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Any questions on how to use the new look software or strange occurrences (bugs).. Please post here :) 


KNOWN ISSUES:  (Being addressed asap)

- Some old images are missing.

- New Content defaults to "Since my last visit".. Please change to "Daily View"

- Members menu is missing. 

- Signatures missing

- Purchase of Stickers / Flags not working correctly




in the top right you'll see your name with a down arrow select profile then theres a button called cover photo.


i think you will need to upload your picture again although I've not tried it yet



  • Like 1


- Click the drop down arrow on the right corner

- Select profile

- Click the "Profile Picture" button beside your picture

- Click upload image and upload.



Each time I log in I get a "this page not available screen which I can't get rid of, if I click the link for forums I can post but the N/A page still overlays it. Any ideas?



Can you screenshot and attach to here please Dave?


  • JawsOrca featured and pinned this topic

I'm having trouble finding the latest content. Thought I had it but the sort criteria seemed random. Definitely not last updated. I'm on an iPhone if that helps?

have managed to post a topic with photo direct from iPhone. Yeaha. 


Iphone? there's the problem... get a proper phone lol.. 

Can you see a filter on the new content? it's probably set as "New since last visit" by default.. you need to change it to "Daily View".


Posted (edited)

It was the star that threw me. Didnt expect that. 

Do you set up a forum that does t work on the most popular smart phone os? Well quite popular. 

Bloody geeks not making it simples for us old farts:naughty:

it definitely isn't as user friendly imho on a phone but at least I can upload directly now. 

cheers Alan ok that is mad I typed in cheers and get the emoticon. 

Edited by Baitrunner

Hi there new software looks good, I have not had any problems as yet.

I will admit that took me about two minutes to find the content list but hey Ho it's all good fun,I like to keep the old Brain ticking over.



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I really didn't like it at first!  Using Internet Explorer 11 I was getting a very "vertical" view, which I guessed was the web site thinking it is displaying on a tablet or phone.  Having swapped to Chrome the "new" site is a similar layout to the "old" one.  I remembered setting "compatibility view" in IE 11 at some time in the past, and with that turned off the layout is restored to normal.   It's all looking good now.  :)


One feature that is missing (or seems to be) is the ability to go to the first unread post in a thread.

I found this very handy, especially on the long threads such as the Adventures of Orca and Lady Patricia's 2015 days afloat.

not a major issue and I'm sure we'll soon get used to it



That still works.  If I right-click on the "X minutes ago" link I can open a new tab or window at the new post(s).  In the Chrome web browser the new ones are separated from the old by a blue line:


  • Like 1

Great work ...... It's essential for websites to be friendly to all platforms so a really worthwhile effort.


Just noticed that there doesn't seem to be access to list of members?


Not really neccessary but Smellies a nosey old sod!! :)

Posted (edited)

Dave, What device are you using? Why can't you change the filters? is it disabled?


Members are missing at present. We are looking into what happened to them and bring them back :) but  be accessed here for the time being:


(John, sorry it doesn't include post count).


Edited by JawsOrca

Hi Alan,

Logged on today and all I got was "It's frickin hot here in Bali - please give me a cold beer". lol

Sorry to digress from your thread, but I can imagine the stress you are under and I thought I would lighten it up a little.

  • Like 2

Thanks Eric.. John and myself are under so much pressure we really could do with a free holiday to Bali... cheers.

(John's doing all the work.. I'm just trying to support as best as posible .. but full credit to Jonzo!)

  • Like 5

Well, I'm sorry to rub it in, I am having no trouble whatsoever and this coming from a complete Techno-phobe lol, just like to let Jaws and Jonzo know and I am sure I am not the only one that really appreciates the work and effort you put in for this Forum and well worth it, it is too


As for you Eric, it's not so hot here in East Sussex but I could still do with  frickin cold beer anyway lol ;)



  • Like 4

When you go to New Content it gives the avatar pic on the rhs, but no name....

Can this be fixed, please?

And Grace, if you were here in Gt Hockham it's only 50 yards away from that cold beer!

(In the Hockham Eagle! ).  

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