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rightsaidfred last won the day on June 4 2023

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About rightsaidfred

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  1. At a guess I would say no but a report along with photographic evidence where possible to the BA would get the answere you want. Fred
  2. Well my briefs are staying where they are. Fred
  3. I think that is for the webmaster not viewers. Fred
  4. I havnt been above Potter for Years but I can't recall any stretch where you have access to fish from both banks directly opposite each other, where the fish lay depends on many factors including bends and area of flow. Fred
  5. Probably because there is no access, also they are often fishing between a 3rd and 2/3rds across, it is mainly match fishing that use long poles as it gives better presentation and accuracy over a baited spot and the need to fish where the majority of fish are on a given stretch, this largely depends on the flow and bottom configuration as it is never completely flat or consistent over the width of any river. Just to be clear I am not defending their use just trying to help non anglers understand when and why they are used in certain locations, being a purely pleasure angler and being mobile with my boat I don`t need or use one on the Broads but I have done in the past when bank fishing on my local rivers and canals. Edited to add that the waterways are for everyone and while consideration is needed from all groups towards others perhaps boaters could remember they have access to the whole system while bank anglers only have access to a limited number of locations, these are few and far between. Fred
  6. First important day is 16th June first day of fishing season, the biggest single group of hirers both boat and riverside cottages. Fred
  7. Not to sure of the legalities but I would have thought there is a protected right of unrestricted navigation in play here, while it is difficult for individuals to take action maybe the businesses affected could seek compensation for loss of income and the RYA to act on behalf of private boaters. Fred
  8. The downstream gauge was showing 5'3" midway between low and high tide at the weekend so would have been very tight. Fred
  9. Even a rev counter is subjective depending on hull, engine and prop. At a 1000rpm I am doing 3-4mph lower than that and I am in neutral, 12-1400 is around 5mph depending on tide and so on, at 2000 I am flying on Braydon with another 300 to spare but doubt that would make a lot of difference with the hull design, I know from my hiring days and friends the same hull with different configurations of engine and prop behave differently, there is no one size fits all. Fred
  10. Quite agree but it is easy to get times wrong with variable conditions, I have missed it myself in the past and virtually stood still on entering the Bure and my boat will do 8-9mph comfortably across Breydon. Fred
  11. I would think that would be quite dangerous against strong tides around GY and lower Southern rivers. Fred
  12. Seems somewhat surprising as from what I have seen there has not been that many boats on the rivers let alone speeding, the last 3 times I have been out I don't suppose I have seen a dozen boats speeding and a good half of those were private, is this just more BA spin justifying the tolls increase. Fred
  13. The body ages the mind matures, while the body tells us what we can't do anymore the mind tells us to enjoy what we can, forget the numbers remember the experience. Fred
  14. Know the feeling, just maxing the time now while we are still able to handle the boat safely, it's not just boating we will miss when the time comes but all the friends we have made over the years. Fred
  15. While there are genuine exceptions like yourself tolls are due 1st April, Marina checks start in May a month later, if people pay on time then there will be no issue. Fred
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