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Pub Quiz

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54 minutes ago, NorfolkNog said:

Spot on Mr Fire sir, very well done.

Thanks Mr Nog, I knew I had seen that sign and knew I had seen it fairly recently (my New Year's trip I believe) but it wouldn't ruddy come to me where :facepalm:

That was a challenge. Cheers mate :default_smile:

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48 minutes ago, Gracie said:

Of course I knew it was the Dog, I often get that pub confused with the Bridge :default_biggrin:

You get them all confused because of all the Prosecco you drink along the way. And it only takes half a glass anyway let's be honest :default_biggrin:

48 minutes ago, Gracie said:

More quiz's please Mr N, I'm bound to get one right eventually :facepalm:

I wouldn't count on it :default_norty:


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50 minutes ago, Jayfire said:

You get them all confused because of all the Prosecco you drink along the way. And it only takes half a glass anyway let's be honest :default_biggrin:

I wouldn't count on it :default_norty:


You cheeky beggar, wait till I get you home :default_norty: :default_icon_kiss:

I do love these little quiz's though, it's nice to have a laugh and a giggle as well as the serious stuff and life is far too short not to drink Prosecco  :default_biggrin:

Jay and Grace x

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2 hours ago, Gracie said:

You cheeky beggar, wait till I get you home :default_norty: :default_icon_kiss:

YES :default_party0010:


38 minutes ago, SwanR said:

Um ... I’ve never had Prosecco ... am I missing something? 

Just a cheaper fizzy wine than champagne Mrs SR but treat yourself, you're on holiday :default_biggrin:

Half the time I get my Grace a house white with a splash of lemonade, much cheaper and she doesn't know any different. Especially after the first and she really starts talking at me and repeating herself over and over, and yet asks me what I'm on about :default_norty:

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Ok. I reckon you connoisseurs of Broads pubs will get this. This photo is Mr SR’s choice! He is currently enjoying a pint of ... oops, better not tell you that yet in case it gives the game away!! :default_norty:



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4 minutes ago, SwanR said:

Lol you have definitely spent too much time in the pub!! Correct!! :default_norty:

There is never too much time spent in a pub Mrs SR, but I wanted to make sure I got in before Grace suggested The Bridge Inn again :default_biggrin:

Hope you're having a good time, did you get yourself that Prosecco? 

I love that my game is gathering momentum too, which means more people enjoying the Broads pubs :default_beerchug:

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3 hours ago, SwanR said:

Um ... I’ve never had Prosecco ... am I missing something? 

We've moored up somewhere nice for lunch. Watch out for a photo later perhaps before I tell anyone where we’ve gone!!!

Yes you are, it's a gorgeous bubbly cheaper version of champagne just like Jay said and as for repeating myself when I've had a few as Jay mentioned earlier.....I do not repeat myself, I do not repeat myself, I do not repeat myself  :default_biggrin:

Hope you're having a lovely time Jean, get yourself a glass of Prosecco, it's yummy

Jay and Grace x

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3 minutes ago, CambridgeCabby said:

Yes is the Bell , realised was a large view but wasn’t sure if you or Jay had ventured in there 

No, again a good challenge. I went in quite regularly when Steve and his Mrs (Trudi)?? ran it but I've only been in a couple of times since as it's been closed off and on. It's a reasonable walk but quite do-able. I thought someone mentioned that Jason Tipple's ex was running it but I could have dreamt it. Proper pub. 

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6 hours ago, CambridgeCabby said:

Used to be one of my favourites , had a “larger than life” landlady that would serve a massive platter of smoked sprats and samphire which to me was heaven , and they were always happy to collect and return you to the Broad car park by car .

Ahhh smoked sprats. Haven't had those for many years.  Last tasted at the Duck Inn, Pett Bottom Nr Canterbury, circa 1995.  They used to serve 'em with a couple of thick slices of buttered home-made wholemeal bread. Not seen them on offer since then. Blooming lovely.

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