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Winter hobby


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It certainly is nice Paul, and don`t be fooled by the fact it`s only 2 ft long, small things like that are very often more painstaking to do than a big thing like a boat. No offence meant Alan, but having once worked in the instrument game, sometimes under microscopes, i know exactly how challenging it can be.


A big well done for that

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Hi while this was not the challenge jawsorca has done this was my winter build.

that is a 2 foot rule.



I remember seeing a Pocher kit many years ago and was very tempted. :)


I didn't realise they were still around.


Very nice.....



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Nice work. Having helped my son with remote controlled Tamiya car builds, I know they are detailed and painstaking, so this must have been even more so.

My winter hobby is sewing, so this Teepee and a Hungry Caterpillar chair for no.1 grandson were two of this winter's productions.



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Fantastic work everyone! Uncle Albert once bought me a model boat kit when I was around eight years old...I should say bought himself a model boat kit!


This winter I've been trying to get back into pastel drawing ready for when we get RT back on the water but not having much joy. Sorry about picture quality...photo and drawing. This is Morton Church Gainsborough.


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my winter pastime has been meccano, I am slowly rebuilding the set I had as a kid, my current build is a Demag TC1200 crane - the chassis is nearly 3 foot long, and I had thought it would be about 6 foot high - until I got a copy of the specifications and found it could go as high as 500 foot - in scale terms that is approximately 27 foot high. I am at work at the moment so no access to my current state of build pictures, but so far I have completed the Jacking legs, and they span over a 2 foot square.


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Very nice Paul. Likewise to Polly and Timbo for showing us their creations. With my love of astronomy, I decided quite a few years ago to build this all brass working model. The parts were issued on a monthly basis, where you received four issues together. It cost just over £300 for the whole set of parts, but paying on a monthly direct debit, it doesn't seem too much all at once.



Since then, I have come across another weekly part build of a German U-Boat. Being an ex submariner, I have always had the notion to build a model submarine, but there aren't any models of British submarines, except the odd smaller airfix type kits.

So I decided to start collecting the parts for this four foot long, U96 Type 7c  German U-Boat, featured in the film Das Boot.


Presently, I am waiting until I have all the hull frame sections, before I make a start on it, otherwise building as you get each part, only takes half an hour or so, until you get the next parts, four weeks later. So once I have all the frame parts, I will get down to completing that part of the build. Once I make a start, I will keep you all informed of my progress, if you like.




Submarine Parts.



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The orrery is awesome Geoff

Thank you. Actually it is not an Orrery, it is a Tellurium. An Orrery is a model of the whole Solar System, showing all the Planets, orbiting the Sun. I also have a model of one, but it is packed away up in the loft at the moment.


This particular Tellurium can be seen in the video below, which explains how it works.



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