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If my calculations are correct....


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Hi All,


If my calculations are correct, and he is not classified as a stowaway :naughty:  on the boat he was on, the Hockham Admiral shall hopefully be rejoining us all, soon. I hope he has many tales to tell, and lots n lots of nice pics too!


After all that time at sea, I suspect his old pins will be a bit wobbly back on terra firma. So I think another day off from Forum work is in order, The Skipper may think otherwise! :naughty:  I have been covering John's duties whilst he has been seeing other places. So very soon I will be having a wee rest also, like what Alan R/B has just had! My countdown has already began, its just ten more sleeps then I shall be heading down to Norfolk, can't wait!


Seriously, I hope John and his good lady Mary-Jane had the holiday of a lifetime, and have returned home safe and well.



cheers Iain.

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We may have to have another server just to cope with John & Mary-Jane's pictures alone.

Iain you deserve a well earned rest, pity about the journey down to the Broads, but it is all down hill :naughty:


Remember we like loads of pictures and the odd story.




Thank you Alan. Downhill? What about the A66 and the Brough!!! :naughty:  With TWO retired teachers on board I better make sure I keep my spelling mistakes to a minimum when writing my blog then! :naughty:



cheers Iain.

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I will try to let you know about the traffic situation from here in the North East

We are travelling this Saturday....2 more sleeps (not sure but I might have mentioned this before Grace )

We will have a 3 wifi unit with us so should be able to get a signal. Although I don't intend spending much time online, i like to switch off and unwind when on the Broads.

Hope you have a great time when the time comes but I also hope this next week drags along slowly.

Ps you're doing a great job in John's absence

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Hi David,


Thank you, I hope there aint too many hold ups for you on your journey down. Our plans have changed somewhat, and I am doing the from home to Linlithgow then on to Kings Lynn in the one day. I may even be norty and have a lager shandy once I get there  :naughty:


Have a great holiday, Silverline's boat handle very well indeed, you will have no problems on that score. Take care, watch out for a Archaeologist with twa dugs kerb crawling still on the A17! :naughty:



cheers Iain.

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It will be lovely to have our Admiral back, looking forward to his stories and hopefully lots of pictures. You have been doing a grand job Iain, don't stay away too long, you will be missed (even though you're the Pesky Mod lol)


David, I completely understand where you're coming from in regards to switching off when on the Broads but I fully expect a day to day account of your Broads adventure with lots of pics :naughty: Seriously, I hope you and your mum have a lovely time and have a safe journey


Grace :kiss


p.s Forgot to mention you've only got two more sleeps :naughty:

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We're back!


Lots of "Hello's" and "great to be home" to all and everyone.... just cleared 2365 e-mails from the inbox.....


Will need another few days to wind down from the last 15 weeks... will try to get a few pics out over the weekend... now having tea and a few beers later tonight in The Eagle,  Hic!


Only two weeks and we'll be back afloat.. so looking forward to the Meet!    :angel: :angel: :angel:




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Well thats good news just asking David at Bells yesterday where you were and he said som exotic cruise

Hope to see you down soon we are now On Freeman 24 Tangara ll next to Gymnopedies (up for sale ) Tangara ll is currently like a bombsite with all the mods but hopefully we will be up and running soon


Ray and Carole

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Hi John, welcome back to you and Mary Jane.


Karen and i hope that all went exceptionally well, and you had a great time.


The down side is, i`l have to behave myself on the forum now :naughty: :naughty: .



Your behaviour has been exemplary,  :angel: ...honest! :liar



cheers Iain

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we had no problems at all travelling down on Saturday.

Speed limit was reduced to 40 on the A1 for a short strech but it was free flowing.

also no delay on the A47 at Postwick. don't know what it would be like in rush hour mind.

we were in Brundall by 12 and on our way by 2.45 (report to follow when we get home)


have a safe journey and a great Holiday

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Hi Geoff,


Thank you for kind wishes. Yep a week today all being well should be on our way after overnight stay at the Premier Inn, Kings Lynn, then Sainsbury's after breakie and some shopping, also refill the car with diesel. It will be interesting to see what I get to the gallon with the Renault Scenic fully laden.



cheers Iain.

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