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Queen Of The Broads


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We were remembering earlier that a few years back one of the trip boats from NBD had a webcam on it. The signal was a bit dodgy at times but it was nice to get a view of Salhouse Broad inbetween being able to be there ourselves.

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48 minutes ago, Broads01 said:

According to this article, at one time (until at least the 1970's) you could board the Queen of the Broads in Great Yarmouth and it would take you all the way to Wroxham.

You could indeed!  It was a day trip, there and back, so the only way to do it was at very high speed.  She was, in fact, a blasted nuisance to the navigation.

There were no speed limits in those days and encountering her coming round a bend between Horning and Salhouse was worse than encountering a coaster on the Yare.  She was long and deep, so the "squat effect" in the shallow water would create a wave between her and the bank, about 4 feet high.   Enough to sink sailing dinghies and day launches, as she swept past.

I know!  I was sunk in a dinghy just off the entrance to Wroxham Broad and had to get my mother out from under the sail and somehow get her to the bank.  I would have been about 8 years old at the time.  Something I don't tend to forget!


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Pleasure Boats and ships were a way of life in Britain until the age of the package holiday and expanded private car ownership. 

Probably the greatest pleasure cruising areas were The Clyde and the Bristol Channel. I fondly remember the paddle steamers running from Bournemouth to Swanage and the famous Western Ladies out of Torquay bound for Dartmouth and Brixham. Over the years Western Ladies had used a variety of ex RN vessels. One particular boat Western Lady Iii, later The Fairmile, was returned to her WWII livery for use as a classic cruise experience from Torquay to the River Dart. On the closure of WLF this Fairmile class was aquire by the RN National Museum and as RML 497 is undergoing restoration.

Just after the war and in the 50s four of these RML were operated as pleasure ferries they were purchased without power due to their original petrol engines being returned to the USA under their " Lend Lease" agreement I think they were all fitted with Gardners.

There used to be a photo of me, as a two year old on one of them at the family home. But sadly my Father in a mixture of grief over my mother's sudden passing and the onset of his dementia destroyed hundreds of photos, many of historic interest. For example there were dozens of the French Riviera from just after WWII until the mid 60s.

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Now and again BBC 4 show a documentary which I believe is called " The Peoples Liners" if you get a chance to watch it, do so, it is most interesting.

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