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Noisy lot


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Well here I was sitting in the office when I heard a noisy plane fly past - strange I thought - they are a bit low, then another.

I thought I recognised that noise, so went out into the car park - yes I was right that was the growl of a merlin - better than that- several merlins.

Yes it was the battle of Britain flight - all the fighters, spitfires, typhoons and hurricanes plus a jet. the funniest (and noisiest) was the jet trying not to catch up the spitfire, to fly slow enough the pilot was almost balancing the poor thing on its tail jets, so as it went over we got the full effect of the noise, after circling our depot 4 or 5 times they disappeared. later investigation told us that they were doing the 75th Anniversary of the battle of Britain flyby - over Buckingham Palace, when we looked on the map and extended the line of the mall straight out of London - we were not far off the line- just outside the M25, they had circled us wasting a few minutes to get the flyby timed perfectly at the Palace, I only got one very bad picture as they started their run (only my phone camera here).




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    I was on the phone to my guys in the office and we overlook the palace from St James St - they had a really good view.


He mentioned the jet almost in a stall as it went past.


Missed it as I am working at home today - grrrr. :cry:  :cry:


Any idea what the jet was?

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Anything heading for a flypast over Buck House usually comes over us as well. I completely forgot about this given I was stuck in the office but hubby was at home and caught a glimpse of some of it.

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I was on the right-hand wing of the Lead Vulcan back in '77 for the Queen's Silver Jubilee when I took this pic on the bomb bay camera as we overflew Buck House:




Note the higgledy-piggledy Guards' lines.. my Station Commander had this pic motor-cycle couriered to Guards HQ in London immediately!

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