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Everything posted by Polly

  1. It was, Slantendicular was moored at Hunters and the skipper was puzzled to find wood shavings on his deck on a couple of occasions He went a-sailing and found out why, the mast snapped due to a nice hole way up on high....mystery solved.
  2. Hope it improves for you all, I have my own personal raincloud with Brilliant laid up, but only a few weeks to go and we will be sailing Bootlegger.
  3. Not sure I want more stuff on the cabin top, which can be a liability when sailing, but it is a good idea....
  4. In about 1966, Kidderminster Borough Council were informed that two new tower blocks were, in certain wind conditions, in danger of collapse. This was following a change of regs due to the Ronan Point disaster and applied retrospectively to existing new-builds. Phill's dad, Harry, was chair of the housing committee. First they asked central government for advice, and were told it was their problem, then the committee met and fixed it so that Harry had to make a casting vote, ball his court, as Griff would say. He was as tense as I ever saw him in the days following, but we had no idea of what was the issue. He wouldn't even tell the committee what he intended to do. First he got mobile homes moved into all the spare council land, then at 6am he moved the army in and they evacuated all the flats and surrounding maisonettes. Nobody was given time to object and refuse to leave and every family was accommodated at once. His priority was always people, which is why, even as a Tory, he got re-elected time and again in a Labour Ward. There was criticism of the decision as the flats didn't fall down but I think he was absolutely right. The court case dragged on for years, with the contractors eventually caving in and strengthening the buildings so that they could be re-occupied, ...but boy did it take a time to get that resolution.
  5. Clever stuff! I just made a boarding plank from an old shelf and sprinkled the last layer of varnish with budgie grit. We drop the mudweight to hold us off and keep a couple of old fender for draping round the engine.
  6. Looks like a fabulous event Nigel
  7. I remember my dad's visceral disapproval of his teddy-boy apprentice. He turned out alright in the end.... Plato.....didn't understand the younger generation.
  8. I know what you mean about conscious walking Tim, after an attention-seeking spell with Tetanus, involving several weeks on life-support, I had to learn to walk again, it was surprisingly difficult. NB Anti tetanus jabs are a much better idea.
  9. 'Choice' Q, 'choice'! Do pay attention at the back there! You can choose from a range of underfunded options, or no, maybe you can't, it rather depends on your postcode.
  10. I tried to ditch Latin in favour of Spanish, but the head nun told my mum 'The Holy Father likes our girls to learn Latin' which even Mum thought was bonkers. The naps were my protest.
  11. Status quo?? That's a group innit?
  12. There wasn't a 10 on the plus side I had perfected the art of napping in class without the teacher noticing.
  13. I have a Grade 9 in Latin..presumably for writing my name on the paper in the right place!
  14. On a lighter note! There was the school lunch break that was enlivened by a collision on the road nearby, between a van and a taxi. Nobody was hurt, but the van driver, legged it to the back of his van, grabbed the crate of booze he'd obviously been testing thoroughly and set off at an unsteady trot. Cheered on by the (300) kids, the taxi driver ran him down and sat on him until the police came.
  15. Sure do MM, well into the night.
  16. Maybe we are missing a point here? In youth 'some of us' maybe got a bit OTT , but there were other, maybe older heads around to send a warning shot? That was as it should be, and Rick was in that position on this occasion. Did the right thing I think. The Imam in Finsbury, said 'the older brothers' restrained the anger of the younger men and they surrounded the terrorist, who would probably not have made it into custody otherwise. Older heads have some responsibilities in a civilised society.
  17. Noooo Timbo has a PhD Dr Whoooo?
  18. I am with Griff on the trolling from boats, I really get annoyed at that. I love quiet reed fringed waters and peace.
  19. The point there is an invitation to make an offer. If the hull is sound and engine ok then think about how much you want to spend to make it habitable. Make an offer that reflects that. I get the feeling he's looking to clear this quickly, that may or may not be related to the boat, but could relate to the possible yard circumstances?
  20. Who says it wasn't my bottom?
  21. And how was the old lady's bottom?
  22. Crumbs Martin! That really is a bad piece of news. Brilliant is off the water for the forseeable future so we really can sympathise.
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