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Canopy Cleaning And Re-waterproofing


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Hello, my 2nd month in to boat ownership and still afloat with surprisingly no problems!  Enjoying the forum and thanks to the home team in managing this.

I have a blue canvass type canopy on my boat that is pretty stained to the underside, however it appears water proof, rip free and the bulk of catches and press studs in place. I am planning to take this off when (if) summer returns and clean down and re-water proof on a bright day. Has anyone any advice as to what to clean this with, primarily to the underside and the best re-water proofing agent to use externally?

Must dash now as off to my village church to pray for better weather tomorrow and Monday. :320_sun_with_face:








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Firstly, let me admit that "Boat cleanliness" is not what I'm famous for, but here my advice is heartfelt.

Do not do anything at any time that might affect the efficiency of a folding canopy. If it's stained, get used to it!

Only if the canopy needs repairing from damage or wear & tear do anything that might affect it's waterproof qualities, and if you can avoid doing anything, do so.

I, my family and some friends have owned boats for neigh on 50 years now, and whenever canopy fabrics have been "improved" (which has happened a lot)   they've sooner or later leaked like sieves as a direct result.

To paraphrase... If it don't leak, don't fix it!

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For cleaning to keep algae and mildew off use a 4:1 mix of patio magic (or doff from aldi) and brush on and allow to dry, the marine stuff is called wet&forget but far dearer and the same stuff.

I've heard of thomsons water seal used to reproof but never tried it.

If there's a boat on the tin there will be an extra zero on the price tag.

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