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Everything posted by andyg

  1. Nowadays it's one pair of rubber gloves for the use of lol...
  2. Standard issue in the army, of course out in the field we had grass...
  3. I find Ranworth is pretty bad for any kind of signal be it tv or a mobile device. Infact I don't even bother with the TV if overnighting there.
  4. I'm on EE and the northern rivers can be a problem, we find our phone come alive again once we reach Horning..
  5. Wholeheartedly agree Edward, the riverside infrastructure is a million miles away from where needs to be in accommodating electric powered boats and allowing the boat owners a stress free experience. Best of luck getting your tow arranged. Be careful of that Clive, he likes a good wooden boat, she may end up hidden up at his house πŸ˜‰
  6. I've only ever hired once on the Thames, from Richardson's at Thames Ditton. Made it as far as Windsor on a long weekend. I'd have to agree with your mum and daughter about the scenery from what we saw. My wife really dosent like returning to the same place over and over again, even on our overseas holidays. I'm still looking at buying my own boat and she's already looking into moving it to other waterways if we eventually do take the plunge. Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks the Thames is looking good value for money at the moment. Personally I think the broads yard owners are pushing the hire tariffs a bit to hard lately, well apart from a little outfit with yellow and white boats who in my opinion offer great value for money πŸ˜‰ I'm onboard broadsman5 in a few weeks time with my sisters and brother, that's cost a few quid for the weekend be interesting to see if that's value for money. Great trip report πŸ‘Œ
  7. Might be worth giving Paul richardson a quick call, they give out a mobile number for him on there boat sales site. He may sell you one of his. I think I'm right in saying most of his bounty 30 have had major or total rebuilds over the years. All have modern nanni engines fitted. I've looked at a couple and to be honest if I was going to buy one from Richardson's I would budget for a good total external re paint apart from that there pretty straight in my opinion.
  8. Excellent as always Simon very much enjoyed your tale. I follow kris cruisers on social media and they clearly have a very good reputation. Glad you enjoyed your visit. Personally I believe hire tariffs on the thames stack up quite favourably with the broads nowadays. Considering where you live would this make you more inclined to choose a Thames holiday ??
  9. Hi has anyone hired from maycraft before ?? What's the set up at the yard ?? Where do you collect the boat from and where do you park your car?? Thanks.
  10. Bridgecraft at acle have a tug as well.. if it is acle you'd need towing from. Dan's a member on here I believe.
  11. That's great, I wasn't quite sure. I've been towed back to Stalham by one of Richardson’s tugs so knew that was more then capable.
  12. If its Stalham then richardsons would be a good shout, you have Simpson and Sutton boatyards. Not sure if there tugs are big enough tho. Richardsons also have a tug still at acle. Hope that a help
  13. andyg


    Do the post actually get knocked over...I can't imagine a hire craft knocking one over even the biggest dual steer job would just bounce off it. Or do they just collapse due to age, being worn out etc.. i do accept the point that the post should be replaced as a matter of urgency. If your going to have a system to help navigation at least maintain it.
  14. andyg


    I couldn't careless how many post there are or how big the signage is, it won't change a thing. Close breydon off completely if you like. My point stands, mistakes will happen idiots will remain idiots and take unnecessary chances and look to blame others. Its the world we live in. What's more worrying is the thought of someone reading threads like this and all the doom and gloom within it and it scaring them half to death and putting them off. There is nothing difficult about crossing Breydon water you just need to engage your brain..
  15. andyg


    I'm not saying everyone's who runs aground is an idiot. But attempting to cross in the dark then yeah you are an idiot to my mind.
  16. andyg


    No I'm afraid it really is pointless, just as it was last year and every year before that...so tell why boats ran aground when the missing post where in place, because they did...utter nonsense. It wouldn't matter one single jot how many post you have or how big the signage is. Mistakes happen and idiots will always be idiots...
  17. andyg


    So am I right in saying the boat was attempting a crossing at 10pm !! If this is the case then this is a completely pointless debate in my opinion!! The only people at fault here are the hirers, it's as simple as that. Back in May my wife navigated the bridge's and breydon in poor weather, boat height was 6ft 8 bridge height was showing 6ft 10, Her very first time. Its utter nonsense to keep blaming missing posts the BA etc etc, it's about taking personal responsibility for the safety of your boat and crew. Boats have run aground crossing Breydon since I can remember and will continue to, it just happens it really is as simple as that. The idiots shouldn't of been where they were when the were. Ppl need to stop trying to defend them.
  18. Really nice boats, personally I think small boats look better with a white hull. They really need to sort out the Web site photo it's all squashed up...
  19. I've got into eating fresh fruit for Breakfast since I've retired. My favourite being water melon and pineapple fingers closely followed by a Berry melody. We did have a very nice cooked breakfast at the cafe at acle Bridge this year and we recommend it. The fruit we would buy before take over so I'd guess we'd eat Onboard more often than not.
  20. Personally I use a plant based shower gel when i wash in the river...πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰..boom tish Im here all week. Haven't got a clue about boat design sadly.
  21. Not sure if the booking calendar is correct as they are offering Mon Tue Wed Fri and Sat as start days. That would suggest 3 boats required to operate that booking schedule if I'm correct🀦
  22. I have to say the tv onboard golden bridge is a very nice JVC small flat screen unit. The picture quality was exceptional for a hire craft. But we only ever watched the chase and news. I count myself lucky as my wife really doesn't watch the soaps. She says being a nurse she gets to see enough doom and gloom and drama everyday at work..each to there own but why would you want to watch such dross whilst sitting in such wonderful surroundings. Looking out the window will provide yo with ten times more enjoyment. Your never see anything until you look...
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