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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. I appreciate I am only a hirer, and do not profess to know the inner workings of running a craft on the Broads. However, taking the car tax principle, you have to SHOW and declare you have insurance. To me, the BA are a bit lax, or are they not? As I said, I am an outsider looking in on a very interesting subject. Iain.
  2. Hi Viking23 Yes, thank you for that link. Its a handy publication for first timers. Lots of local info. Iain
  3. Oye! Poppy! NOT Guilty mlud, am a good boy>>>> I stick to pavements apart from crossing at suitable lowering areas. Must admit there are times i'd feel safer on the road than dodging pedestrians.
  4. Hi Paul, Best of luck on your project boat. WE like pics and write ups....OFTEN don't we young Alan! Iain
  5. Hi Poppy, I found their site. Have sent off an email to them. Iain.
  6. Thank you, Littlesprite and Poppy. Poppy that link is showing an error? Iain.
  7. Oh how true Alan, a pantechnicon maybe? I did look at the Grand Scenic, but SWMBO would never have driven it! One company wants £45 just to deliver it from Gt Yarmouth to Stalham! Iain.
  8. Hi All, I am thinking of hiring a travel mobile scooter while on the Broads in May, My own one would take up too much boot space. I sent an email to Broadland Mobility, but their hire charges for eleven days was eyewatering! If you know of any other business who do this type hire, please let me know, thank you. Iain.
  9. Hi Kfurbank, I agree about the noise off the pumps. The old Godwin pumps use to waken the dead on Porter and Haylett boats. Astons on the otherhand used very quiet pumps. I suppose if you can fit baffle soundproofing without causing overheating, will be handy also. Interesting subject. Speeking as a retired Sparky! Iain.
  10. Hi Alan, In truth all we are really doing is boosting your ballast so you can deffo get to the Locks Inn BTW Aldis stir fry sauces aint bad either and cheap! Iain
  11. Hi Strowy, His screen name is Swift on here. Hopefuly he will read and reply soon. Iain
  12. This all sounds a bit fishy to me! Well somebody had to say it! Iain
  13. Hi Biscuiteer Sounds like your in luxury class accom. Have a great holiday and keep us up to date please how you are getting on. A few pics too (we are greedy) would be nice also. Iain
  14. Hi Grace, You are not alone on this phenomenon, SWMBO is the same, just the sight of a sail and shes leaves the helm smartish! Iain
  15. Hi Alex, Stampworks (Dickies) next to Ayr United's ground flattened and houses built on the site. Iain.
  16. I bet you would get a "Swift" answer! Iain
  17. The carton of Aldis Custard is more than acceptable too. Iain
  18. For those of you going to their boats for Easter, best fit the Ski roof racks, just incase you get a bit of sking in! Iain
  19. Hi Grace, I didn't want to use the full "Y" word as we know you go into panic mode if they are coming towards you on the rivers! Iain.
  20. What time are visiting hours at you local A&E Alex? Iain
  21. Hi Alex, Thats not funny! I worked, well we were helping the engineers at a wee stamping works in Ayr many years ago when it was shut for summer holidays. Any kind of work on those type of machines is very time consuming not to mention the costs involved! Iain.
  22. Yes his screen name is a little feathered friend Iain
  23. Hi Alan, She's going balistic without her Wroxham Cam fix! I feel another pair of shoes being purchased while its off line! For now Grace..this is a boat and this is a mobile tent thingy Iain
  24. Strowy, I may be wrong, but I thought we do have an ex pilot as a member. Iain
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