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Fantastic 4 do the Northern Broads.


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Getting in on the holiday tales slightly early as we don’t actually leave till Friday but thought it would be fun to start a thread and introduce the gruesome foursome who will be eating their way through the Northern Broads.

First up we have myself, Stu. A Broads Holiday fan of old having been thrust upon my first boat age four and officially being hooked ever since.

Next my partner (long suffering) Mael. This will be his second trip on the Broads after being thrown in at the deep end five years ago coming on a holiday with me my mum and two sisters after we had only been dating for 5 months…he loved it, and clearly was not scared off by the family. As an added bonus this trip also marks are 6th anniversary and his 40th birthday so celebrations all round.

Dan makes the third member of the party, a big bear of a man at 6’5 and almost as wide….will probably be found sitting on the rear deck with his camera and possibly a cigar.

Last but by no means least, Jane, the only lass on the crew, but worrying quite possibly more ballsy than any of us guys (I put this down to her being from Darwin). Like Dan this will be her first trip on the Broads and will make just a wee bit of a change from the likes of Monaco and Aspen (her usual holiday destinations).

So if you see Broadsman 3 around week commencing 28/09/2012 feel free to give us a wave, say hi and if we’re moored up join us for a cup of coffee or maybe even a cheeky snifter of wine. We’re an all round good bunch of absolute food fanatics who have been looking forward to this break for the best part of a year and welcome everybody who crosses our path.

Keep tuned next week for hopefully daily posts of our holiday (via the joys of iPad) with some proper posts done after the break once we’re back home and planning our next Broadland adventure, we all know once you leave you want to get back as soon as possible.


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There are some days you wake up and just know its going to be fantastic, today was one of them. After almost a years wait the time had come to make the trip down to Norfolk and start our holiday. Leaving home at 6am our mini convoy of two made its way from Cheshire to Norfolk, music blaring, sweets being sucked and general fun had by all. Not even the constant rain could bring us down.

The trip went quickly enough and it wasn't long till we reached Richardsons. The weather had also turned for us by this point, and glorious sun was shining. It was at this moment we finally caught sight of Broadsman 3, pictures really don't do the class enough justice, she really is a truly beautiful boat....with two engineers crawling over her with a laptop. Our hearts stopped for a moment, fortunately it was nothing major, just a water tank sensor failure and before long we were given the all clear to get our gear on board.

Following a quick once over and some instruction on the important things (bow thrusters where have you been all my boating life) we were left to our own devices. Bumbling along the river I was reminded how much I loved this part of the country and how sometimes 4mph is all you need. With the light starting to draw in and me having no desire to be caught without a mooring at roughly 5 we decided to stake a claim too a mooring at Ludham Bridge for the night and settled down to one of the other halts famous roast chicken dinners with more than a couple of glasses of wine..........Life is good

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Sounds like a dream start, Stu! :clap:clap:clap

Have you yet finalised your itiniary or is it just where the whim takes you? cheers:party:ice slice:dance

Very much going with the whim route, Plan this morning is to take a leisurely cruise up to Horning to pick up supplies for the other halfs birthday lunch/dinner then back to Ludham Village to meet a friend before another brief little cruise and maybe moor up at Ludham village tonight. A very relaxed day planned for Saturday, especially as the water will be busy with people changing over today

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So pleased you are enjoying your trip on Broadsman. As you are posting , assume that all is well with the reception.

Yep all is well with Signal. Should have some beautiful pictures to put up at the end of the week. One of the party is a photographer and is thinking of doing a sunrise photo shoot tomorrow

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Well a beautiful morning at the moment great for taking shots. Look forward to the piccies. Have a fantastic time all of you.

Indeed, any twitters around here can also follow our twitter account for more madness through the course of the day @3fags_and_a_hag where the cheeky candid every day action photos will go

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Very much going with the whim route, Plan this morning is to take a leisurely cruise up to Horning to pick up supplies for the other halfs birthday lunch/dinner then back to Ludham Village to meet a friend before another brief little cruise and maybe moor up at Ludham village tonight. A very relaxed day planned for Saturday, especially as the water will be busy with people changing over today

The store in Ludham is a much better bet than that in Horning. Also a great butchers.

Moor up in Womack Water, it's closer than Ludham Bridge!

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Day 2- The day the pie came.

One of the many things I love about broads is the mornings, the crispness of the air, the low level mist over the water, it's truly magical. Today was no different, waking at 7 at Ludham Bridge I stepped out, had my morning constitutional and plotted our next port of call. We had one thing set in stone, we needed to be in Ludham Village for 2pm to meet the lovely Sarah from Brays Cottage Pies (if you get the chance, buy one, simply the best pork pies I've ever had) for Maels 40th birthday lunch.

The decision was made, off to Potter Heigham. Fuelled on a breakfast of Bacon, Sausage and Egg we headed off. Now I should say at this point we had originally intended to go too Horning but thanks to dubious map reading skills that was quickly struck off the list.

We soon arrived in Potter Heigham, our greeting be that of a somewhat panicked Bridge Pilot dashing out to say "You're not getting under the Bridge mate" We knew this was the case which was fine by us anyway as it wasn't our intention to. A quick jaunt into Lathams to pick up some bits and bobs and off we go back to Ludham, this time we made our way to Womack Staithe and prepared Maels birthday lunch feast.

We dined, we wined and soon the time came for Sarah to leave us and us to move on for our planned mooring for the night, Acle. A quick hours cruise (and a close encounter with 8 yachts, although ours was more successful than the boat behind us who just barred through the middle of them and annoyed everybody) we were soon moored up outside Horizon Craft for the night. As I type this, I'm sat on Broadsman 3. With a glass of Pinot Grigio watching the sun go down and trying to make my mind up with what to have for dinner, chicken or fish?

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Hi Stu,

It was a good shot of the boat, and the evening looks like it was a good one, nothing better than sitting on the back of a boat with a glass of wine or a beer and watching the sun go down.

I wish I was on the river now instead of the end of October.

Please keep us up to date with your story.



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