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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Welcome! Yes the meet was good. Had you been between Ranworth and Salhouse last Saturday lunchtime, you have seen quite a few NBN boats, all dressed up and being a bit noticeable.
  2. Mobile phone coverage has improved on the Broads, ans will probably continue to do so.
  3. Well done Bex, but just one question......how did you fit a family on Zoe Or was that just a long while ago? She is a charming little boat isn't she?
  4. I recall my brother chanting a song that probably went to the same tune. Mum disapproved for reasons that remain a mystery. Fatty passed to Finny, Finny passed it back. Fatty made a rotten shot and knocked the goalie flat. Where was the goalie when the ball was in the net? Hanging on the goalpost with his girlfriend round his neck. Maybe there was a second verse.......
  5. It's not great literature is it?
  6. Polly


    I think the coots have moved en masse to the side channels of the flood alleviation scheme. There are lots of Grebe and swans about.
  7. Actually, we can cope with a lot more boats at Salhouse and nose-in double mooring works reasonably well too. We will need a bigger tent!
  8. Next week's topics then: In the Summertime Down by the riverside Birds and bees Forum Frolics Boaty Anagrams General Ignorance
  9. I watched it on iPhone too. Re. Vaughan's concern, the reason for keeping the meet at Salhouse is that it's accessible for members not afloat to walk in. As for boats, well we were 'in hire' this year, and indeed last. I don't think it makes any difference to the event, it's all about the people. Next year is May 17,18,19 BTW more info later!
  10. There is a link at the top of this thread(first post) put in a user name but do not put in a password.
  11. Thanks Chris that provides a sensible balance to the issues.
  12. Yes, as you know I have been collecting views on this idea, some plus points some minus, mostly related to goose droppings! I am taking it back to the team for consideration.
  13. Further to Griff’s post, £260 was donated to RNLI plus whatever went into the bucket, Bob will let us know that at some point.
  14. This team effort was just that, a team. I’d thank every person who contributed to it without exception; in sort of chronological order...Dave, Paul, Brett, ‘Spike’,John, Phill, Charlie, Inge, Mike, Pat, Martin, Robin, Richard, Sally, Charlie, Howard, Simon, Jill, Simon ...all who made and donated cakes....bought bottles in the . Auction....... were. Excellent company .......apologies for omissions , you get the point about ‘team effort’? Well done NBN!
  15. You were welcome. Ladies and gentlemen, our Grendel has the makings of a good saily. (Another one bites the dust)
  16. Welcome! Thanks for the restoration sharing.
  17. Polly

    My Day

    The yard swapped us over to Lydia which was a sensible strategy. We now had an oven and a fridge as well as ....heating! A trip to Potter for supplies and a bacon butty and we were away. This was now firmly Plan B. Plan A had been sunshine sailing on Hickling and Horsey and under the bridge on Thursday. Wx said WIND and yesterday pub info had it that there had been a sinking on Hickling yesterday (nobody hurt ) . So PlanB was under the Bridge at once and more sheltered sailing available as a result. We had 4 inches to spare under Potter, which was fine, and decided to remast at Womack where we ate lunch and basked in the sunshine before motor-sailing to South Walsham. Lydia is a lightweight boat with a ginormous mudweight so we did our favourite thing of spending the night bobbing around the mudweight in the Broad. The wind was increasing again, but she was rock solid. Having conquered the challenge of ‘how to pull the double bunk out’ it was sleep-time to the sound of sploshing rather than poetically ‘lapping’ water. Coming soon; waves at Ranworth!
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