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Peace has returned and boats returned to normal set up.

Between Monday afternoon and Friday evening they got through 42 pints of milk and 10 pints of apple juice. I couldn't afford to have 4 children full time, they don't stop eating.

We managed a boat trip up to Norwich and up to the mill, canoeing and SUP paddleboarding up past Coltishall, eat at the Rising Sun ( good food and service ). The boys and I did a cultural tour of the Norwich museums and execution areas whilst Nana was dragged around the shops by our granddaughters.

Yesterday we did Strumpshaw Fen nature reserve, very good it was to.

My grandchildren are gorgeous but blooming exhausting.

They have returned to parents happy after a great few days.IMG-20240806-WA0010.jpg





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You managed longer than I can with our three grandchildren.  They’re great kids and we love them but after four hours I’ve had enough.  Maybe as they get older, they’ll improve, but currently at ages 8, 5 and 3, they are just too full on!

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My 5 year old granddaughter has just gone home to Scotland after being down here since Tuesday for my son’s wedding.  We didnt leave the wedding until 11.0pm, she was up the next morning bright and bushy tailed and wanting to go to the park while we were all utterly exhausted by the previous day.  She doesnt eat a huge amount but wow, she also gets through the apple juice. Is that the secret?🤫 

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Around 60 years ago my Granddad took me to the science museum in London and my eyes were permanently widened. I declared that if I were ever blessed with grandchildren I would do the same for them. The last one of the seven got to about the right age as Covid hit, then we had MIL to deal with so we had it listed for this year. Then the weekend protests started in London so we waited... It looked like it was safer so we arranged it for last Saturday 3rd, booked train tickets and everything. Then the rioting kicked off! Two were "protests" organised for Saturday but I managed to change tickets for Sunday. 

I was still nervous about it until we got on the train at Rugby, it was full of ordinary folk like us going about their leisure. Same in London and the museum was busy too. Phew! I was chuffed that our 9 year old grand daughter was interested in just about everything so well worth the trip!


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Loved the pics of the grandchildren and so pleased you all had a lovely time. Looks like they did well at fishing too

My kids keep my dad going and on his toes, I know when he's had enough though but they are pretty good knowing when to calm it down. I hope I have grandchildren one day, you can give them back :default_biggrin:

Grace x

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Your young grandchildren might seem like hard work now but mine are now in their 20s and have very busy lives, indeed the eldest's job takes her all over the world so she's seldom around and boy do we miss having them . I'd have them back as little kids in a heartbeat. Make the most of these days with your little ones they will disappear all too fast.



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Finally completed 99% of the jobs on White Knight so decided to have a late afternoon run down to Langley Dyke and back.

Tomorrow I will get the hosepipe out and give it a wash. That will also prove if my window sealing skills are up to standard. 🤞IMG_20240818_163405.jpg



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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, ExSurveyor said:

Back home to the grim reality of getting a reluctant young teenager back to school.

I’ve ‘liked’ but also 😢.

It’s difficult being cooped up again in a classroom after an outdoors summer. 

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