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Flooding expected tonight


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The EA River gauges are not updated in real time on to the web, but they do record continuously, so when the upload does occur, it shows the river level over the period quite accurately.

Here's an image of all of the gauge graphs capture this morning, positioned approximately where they are in relation to the Broads rivers.

Sod's law dictates that the Oulton Broad one must be broken, as it shows a ridiculously low reading, but the others all seem to be working correctly.

The Southern Rivers and Yarmouth to Three Mile House have had extreme levels, but everything above Acle seems to have been contained within normal "high" recorded levels.

Areas like Ranworth, Wroxham, Barton, Potter & Hickling seem to have escaped flooding, as the webcams seem to bear out, now that daylight is here.


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all calm now water at the river ant level slight higher than norm no more than after a heavey rain for a day or two ......

quick check on me ole beach etc flodd gate still up and sea level high but sea state calmer ..............

we stayed in house last nite and I monitored the beach / sea state regular

it was worst last time when it crashed waves over the top of sea wall washed all the sand away and at end of our end the sand was scalloped away from under the concrete sea wall

yard suffered small damage ............

nerver in the field of running a boat yard .............

now I,m off to smoke a cigar .............

still expect a higher rise in river level .but will take days to affect us..............

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No - And that's why we can't build any sort of river level information on here.. The data will obviously be sampled at regular intervals but the data isn't available outside of the EA it would seem.



Yes Jonzo, it's a shame they don't give access to the live data other than their own website.


I've enquired about it myself, but had no joy.


It would otherwise be quite easy to build a real-time river level map, so useful for bridge clearance heights too.

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I have just been on the Oulton Broad Webcam.

The water has gone down since last night and early this morning but the water level is still over the mooring at the Wherry Hotel.

When I looked at the pictures last the water was almost over the road bridge and the lock and lifting bridge were completly under water.

The BA have issued a warning that the lock is out of order due to tidal damage.



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Just been to Reedham to check on the boat. Looks like the houses along the front may have had a lucky escape last night (at least I hope so). I heard the water was about 18" higher than in these photos, so it must have been touch and go for them. There were certainly a lot of sand-bags at front doors and the road is still flooded.




It's not often you have to walk up the ramp to get to the pontoons in our marina. I heard that the water was a foot deep over the fixed quay heading last night.



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It was pretty high here last night, was down in our offices moving servers etc to higher ground until pretty late!


A lot better today however parts of the yard still have a covering of water.l






It was a good couple of inches over the quayside last night, still pretty high today



Just hoping this evening's tide isn't too bad and the drains have a chance to catch up!

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I did post this elsewhere, but it appears to have gone belly up again shortly afterwards.


Marina staff have been going round and checking boats etc. If you'd like to PM me with your boat name and berth number and I will check as well..


The field the other side of the road opposite the reception is now a Broad. Apparently that is where the water from the road would normally drain. I suspect that even the river levels get lower the basin the road runs through will have no where to drain until some water is pumped off the marshes. The drainage ditches around the perimeter and up to the marina gates are full.


When I arrived yesterday lunchtime the farmers were loading the cattle off the island into lorries and away from possible harm.

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Hello Howard,


One of our owners is current on the river coming back from Norwich after picking up Ranworth Breeze from Brundall this morning.


Looking on the Oulton Broad webcam this lunchtime the water levels have gone well down. The moorings at the Wherry Hotel were no longer flooded, but appeared to have some damage.


Lets hope tonight tide is somewhat lower.




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nice and level here good ole ant she is a proper ole girl can cope with all the floods and the nw canal is full nice 


i had more water in me tea cup .......


what all the fuss about..............!!!!!!!!!!



erh neighbour was it like yer end ......clive .......not hum but boot yard.............????

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arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhdam fisher men folk etc ...............


dodge my exploding float yer ........................water users.....


good to ere all is well.......................



beach has had a little battering ere but still lots of sand......................

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