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Grace's crisps?

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You've gone and done it now, John, everyone's going to want their own. We will have Mr Nog wanting beer flavour, our lovely Scotsmen on here wanting Scotch flavour and as for our Jaws, any flavour will do, Charlie, he has plain crisps and just tips then in a jug of wine and downs them all at once lol :naughty: Seriously though, where did you find them? never seen anything like it before and just for the record I have NOT got a drink problem, hic  :wasted::naughty:



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2 hours ago, Gracie said:

You've gone and done it now, John, everyone's going to want their own. We will have Mr Nog wanting beer flavour, our lovely Scotsmen on here wanting Scotch flavour and as for our Jaws, any flavour will do, Charlie, he has plain crisps and just tips then in a jug of wine and downs them all at once lol :naughty: Seriously though, where did you find them? never seen anything like it before and just for the record I have NOT got a drink problem, hic  :wasted::naughty:



Could try these also Grace http://www.mackiescrisps.co.uk/our-crisps/whisky-haggis/  :naughty:

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Maitre D' Hotel......

"Are you here for a special occassion?"


"Aye, we won third prize in the annual Robert Burns Contest, a Haggis dinner for two"

Maitre D ' Hotel.....

"What were the other prizes?"


"The second prize was a single Haggis dinner, and, if you won first prize, you didnae have ta eat the Haggis" :naughty:



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4 minutes ago, riyadhcrew said:

I'm drippin' out of both sides oh ma mooth Iain. Ma favourite is still CARDHU.

Good to see :nosey:you can still read the Forum, Eric. Aye Cardhu is a braw tipple, but, a 25 year old Glenmorangie is a taste to savour!



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I'm on Iain's side when it comes to Scotch... we were based at RAF Lossiemouth on detachment and used to go weaponeering at Tain Range in our Buccaneers. The Glenmorangie distillery invited our Squadron to an evening's tasting......... We were later told that we'd had a really good time!   :wasted:

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16 hours ago, riyadhcrew said:

Hi Q,

It's funny but Highland Park is one of the blends that you can get here, if you're lucky. A 750 ml bottle will cost around 150 pounds.

 Blend?  BLEND? Blend? :shocked   I'll have you know Highland park is a single Malt!!!!

Although some of my trainees out there offered to bring me whisky, I never took the risk, plus I wouldn't pay that sort of money. Anyway In the weather out there I prefer a longer drink. Funny how in some supermarkets sugar, fruit juices, and yeast are next to each other!!!    Cider anybody?

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1 hour ago, TheQ said:


Although some of my trainees out there offered to bring me whisky, I never took the risk, plus I wouldn't pay that sort of money. ?

If you know what Speed Tape is you'll appreciate this little story (or not). Back in the 80's I had a Loadmaster who was an ex-SAS Corporal and he had an insatiable taste for Remy Martin.

We arrived in Madinah for a night stop after off-loading the Rolls Royce RB 211 for Saudia. Now this was a pretty high-security place and they didn't seem too friendly towards us. They searched out carry-off bags thoroughly and seemed surprised that the Loadmaster had two cans of coke with him.........

He had opened the bottom with one of those triangular piercing can openers, emptied the coke out and filled them with his beloved RM. Then he'd covered the entire bottom with a very carefully cut out circle of speed tape... it was very difficult to spot and fortunately for me (The Captain) they didn't. I dread to think whether I'd actually be here if they had......

I knew nothing about this until he arrived in my room for the post-flight debrief with his two cans of coke and four glasses. Neither the FO, FE or I particularly liked coke and showed surprise until he opened the cans and poured us a tot each!


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I knew of someone who always got on board Saudia flights at Heathrow /Gatwick with lots of oranges....

All injected with vodka!!! (Saudia is a Dry Airline)

Your ex corporal was very lucky to get away wiih it  is not uncommon to customs to open anything or take anything they feel like!!

Westerners are forbidden from entering central Madinah / Medina on religious grounds, and generally discouraged from Madinah at all, I was on a plane diverted to Madinah and we had to keep the blinds down so the locals couldn't see us.

 This would probably explain your  unfriendly reception.

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