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Arachnophobes beware!


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Conkers? Bonkers! Andorra is carrying a full cargo of Conkers but when I get down to the boat it is always covered and I mean covered in Spiders as are all the other boats in Brooms. We have tried everything , sprays repellants little electronic devices but nowt works.



You know what they say Dave, you are using the wrong type of conker :naughty:



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We hired a Boat on the Yorkshire Ouse for two weeks when we were first married, we arrived, the boat was old but beautiful and so clean you could eat food off the floor, demo and trial run out of the way and then very excitedly on our way. Usual fishing and wine consumption out of the way and then to bed. Well, let me tell you it was like something out of a horror movie, I was dozing when I felt something crawl across my face, jumped up flaffing about (like you do) waving arms everywhere, husband asked what the hell was I acting like a demented woman for, told him something had crawled on me to which he replied I was imagining things, lights were put on and cabin searched and there sitting on the curtain was a spider of tarantula proportions (I kid you not), now my husband as you know is a black belt and as brave as they come, husband got a glass from the galley and tried to catch it, failed miserably and spider fell somewhere in our bed, to which he said there was no way on earth he was sleeping in that bed, spent the rest of the night on the pull out bed in the Saloon lol :rolleyes:


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