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Everything posted by pks1702

  1. After a technical check over and polish by Steel Developments both Kingfisher and Kiki will have 'go faster' wheels this weekend Sorry about the poor photo but it was getting dark
  2. Tom is a great bloke always helpful and good as his word
  3. Is that a new anchor designed for twin masted yachts Ian
  4. Thats what you get for half doing a post dealing with a customer issue at the same time and not concentrating on what you are doing before you press send Substitute MLWS for the errant text I'm off to do my lines now
  5. I should have been clearer Mark and said MLWS but the measurement used is still referenced against Datum
  6. I tended to unfurl my engine on Breydon when Broads based; always found it was a very good place for spider clearing
  7. Mark if you rally do need crew for a trip down I am sure we can arrange something
  8. I don't mind anything 'Broadlander' as long as it is not prefixed with the word 'Professional'
  9. If you do decide to go Suzanne we would happily 'introduce' Adam and yourself to The Shipwreck at Shotley if that is on your ports of call
  10. Mmm now I am intrigued I can only assume I have had my eyes shut
  11. No I admit you have me stumped Paul. If it meant turning to Port out of Lowestoft to see it then that explains why I have not sighted it
  12. Does In hull mean through hull Andy?
  13. I must say I was mightily impressed with not only the product but the way it was fitted. Real thought had gone into giving a balanced result. Only problem is when SWMBO sees it I will be on Teak Cleaning duty Photo's were just quick snaps and the Flash has 'bleached' the colour slightly
  14. Yes it fills that hole you cut quite well
  15. viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2948&start=360 Sikkaflex Mark
  16. I am in need of Therapy... I tried to jump but could not do it This was the weekend to fit my new Triducer. The plan was to remove the old one and fit the new but .... After a conflab David & I decided that the siteing of the existing unit was probably part of the reason for some of the false readings. It was too near the bit of a keel Kiki has and would also pick up a lot of turbulence from the prop. Only one thing to do then and that was to cut a new two inch hole in the hull and that is where I could not face doing it to my beloved ship. I was quite happy for David to do it but somehow cutting a hole in the hull seemed like cheating on your wife Bless David he happily did virtually all the graft while I was like a Rabbit caught in the headlights The wiring of the Sounder box and connection to my C series is work in progress but the job that needed to be completed out of the water is done. I am taking both our Props to Steel Developments this week for in my case a bit of a pitch alteration and a polish up for David. Thanks David for the therapy I could probably do it if I needed to again - but sincere thanks for the great job Old Transducer I want my Mummy! No wonder our ship weighs 7.5 tonnes Help! Cable and anti Twist Bolt Sikkaflex lovely Sikkaflex In Situ Paddle Wheel fitted Finished just in need of a Sikkaflex Clean Up
  17. Jimbo has lovely soft hands Mark.... well so I've been told
  18. I will bring my snapshot machine and a large tube of Sikaflex if you feel up to putting a hole in the bottom of Kiki
  19. No not ours Luke one of David & Rachel's pair of Ships cats. From memory I think the Mullet were of interest to him at the time. Both do like to come onboard Kiki to inspect if I am keeping things shipshape.
  20. No problem with the after shot I shall be most intrigued. Trouble is when SWMBO sees your shiny new Teak I know I am going to get some ear ache about brightening ours I don't have a before close up I can lay my hands on but a couple attached, funny things that happen on your swim platform.
  21. Sounds as if it is all well organised Paul If you come into Shotley give us a shout for pint
  22. And some in the front bar were using latest technology for theirs trying to avoid spilling beer on laptops
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