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Energy Hikes


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Will today be 1St April even it is Fools Day but not the Energy Hikes no laughing matter as this has put the extra costs on Fuel and everything including National Insurance and Taxes so Too Thousand Twenty Two is going to be a very hard year for Boating activities 

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15 minutes ago, Andrewcook said:

Will today be 1St April even it is Fools Day but not the Energy Hikes no laughing matter as this has put the extra costs on Fuel and everything including National Insurance and Taxes so Too Thousand Twenty Two is going to be a very hard year for Boating activities 

This will be a hard year for everyone not just those involved in boating.


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Just now, ranworthbreeze said:

This will be a hard year for everyone not just those involved in boating.


You’re not joking!!  My motorbike VED reminder arrived about three weeks ago.  I thought ‘I’ll pay that later’  and promptly forgot! 🤨. Went to pay it today to find that it went up from £96 to £101 this morning!!  B*gger!!  Unlike my pension (when I get it next month), it’s linked to the RPI, which is high at the moment and forecast to go much higher yet.

Followed that by paying my Broads Toll!  What a morning?  April bloody fool?  That’ll be me!!  😕

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I got one up on the electricity company, they are supposed to send me a reminder to read my meter and submit the readings, somehow they conveniently managed to forget, and sent me an estimated bill a month ago, when I checked my readings back then I spotted that the £200 they said I owed them, exactly matched the amount they had overestimated by. so I went ahead and paid it.

yesterday when I took my check readings (and a photograph) so when they underestimate my usage before the price change in my next bill, i will have proof, I did have to laugh, my readings were still below the figure they had estimated, by a combined day/night rate usage of 850 units, so effectively by trying to overcharge me they have sold me electricity at the old price to the tune of 850 units worth, thus when the next bill comes in and I send them the correct readings, they will be the ones losing out- they cannot estimate the changeover units at less than their previous estimated reading can they.

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The energy price rises will hopefully make people take stock of just how much energy they are using.

When you do the maths on the bill increases some people are experiencing then they must be using astronomical amounts of energy. 

To reduce their energy bills people will have to look for ways to reduce their consumption which in these days when we are supposed to be aware of our impact on our planet can only be a good thing. 

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2 hours ago, Mouldy said:

You’re not joking!!  My motorbike VED reminder arrived about three weeks ago.  I thought ‘I’ll pay that later’  and promptly forgot! 🤨. Went to pay it today to find that it went up from £96 to £101 this morning!!  B*gger!!  Unlike my pension (when I get it next month), it’s linked to the RPI, which is high at the moment and forecast to go much higher yet.

Followed that by paying my Broads Toll!  What a morning?  April bloody fool?  That’ll be me!!  😕

I remembered to pay the motorhome tax yesterday just before the increase :default_blink:

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exactly, my energy provider told me of the price increase and informed me my bill would rise to £3000 a year (electric) and £1000 gas,(this for a single person) since they had based that on a bill that they had overestimated by over 800 units, i was sceptical, to me it just seemed a good way to hike my payments by an exorbitant amount. fortunately i pay by tanding order, so they cant just 'review' my payments then whack the direct debit up like they do with some folks, i changed to paying by standing order when they contacted me to tell me they were raising the standing order to £1000 a month, when asked to justify this rise, they backed down, s I had carefully calculated it only needed to rise by £50 (once again that had been off the back of an estimated bill that they totally got wrong.)

Is it any wonder that pensioners get scared to use heating when the energy companies use tactics like these.

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3 minutes ago, grendel said:

exactly, my energy provider told me of the price increase and informed me my bill would rise to £3000 a year (electric) and £1000 gas,(this for a single person) since they had based that on a bill that they had overestimated by over 800 units, i was sceptical, to me it just seemed a good way to hike my payments by an exorbitant amount. fortunately i pay by tanding order, so they cant just 'review' my payments then whack the direct debit up like they do with some folks, i changed to paying by standing order when they contacted me to tell me they were raising the standing order to £1000 a month, when asked to justify this rise, they backed down, s I had carefully calculated it only needed to rise by £50 (once again that had been off the back of an estimated bill that they totally got wrong.)

Is it any wonder that pensioners get scared to use heating when the energy companies use tactics like these.

They are scary numbers.

Even with this round of price rises our total energy bill for a year for dual fuel is estimated to be £1450 which is based on actual meter readings and actual use over 12 months.

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53 minutes ago, Cal said:

I remembered to pay the motorhome tax yesterday just before the increase :default_blink:

Just checked and the van tax has gone up by an extra £15 for this year from £280 to £295.

Glad I did do it yesterday now!!

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8 minutes ago, Cal said:

Just checked and the van tax has gone up by an extra £15 for this year from £280 to £295.

Glad I did do it yesterday now!!

The increase works out at about 5.21%.  

Some of these look painful:


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