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Very probably true Dave, but you have to admit, Watching a couple of hamsters is, these days, a damned site more interesting than anything likely to be seen on a plasma TV

Watching one hamster was very amusing to me.....

My niece brought her hamster to see my mum, (her nan) and put it in one of the plastic ball things for it to run around the floor....

I was there after taking a football training session for the team I ran with my son who played for the team, my granddad was there, waiting for my nan to come back from shopping with my mum, while we waited the hamster trundled into the room, my granddad (86ish)said to my son....

'ere lets play football with your ball

I don't know how the hamster survived, but God did we laugh.

Granddad just said..." that ball didn't bounce much" "and why are you all laughing"

He found out why, when I picked up the plastic ball, opened it, and a very dizzy hamster fell into my hand



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Hi Geoff,


Yes I heard about that yesterday, it conjured up thoughts of days gone past when the only route North was via the bottle neck of Ferry Bridge.




I was posted to both RAF Topcliffe and RAF Linton on Ouse in the 60's, Alan, and boy, have you got that right! :cry :cry :cry

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