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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Terry Pratchett had 'The Clacks' in Discworld so why not?Norfolk must be at least as advanced as that?
  2. Fondue and chocolates now he's gone all Swiss.
  3. Thanks Q you gave us a flavour of the race.
  4. There were a lot of day boats above the bridge on Saturday, so there are other options, MM, although Merlin says he was aboard on Saturday pm. and it does look like bowsprit height. However, it's not the point in a way, someone was aware they scraped this boat and ducked out. That is disgraceful and I fully sympathise with the owner. Maybe the race organisers were informed, as I can see that stopping in the dark to write a note might just not be viable.
  5. Moonlight Shadow is a lovely boat, good choice.
  6. Welcome Minifer.
  7. You remind me of a favourite bit from St Paul's letter to the Romans, 'trouble creates endurance , and endurance creates hope' or words to that effect. I have hung on to that one at times.
  8. Sorry, the Whimp is here not there this year. Otherwise it would have been a 'yes'
  9. With all your boating experience, reversing should be a breeze!
  10. Swapping to propane solved my cooker woes, Calor is muckier. Winter users prefer propane too, from what I have noticed.
  11. ID confirmed Blue flowerpot man hat? If so thanks for a really good laugh! How did you do?
  12. I don't know, it was at about 4.30 one of the first cruisers, possibly the first through Potter, and just after they came through the old bridge; anyway it was a)deliberate and b ) gave us all a good laugh.
  13. Yes I think it's brilliant stuff. Use less than you think you need on account of the expansion factor too?
  14. We watched the start from the New Inn at Horning. Just as much interest as the actual race was watching the work going on at this busy pub, Gus +2 on duty keeping an ever-changing mooring of mostly inexperienced day boat crews flowing without impeding the race. Huge efforts went into this well done that pub!
  15. Oh both, for sure. This paddling between the bridges takes skill too; one crew came through in the afternoon with four paddling hard and the skipper on the helm doing a slave driver act for the benefit of the spectators. One 'slave' managed a perfect stroke that sent water showering back over the skipper, to everyone's amusement, all, without losing pace. Skill dont'ya know?
  16. You calling Doug dodgy?
  17. Yesterday, we had an ice cream at Whelptons and met Tony Pizzalover on his way out with Bootlegger, it was a close run thing, as I actually got as far as phoning Warp to see if he was up for a yacht hire later in the year!
  18. There was one at Twycross Zoo who loved his head being scratched. Don't think he would have been welcome on the Broads.
  19. Loved the story Vaughan. We used to moor at Ranworth and listening to the bitterns was one of its pleasures. On our dining room wall, I have a lovely 5 am photo of White Moth and a river cruiser moored in the early morning mist across Malthouse Broad; I often watched the Grebe mating dance there too. Er...and twice witnessed the Morris dance at the Maltsters!
  20. He was subsisting quite well on coffee, it was a hive of activity around Royal Tudor today.
  21. Polly

    3rr Parking

    Oooh dunno! We were planning to park there too.
  22. All the best to Guardship denizens and skippers and crews of sailies.We will be cheering you all on.
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