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Best Speeding Excuse Ever


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:cry  Shopped by the Missus!  On 25 November I replied to this post saying I thought I may have been 'clocked' coming out of Beccles.  Yesterday H.A.H. received a summons stating that her, or someone, was driving her car at 8mph

over the limit. She has now had to turn snitch and report me-'Happy B....y Christmas! I have held a clean licence for 50 years with no points.  I am the one that gets abused by other drivers for keeping to the 30mph speed limit in Norfolk and Suffolk and truly thought the limit on road where I was clocked was actually 40mph so would have been 2mph under the limit.  £100 for 8mph, do you think as I am a pensioner they will let me pay monthly?!  Toys now put back in pram, have a great Christmas everyone and a really good 2015 boating.  Regards Alan. cheersbar  :wave  cheersbar  

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Matt.  Havn't received 'my' summons back yet, so don't know. Have spoken to a couple of people about this but if I have to take the course in Suffolk, knowing my present luck would probably get clocked again and back to square one!  Regards Alan  :wave

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I believe you can do the speed awareness course wherever is convenient for you, I had to do one a year or so back when I was being talked to by the wife and forgot about the speed camera at the bottom of the steep hill and didn't actively brake all the way down. went through the 50mph at 56mph, this time of year is not good as they have their eyes open for anything. when I was on the course the others ranged from just passed test to OAP's, and it does make you think twice about your speed after when they show you the difference 2mph can make to stopping distances.


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Happy (or rather not as the case may be) you have my sympathy.    My other half was clocked about 5 years ago for doing 36 in a 30mph , it was on that stretch of country road at Blythbugh..     There is absolutely no reason to have that as a 30mph.     These speed vans are supposed to be visible, we never saw a speed van, it was well hidden.    All it is a wide country road , no side roads where this happened, no houses, schools or anything, just a money making exercise.   How come if you go through Toftmonks it is now 40mph, used to be 50mph.    A proper village with house and turning both sides.   Now that should be 30 mph.    You say you have been driving for 50 years,  likewise my hubby, he was devastated at being made a common criminal.   The car insurance went up to make it worse.



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I was 17 years old and the proud owner of a Singer Flying 9.

When the local PC knocked on our door my Mum told me to keep quiet and out of sight. (She assumed it was about me...).

"Does the owner of a Singer Flying 9 live here?"

"Yes" said Mum "But it wasn't him" (whatever I'd done)

"He was seen doing 35mph down Cromwell Road" (nearby home in Grimsby).

"Well that's definitely not his fault" said Mum.........

"How do you know that?"

"His speedometer doesn't work!"

PC Plod disappeared down the yard in nigh on hysterics...

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You can do the speed awareness course locally.  It only takes up half a day and saves the points though it will cost you £85 for a copy of the Highway Code.  I got caught by one of the roadside vans doing 34 in a 30 limit in Bishops Stortford so that's an indication of where they draw the line these days.


Since then, I make sure I pay attention to all speed limits but on occasion, I still forget some times.  I was driving from Woburn to the A507 recently and the limit goes from national to 40 and then 30.  I was still doing 40 in the 30 zone when a local (presume) travelling towards me, pulled on to my side of the road with headlights on and forced me to slow down to almost stop.  Yep I know I was wrong but is what he did considered safe?

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The coast road from Kings Lynn to say Cromer on a wet winters night unless you really know it well is awful. It goes from seventy to sixty to fifty and forty and thirty and even through Stiffkey twenty, you just never know where you are. Almost impossible so I never use it if I can help it.

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I had heard the same but when I rang our insurers, they said no problem and nothing has changed on renewal over two years.  You are right to mention it because some insurers do take it into account.

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