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Everything posted by Polly

  1. They sound experienced, however, I'd rather that than a city appointee type person.
  2. Craghoppers or Gelert cargoes might be the way to go? I use these on the boat and they are very tough, comfortable and fast drying. Try Hawkshead or Nearest and Dearest for a good price.
  3. Who said 'Who will rid me of this turbulent priest'? Not that I'd expect any miracles at a Clarkson shrine!!!! :)
  4. Did the BBC blow this up? I'd guess they did. Why? Clarkson will have been 'feeling his feet' as grandma used to say, power playing, I would guess that too. His contract is due to end, and like Jonathan Ross he has got a bit too hard to handle, maybe. Who leaked the racist rhyme? That would be interesting know. Should he have used it? No, I think not. The BEEB take a very dim view of hitting people, I heard of one major star manager who was banned for such an action, there and then. I am left wondering what was in the can for the rest of the series that had got the powers so twitchy, they could have done the Thursday show filming with May and Hammond, unless of course they closed ranks and refused? Intriguing..and we will probably never know.
  5. I am no lad but I love Top Gear; I love the anarchy and the banter, and it makes me laugh more than any other programme on TV. I think Clarkson has become a bit of a caricature of himself and was riding for a fall, and obviously a spat needs investigation, canning the show makes no sense to me.
  6. We need Billy Goats to sort them out.
  7. Very patriotic, reminds me that the Zoe was originally named Jubilee .... Queen Victoria's. Nice tradition.
  8. Thanks for the post Carol. I just spent a happy half hour or so with the lovely Yorkshire/American taking his mum on the Broads.
  9. Warm welcome to you. I cherish thoughts of making a trip to Ireland at some time.
  10. I don't think paranoid when being canny about announcing when our home is vacant. We had one mega break-in when on the boat and don't want another. I accept that that one was more to do with local knowledge of us being away, but it makes one careful.
  11. OK i am picking up the basic idea. Thanks for the suggestion, Paladin , but FB is not something I would join I don't like their ethics at all
  12. Happy unpronounceable to you guys.....and Happy St David's Day too.
  13. I am with MM no FB account and no idea what we are looking at. .?
  14. I generally keep it vague because of the security issue.
  15. Just make sure the kit you buy is suitable for marine application. We got our shore power put in by LBBY and safety was Jason's top priority. The installation is well hidden, this is a classic boat, but we can run lots of appliances when moored up. Ours is a woody with an induction hob, for example, but they all hide away so we can look the real deal.
  16. They unofficially call it the Rubber Duck because of its shape, but I think 'Magical Waterfowl Comet' might be what you are reaching for? ;D I do think tourist flights out there wouldn't catch on, as the torpedo rhond anchors failed, and there isn't much future for a chippy that will be that close to the sun in a few weeks time.
  17. We attended the Open University last night for a presentation by the Open University leading scientists on the Philae Lander it was really fascinating to hear what they have got so far in data, see beautiful shots of the comet and hear of their plans for it in the near future, as they hope it will wake up again when it gets nearer the sun later this year. The spin offs from the sniffer technology they developed, for example, include a contract with RN for air quality sensors on subs, much smaller and cheaper than current technology; a project on emulating cancer sniffing dogs, perfume quality control with the leading French perfume manufacturer and work with New Zealand forensic scientists. Most jobs created will be with MK based firms.
  18. The orrery is awesome Geoff
  19. Where do you plan to put it??
  20. Nice work. Having helped my son with remote controlled Tamiya car builds, I know they are detailed and painstaking, so this must have been even more so. My winter hobby is sewing, so this Teepee and a Hungry Caterpillar chair for no.1 grandson were two of this winter's productions.
  21. Sorry John, both mine work on system A and I just head for the cockpit to release the steam.
  22. Good thinking Tim, but risky, very risky.
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