxford on cycle journeys according to a 2011 survey , partially due to it being more compact and considerably flatter .

Admittedly is only a percentage of riders quoted but is a vast difference 

even going back to the cb radio days of the late 70’s it had gained the Monica of “ cycle city”


My condolences on your geographical location for your chosen profession. I stand corrected. I have never found Cambridge too bad. However when we lived at Bledlow Ridge my late wife had to visit The John Radcliffe on a regular basis and it was a nightmare.

Often it was school time and you would have a child or two on junior cycles with Mum doing the mother duck bit on her cycle with another riding pillion and the latest member of the family in a trailer being towed. 

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10 hours ago, KaptinKev said:

I think you forgot to mention that cyclists are colour blind and traffic lights don't register in their heads. But on another note, any cyclist or car driver that wears dark sunglasses on a full cloudy dark day, seriously needs their heads tested.

This is how you have to drive in Paris. Never make eye contact with another driver, or it means you have given way to them. Keep your eyes straight in front of you and keep going!

I was always told that you can tell a happy cyclist by the number of dead mosquitoes on his teeth.

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11 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

This is how you have to drive in Paris. Never make eye contact with another driver, or it means you have given way to them. Keep your eyes straight in front of you and keep going!

I think that’s caught on in this country too. It’s a bit like fishermen who make sure they don’t make eye contact with the helm of a boat wanting to moor. But that’s another thread...................:default_norty:

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Back at the beginning of this millenium, i worked for 18 months at Marshalls Aerospace at Cambridge Airport. I used to drive up on a Monday morning, stay in their accommodation block all week, and drive home on Saturday lunchtimes. During the week when me and a colleague used to go out in the evenings, we used to cycle into cambridge, have dinner in the Fort St George, then cycle beside the river out of the city, then back down the lane into Cambridge. It was great cycling around everywhere up there.

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