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George Osborne orders 40% Whitehall budget cuts

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Could this effect the Broads? Cutting grants to members of the National Parks Family would be only too easy for a cash strapped government.The end result of that could mean that about 75% authority's income would be from boats, but would 75% of the BA's activities then be navigation based? Could be an interesting few months ahead!

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Could this effect the Broads? Cutting grants to members of the National Parks Family would be only too easy for a cash strapped government

I reckon to make 40% cuts it would be a necessity for a Government Dept to cut its grant funding substantially.

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O Dave, go and wash your  mouth out: Getting rid of Civil Servants? It is they who formulate and implement the policies for their "masters" so I think there's very little chance of that happening. Remember Yes Minister/Prime Minister? Not far off the mark many people in the know say. Employ 1000 to get rid of 100. 

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