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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Mod hat very much off! I rarely get involved in heated discussions, I like to read and digest all replies. However, on behalf of us hirers I think work should be done so we get to see the wonderous world of Hickling Broad, without the additional expense of hiring a day boat! On a hypothetical question, I think. What IF a boatyard through modern technology designed many cruisers that could go through the PH Bridge, would they be banned because it only suited others who wish a permenant place of tranquility. I, like Neil, remember going up to Hickling, Horseymere and West Sommerton on boats of different heights and widths in the 70's and 80's and yes the 90's also. I have only been through once since the Millenium it was a two berth named Sabre Princess. Are we only suppose to drive to the PB inn by car, the same for Martham Kings Arms? or use a dayboat, which for me now is a no no. It was me who said earlier the Broads are for ALL, but, having read many replies, that thought is disappearing very quickly! Rant over...for now. Iain
  2. If being on RB is slumming it Alan, when is the Bling Broom being purchased to be unslummed? Seriously, we take or own matress elasticated covers singles and doubles, you can buy very cheaply in Asda or similar. Take the base off, slip the covers on. Job done. Iain.
  3. Bonzo, well said. The Broads are for ALL, not just a few. Although sometimes I do wonder, are they? Iain.
  4. Hi Andy, I would be very very surprised if that boat does not go through Wroxham Bridge, unless there are exceedingly high tides. Perhaps Clive Richo may be able to confirm my thoughts if he reads this thread. Iain
  5. I personally think, you could discuss this till you are blue in the face. It appears to me as an outsider/holidaymaker it comes down to one commodity. "MONEY" or rather the lack of it, to complete ALL the work required. For those of you who live there, it must be so annoying/frustrating that Hickling Broad is in the mess it is. Iain.
  6. Bet your feeling better for that Dave! Iain
  7. One other thought Alan would be Castor Oil. Dunno about the wood, but it would surely get you on the move quickly! Iain.
  8. What about linseed oil? That would give it a good bounce! Just break it in with a cricket ball on a stick! Seriously Alan, I would think one of the Old Guard on here - I use that word old very loosly I may add- will assist you in the correct choice that doesn't cost an arm n a leg! Iain.
  9. Yesterday here, it was wall to wall blue skies....typical! At least the folks up on the Isle of Lewis had a good clear look at it. Iain.
  10. Wow Neil, How could anyone eclipse that! Iain.
  11. Morning all, Yes there was an eclipse, it went nearlly dark. Nope too much cloud cover here on the west coast. I did see the 1999 one though. Temp dropped like a stone. Next one is 2026? Iain.
  12. Time now for enjoying the fruits of your labours. Looking good indeed Steve. Iain
  13. Hi Marina, My bus pass can be used anywhere in the whole of Scotland. I could go from home to Ullapool and back free! Aye I just avoided the extra year, but in truth had already retired through ill health. I also get discounted train fare to Glasgow with my pass. Iain.
  14. Many moons ago Jeff, when I was a lad on holiday at my aunts in Liverpool, a neighbour who worked at the then Smiths Factory at Aintree/Old Roan took me in to see them being produced. The number of crisps off a spud is staggering as the spud is cut wafer thin and these days cooked in oil, them it was fat. When I came out of the factory I niffed like I had just done a shift in a Fish n Chip shop! Iain
  15. Hi Ian, Don't you get your Bus Pass at your 60th? Had mine over six years now. Iain
  16. They really know how to push the boat out in dresswear in Oulton Broad...eh JM? Iain.
  17. Yup as far as I am l aware, it's a quirk of the software. Nothing sinister. Iain
  18. Correct Alan, absolutely destroys a good malt whisky grrrrr! Iain.
  19. Hi Alan, More like the size of a Matchbox toy! Iain.
  20. Grants tinned Haggis is the one to look out for Bonzo. Iain.
  21. Ohhhhh catching up with ME then Ever closer to retirement Iain.
  22. Welcome Inormski to the NBN Forum As MM says your in for a great time indeed. Iain.
  23. I was listening to a programme on Radio Scotland today, it was about the size/weight of products etc. The one that tickled me and many who texted replies, was about Wagon Wheel biscuits, always remembered by yours truly as a BIG Chocy biscuit. However,it appears its shrunk or has it? They say its OUR hands that have become bigger! Sooooo come on you lot, there must be loads of shrunk items that we are paying over the odds for! I can think of a choc bar that helps you work, rest and play that has shrunk by half possibly! I blame WEIGHT WATCHERS Iain.
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