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Armed Police At Neatishead..


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probably running his engines, and no that is not a jest. Last time we were moored in that same spot an ex connoisseur was sat at the top of the dyke, engines running about 8pm and covering the whole mooring in fumes, not to mention the noise (what is it about those boats, they seem twice as noisy as anything else?)

When the gent from the boat in front of us went to ask if he'd mind turning off the situation got very heated. We thought we might have to call the police, but people power took over, a couple of burly types from a Ricko's bathtub added their weight to the argument and the owner of the ex Conn decided he was out gunned, and in the language of my generation "bu88ered off" to annoy someone else, heading back towards Barton, no lights, pitch dark (this being 8pm in October), and peace was restored. 

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