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Everything posted by Polly

  1. We are coming on Sunday afternoon and staying on board Chameleon for the trip back North
  2. Just to get the mooring booking finalised, folks. We have definitely: Bootlegger Polly Phill Warp(David) and Jessica Chameleon. Mike and Pat Bound 2 Please Charlie, Inge and possibly + Grandson(s) Cerise Lady. Cambridge Cabby (Simon) and Katie Windmill Lady Steve and Nik We have possibly: The Corsican? Riverlight? London Rascal on a hire boat? The dropping in: Wildfuzz and Mrs W? Please could the 'possibles' confirm for me ASAP?
  3. We have a nice Tohatsu, bought from South Walsham Marinetech, great service and support.
  4. Nice work Ben! If you want more of a boating experience, try learning to sail at a local club, you won't regret it.
  5. You have to wonder about the stupidity/selfishness of raiding historical sites! As for offering sites as prizes as Timbo described, words fail me!
  6. No that's a great answer Tim. I thought Time Team had been a driver for enrolment on university archaeology courses as much as anything else.but you would know of course. It's an issue really, because, while I am keenly interested I'd be unlikely to join a dig, so the world of archaeology only opens for me 'as seen on TV' or visiting a museum/historical site or through these posts. I always thought that Mick Aston's driving passion was to give ordinary people an understanding of their past. He hated the pop and slick stuff and indeed left when it turned more in that direction.
  7. Buy a couple of cheapies from Roys or Lathams and donate them to the yard on return.
  8. And you can never have too much Gorilla Glue!
  9. Just reading about your computer generated archaeological models, Tim, and wondered what you thought of the recent work done on identifying potential sites eg. In Egypt, from satellite images?
  10. Properly relevant education wunnit?
  11. You'd be a brave man if you did!
  12. Yes one of my pet hates and wholly avoidable.
  13. Oops missed Stuart out in the list of wood wizards!
  14. ....... you thought we were all at the Grendel, Doug, Timbo, Griff ...........level of woodworking perfection, I give you..... Polly's dinghy lid! It is a work of genius in its own way, of course, born of the failure to keep a succession of fabric covers from sagging and failing under the weight of water when we leave the Whimp to its own devices for any length of time (she is too heavy just to flip over). So 6 9mm ply sections, jointed with holes and bungees for hinges, will fold out under the cover and prevent sag and accompanying rain ingress. Folded it will be easier to store on the mooring when we are off sailing and when in use we can angle it slightly with the mast laid underneath to provide a bit of run off. I have given it a single coat of varnish, because it's boaty to do so and to stop damp mould, but beautiful it isn't , not like Tim's drawers..I mean doors!
  15. Posted June 29 We will be 10years old on August 27th, Bank Holiday Sunday. So let's celebrate! Moorings are reserved at Salhouse Broad for Saturday pm to Monday am at £8 per boat per night. Here are the plans so far.... We plan a Saturday night BBQ, bring our food and Barbies together so we can sit round and cook and chat.. We can set up a bar table in the tent where we can 'bring a bottle' and share hospitality together. Mike (Chameleon) has a light hearted quiz and there will be a prize for the most original answer! There will also be opportunity to enter one inventively decorated shoe for the Gracie Shoe Competition, entries need not be modelled! Prize? Well a bottle of wine of course! Sunday could be breakfast by pre-paid ticket, I need to do a bit more work on this but it's great if it happens. Sunday we have a 'Virtual Treasure Hunt' We have live Music provided by Faded Jeans, We have Birthday Cake We have a Sunday Night BBQ (see above) and Bar (see above) We have a Forum Camp Fire, led by Mike (Chameleon) in an interesting blanket(!) That is so far....... Interested? Last sign up August 11th so don't miss out!
  16. Try Jimmy Green Marine, they specialise in rope and rigging. if you send them the picture, they will try to match.
  17. Polly

    My Day

    They look nicer than this but a good pic of a beanbag is a bit of an "ask"! Well for me anyway!
  18. Polly

    My Day

    They look nicer than this but a good pic of a beanbag is a bit of an "ask"! Well for me anyway!
  19. Polly

    My Day

    I have been happily playing with my new overlocker, and today I finished a pair of beanbags for grandson's new playroom.
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