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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Hi Mark, I wouldn't call myself a learned one but I think you have got it taped. Just watch out for em big boats turning on your way out of Yarmouth! Iain.
  2. I know hee haw about fishing, apart from, you can sit for hours and only catch a cold! Must say those weights sound very impressive to a non fisherman Iain.
  3. Hi Alan, The NBN forum is so fortunate so have so many brill photographers and bloggers, that I think I wont bother doing any pics or blog about next week! Maybe have a wee sabbatical instead! Well a Mod can dream! Iain
  4. Ah good, I was right, from the pic I saw. The old grey cells aint failing me yet! Iain
  5. Hi Alan, I have just received a letter also. Maybe, I am wrong here, it happens! But could the BA not have replied to our Email addys and saved all the 39p postage and envelopes etc? Iain.
  6. Oh Grendel, i can see it now, Robin in shocking Pink when skippering BA. Sheena will swoon to him. For Griff, I am sure that was standard issue for fun nights in the RN! No I am not ex navy, but have strong connections with the Senior Service! Iain.
  7. Oh are you that old? I too remember the dyke having more public mooring spaces then. Iain
  8. Hi Jane, the ONE thing I will say about driving double deckers is.........BRIDGES! Beware of them! I wish you well, brave lady. Driving a car in London is bad enough! Iain
  9. I shall try and catch you and the " Merry Men" at Acle. Iain.
  10. Hi Dave, I think Lori is on a Princess. If you look on the web cam site, there is a pic. Iain
  11. Ahha Griff, Looks like the first signs of OAP memory loss Panic not, it comes and goes...I hope! SWMBO says we will bring Hello Dolly, and swap it for PYW! Iain P.S. When are your well behaved gents at the Bridge Inn, Acle?
  12. Thanks Howard, I wasn't sure about that mooring at the mouth of the Dyke. Iain.
  13. It is very tight at the end of navigation, but not impossible pending how many of the Boatyard yachts are moored up. I do believe you could moor near the mouth on the dyke at one time, but not 100% sure now. Its most certainly worth a walk to the village pub. Iain.
  14. You forget Alan, JA is in love with Chochies! Iain
  15. Thank for roadworks update, Dave. Much appreciated. Iain
  16. I seem to remember a lot of fighting and drinking in PYW. I do hope you Lads will behave yourselves while watching that film! Well done Robin, Knight Errant! Iain
  17. That was a customer survey, with NO attachment to Richardsons Only FIVE paragraphs worth of explanation, eh Grace Brilliant though, just the same! Iain
  18. Aye hurry up Dave, or I will be there before you have finished your blog! BTW how are the roadworks at Leaming Bar area please? Iain
  19. Hi Peter, Welcome to the NBN Forum, It just so happens, I will be on Sparkling Horizon from Saturday, all being well. Iain.
  20. Oh errr Dave, you a Natural Photographer then??? In the RAW indeed Only kidding, you are awfy guid at taking photies! Iain.
  21. Hi Gramps, If you arrive for 10am and leave before 5pm I think its £5.00 if however you arrive later in the day it will be £12.00 or £12.50p from arrival till the following day 10am departure. Hope that makes sense. Iain.
  22. Well done Griff I could bring down the Battle of Britain for you, I know the script off by heart! Iain.
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