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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. I would agree 8" is about as small as I would want but you the 7 might just do if it is mounted very close to the helm. Our chart plotter size was limited to the size of plotter we can fit into the helm cluster, I really wanted it built in rather than on a bracket due to the helm shape. At 8" in front of you it is very usable but if it were positioned on the Navigators side it would not be easy to read particularly in split screen mode. As has been said get the largest screen you can afford.
  2. Just catching up from our Easter weekend away on our ship. Good to hear that you all had a great time and managed a trip or two through the pier heads.
  3. For any forumites that may want to avail themselves of the goings on of the Salty Bottoms over the weekend this will be worth keeping an eye on: http://www.rnsyc.net/news.php Have a good time all
  4. Thanks for the update Martin. Very detailed as one would expect and punctured by photo's - perfectly done thanks
  5. Always had a walk up before making an exit but normally following a nice relaxed evening at Haven
  6. Depends how compact you want and what the end result you are looking for. Mine is either carried in my hand or in my Musto pocket
  7. The conundrum you had was the same I had some months back Simon. I was finding increasingly that for a number of applications an SLR was impractical. This set me reviewing Compact Camera's with manual intervention and settings. I am afraid having done my research I was just not going to be happy with the image quality of many of the compacts I looked at and ended up biting the bullet and going for a G11. It is a move I have not regretted. The product is built like a brick out house is extremely flexible with the controls operating like an SLR and the image quality is excellent to boot. While I could have looked at a lower cost option I know I probably would not have been happy with the image quality and would not have had the flexibility this gives. As ever you pays your money and takes your choice - you can pick up a G10 for around £350
  8. I reckon you may well be OK if Saturday is the salt tasting day or relatively early Sunday if my forecast of choice holds. I have to say general weather never really figures in our plans (Fog excepted) key is always wind http://www.windguru.com/int/index.php?sc=24118 Wind Wed PM to Mid day Friday is predominately Westerly then turning Southerly but then pretty light. Wave height predicted at around 0.5 mtrs at 6-7 second intervals. I have found Wind Guru to be pretty good from 48 hours out but like most forecasts the further out the less reliable You will be well placed to have a peep 'over the wall' to see if you fancy it.
  9. A Gold Plated Lake Sailor to Bruce without doubt. I even replied to his original thread "Have I had my dinner.... did I like it"
  10. http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/lightroom3/
  11. Thanks for sharing those Strowager very interesting. Look forward to seeing some of your shots in the coming months
  12. You can't be too careful Jim - some of these folks with Estuary accents
  13. Super photo's Howard thanks for taking the trouble to post them. That will get our sailing friends juices flowing
  14. Well we are ready for relaunch now that the 'out the water' jobs have been completed. Thanks to David's continued expertise Kiki now sports an HD Sonar/Sounder/Fishfinder linked to her plotter look out Bass there will be no escape now At least I now have a Sounder I can be confident in. Technology Details: http://www.raymarine.co.uk/products/fis ... echnology/ http://www.raymarine.com/submittedfiles ... ochure.pdf Display
  15. Not sure I agree with some of this but the scope seems right. Anchored while fishing unless flat calm is never comfortable which is why some fish and some don't
  16. More here: http://www.ybw.com/forums/showthread.ph ... =southwold
  17. Some dash board set ups have a switch which can turn off the alarm (although goodness knows why) ours does Might be worth checking any switch positions on one engine v's the other
  18. Prudent approach Jonathan. The Deben Entrance has evidently had huge changes over the winter with no current knowledge of a charted route in, although a member of our yacht club is trying to deliver a yacht to Woodbridge on Friday so we may have some local knowledge. Even given the Deben situation this it is not subject to an MCA Nav Warning as Southwold is so drew the conclusion it may be a situation other than the norm.
  19. Thames Coastguard are broadcasting on the Marine Safety Information bulletin yesterday that the bar on the Southwold Approaches has moved there is significant shallowing in the approaches. MCA recommending Harbour Master should be contacted and advice sought on approach. Just in case anyone if off there at Easter.
  20. One of the acquisitions from LIBS this year was Navionics Nav Planner Software and Card reader. I am quite impressed with it. Trying to Passage Plan a route on a plotter can be a little fiddly but on the PC with larger screen Passage Planning is made so much easier. This system uses an Card Reader with encryption which takes most of the plotter manufacturers card formats. You can then plan routes etc save the route to the card and have it available when you reinstall the card in your plotter on the boat. On a 24" Screen it is positively excellent and will be a definite step down when viewing on the plotter again
  21. I took Kingfisher's and Kiki's and picked them up. I was not trusting that value of scrap metal to any courier Had the opportunity to have a good natter and a coffee with them although you would never know a business ran from the premises. I am sure they will weld that Mark and machine down. If I am short of a razor at the weekend I will just use our prop, goodness the leading edges are sharp
  22. Its simples our mountain would not go to Mohammed so.......
  23. It was nice spam though I was disappointed that no one welcomed him to the site though
  24. Blazer, Chino's and Club Tie every time for me
  25. Ah fear not Mark I have my Chilli Powder ready In the words of Corporal Jones "they don't like it up em"
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