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Booked Holiday For 1st August


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So, we have hired a cruiser from SilverLine Marine starting 1st August.

Had originally planned a three week holiday abroad but I'm glad that our flights were cancelled. We will lose about £500 in non refundable deposits but could have been much worse.

Since lockdown started I have been working from home and will likely be doing so for the foreseeable future. After 12 weeks of having nowhere to go and nothing to see I cannot wait to experience the magic of the broads again.  It will be our 6th or 7th time of hiring on the broads but the first time in such unusual circumstances.

 I know there is still a lot of fear about Coronavirus and this is probably magnified in some of the small communities in and around the broads, our visit will be utterly respectful of those communities. The simple joy of puttering from one location to another and seeing different sights has me counting the days down to our visit.

I would welcome the perspective of the forums members with regards to our visit, what sort of welcome can we expect, how busy do you expect it to be, are there any changes to moorings, will any of the broads pubs/restaraunts be open, etc etc?


many thanks.





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Welcome 👍

I think the 1st of August sounds ideal, the pubs and businesses will have ironed out the wrinkles in new working patterns and folks will be used to visitors again.

Locals and villagers only had a problem with those breaking lockdown during the worst of the crisis. You'll find the Norfolk welcome as warm as ever.

Have a great time! 🍺

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We already had a boat booked for 4th July. Whilst we are thrilled that our holiday has been confirmed, we are intending to be cautious. We thought mud-weighing would be a good option, except that we have a dog with us (those just-before-bedtime comfort breaks are a problem, unless you have a dinghy). Wild moorings seem an attractive alternative, except we are on a sailey, so need to take extra care as a lot of wild moorings are overhung by trees.
On the other hand, if you want pubs, it sounds like they have the go ahead to open, with suitable precautions. 
By the time August comes around there will probably be a clearer picture of how the latest government guidelines are working out. So I’m sure have an advantage on us in planning your holiday.


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9 hours ago, TheBands said:

So, we have hired a cruiser from SilverLine Marine starting 1st August.

Had originally planned a three week holiday abroad but I'm glad that our flights were cancelled. We will lose about £500 in non refundable deposits but could have been much worse.

Since lockdown started I have been working from home and will likely be doing so for the foreseeable future. After 12 weeks of having nowhere to go and nothing to see I cannot wait to experience the magic of the broads again.  It will be our 6th or 7th time of hiring on the broads but the first time in such unusual circumstances.

 I know there is still a lot of fear about Coronavirus and this is probably magnified in some of the small communities in and around the broads, our visit will be utterly respectful of those communities. The simple joy of puttering from one location to another and seeing different sights has me counting the days down to our visit.

I would welcome the perspective of the forums members with regards to our visit, what sort of welcome can we expect, how busy do you expect it to be, are there any changes to moorings, will any of the broads pubs/restaraunts be open, etc etc?


many thanks.





Welcome to the forum, Silverline are good yard and I don't think you will be disappointed, you may be better staying on the Southern Rivers rather than heading to the Northern Broads if you want a quieter time on the rivers.



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I have from the 21st July booked through to 1st August, As soon as I heard that we were allowed and as the boat wasnt booked out after my original finish date I extended my booking by another 4 nights, then I have just under a week back at work before I am due out again, this time from the south side, Pubs I thik will be a case of phoning ahead to see what services they do have available, if its just moorings and takeaway, thats fine by me, but they could be starting to get back to nearer normal (with social distancing observed).

anyway, have a good time and enjoy your holiday

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Welcome to the forum. 

 I think at the moment we can all only guess what it will be like. Given the circumstances it feels as if it may be busy. It will be interesting to see what reports we get from those who are going over the first couple of weeks and then whether we seem to hit an expected school holiday peak. 

 I seem to recall that last year people didn’t feel that it was as busy as you might expect. This year could be different as who knows whether families will wait for school holidays to officially start or will have given up on home schooling once we get into July or feel they can do some of that while away.  

And then there’s levels of disposable income depending on job security for some folk. Whether people are furloughed may affect patterns of behaviour. 

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I did read something similar online elsewhere. Talking to one of my colleagues today I think that there will definitely be families taking holidays sooner than they usually would as they can probably get away without waiting for what would have been the end of the summer term. He has a son at primary school and they are intending to do exactly that. Guess the upside might be that families can get holidays at slightly lower prices as it will be a time they can't usually take advantage of.

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On 24/06/2020 at 20:46, TheBands said:

So, we have hired a cruiser from SilverLine Marine starting 1st August.

Had originally planned a three week holiday abroad but I'm glad that our flights were cancelled. We will lose about £500 in non refundable deposits but could have been much worse.

Since lockdown started I have been working from home and will likely be doing so for the foreseeable future. After 12 weeks of having nowhere to go and nothing to see I cannot wait to experience the magic of the broads again.  It will be our 6th or 7th time of hiring on the broads but the first time in such unusual circumstances.

 I know there is still a lot of fear about Coronavirus and this is probably magnified in some of the small communities in and around the broads, our visit will be utterly respectful of those communities. The simple joy of puttering from one location to another and seeing different sights has me counting the days down to our visit.

I would welcome the perspective of the forums members with regards to our visit, what sort of welcome can we expect, how busy do you expect it to be, are there any changes to moorings, will any of the broads pubs/restaraunts be open, etc etc?


many thanks.





Welcome  aboard.Silver line very well ran yard.If your flights  were cancelled  you should  surely  get your money  back.I would check it out if I was you.

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1 minute ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

Welcome  aboard.Silver line very well ran yard.If your flights  were cancelled  you should  surely  get your money  back.I would check it out if I was you.

Flight refund already received, its the non-refundable deposit on the accommodation we booked and theme park tickets that will sting. Mostly not done too bad on refunds but will have to claim on insurance for a couple of things and after the per person excesses....

It is what it is and I'm just grateful to have a holiday to  look forward to.


Will be really interested to hear how the first few weeks go after things open back up.

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It's a strange  new world  for all of us.Think it will be busy but who knows.think the south will.be quieter then the north.As I said Silverline are very good,you will get a good welcome  everywhere. Near by great pub the Ferry house phone ahead for moorings  and a meal.Loddon and Chedgrave great place to stop,try the Whitehorse  at Chedgrave another great pub.Oulton broad and Beccles well worth  a visit. People  mostly  are very helpful. 

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This year could be different as who knows whether families will wait for school holidays to officially start or will have given up on home schooling once we get into July or feel they can do some of that while away.  

This is exactly what we have done.

Normally do 10 days to include the May half term and then another week for the October half term.

This year May obviously got cancelled.

Children are at home being home schooled anyway, to took a chance and book for the 4th as our favourite boat was suddenly available.

This was before the date 4th July had even been outlined as a possible. It was just fluke!

We have only every been in the school summer holidays once. It was our honeymoon which we spent on Zoe from Martham.

It was a really quiet week... it was the first week of the 2012 Olympics. No idea if that was why the broads were so quiet, everyone had Olympic fever?

Sent from my iPhone using Norfolk Broads Network
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