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When I read the first line.... I thought...

I know what's coming...

Horning is still the Bemuda triangle of the Broads, if you stand on one leg facing north on the cabin of your boat you will either get a great phone signal, or strange looks from passers by, or end up in the river. You might get all three. lol

Back in the pre mobile dark ages, people relied on using those little red boxes provided by British Telecom, and messages to boat crews used to be Chalk boards at strategic places, like Thurne Mouth.

Wow my heart sank, when I saw messages for Mr xxxx on xxxx ring home ASAP... it was rarely good news, I expect.

We survived, if you broke down, you handed a message and 10p to a passing boat and hoped they contacted your boat yard before closing lol...

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A big congratulations to the NASA team that sent a probe past Pluto and successfully sent back images.

Now if they could just liaise with EE and get me a ******* phone signal on the Broads, and lots of places elsewhere!


Hi Poppy,


Maybe you would be better off with two tin cans and some wet string:naughty:



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I agree totally regarding the make and model of your mobby. SWMBO had an old Nokia  C1 basic phone me a Samsung Note4 both on EE/T-Mobile. She had three bars I had ziltch! So the built-in antennas must have a say in whether you get a signal or not. IMO.



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Don't forget phones aren't phones these days. they are mini tablets and fine for texting. If you want a phone for making calls you are better off getting a basic Tesco, or such like £9.99, pay as you go phone to use for just this problem. invariably they will have a bigger internal antenna for better reception, just like Dave said with the old Nokia brick.

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