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Everything posted by andyg

  1. Yes that's her, I believe she'd never been on hire here in the UK until richardsons purchased her. Very nice boat.
  2. Soaring Light is currently moored outside the block on A section in full veiw of the webcam if anyone fancy a look. My memory maybe wrong here but didn't a lot of this type originally have dark brown canopies??
  3. And I believe that's why they remain so popular with hirer's. You always see plenty of them out on hire. I can't remember the name of the one richardsons have but have been aboard. Absolutely cracking boat which appears to be fully booked most seasons.
  4. Yes it's quite a simple thing to do really but really isn't worth the effort in my opinion. I remember Clive telling us a while back that now everything has gone digital he'd stopped installing free sat on the boats he Was building at Stalham. Apart from the comedy value of watching ppl panicking as they approached a low bridge with the dish still up or even blaming the dish for running aground on Breydon ( why not we've blamed just about everything else ) 😉 what's the point ?? sit back and enjoy the peace and quiet. Well that's until someone fires up there heating or engine after hours. Blimey could you just imagine the hours of debate and gurning a sky dish on a boat would create 😉😉😉 seriously you've paid for a holiday afloat pretty much in the middle of nowhere, enjoy it, your soon be back to all the madness.
  5. Didn't Clive bring a few back from France, madiera and something horizonp, don't think they let very well. Obviously not this spec or layout but they always seemed to be avaliable to hire. I'm surprised just how well the small CC dual steer boats do in the hire fleets, the brinks jazz, clarion etcp personally for me silverline one's look absolutely cracking after have a complete re paint and not just the Hull. Like I said not my cuppa but she does look good value for money.
  6. Isn't waterside owned by herbert woods??
  7. It's available to book for the 2023 season, so I assume it's been withdrawn from the brokerage books. I saw it round the back in May this year, not my cup of tea so didn't pay much attention to it.
  8. Thanks for adding the link, not sure how the upholstery will hold up to there pets welcome on all boats policy.
  9. Not new but a new addition to the herbert woods fleet, Soaring light. An old CC centre cockpit boat. Looks to have been in private hand and nicely updated. Definitely worth a look if you like that type of boat.
  10. andyg


    Most sensible post on this thread...
  11. Possible an unfair comment, my memories of the ship are of an old damp pub. To be fair that was some 20 years ago. The same night we went onto watch one of the funniest folk singers I've ever seen in the nelson and a fantastic steak.. glad to see the ship has improved
  12. Can't argue with that...😉
  13. Cracking addition Clive very nice. Clive as the fleet gets bigger do you think your be offering any Saturday start boat or will they all be Friday/ Monday. Cheers
  14. We were there two Sundays ago and it wasn't much quieter, we didn't have the music tho lol.. one thing I did notice and we were very pleased to witness, after everyone had gone home not a bit of litter left behind by all thoses having there picnics. So good to see ppl respecting there surroundings.
  15. The lion is another pub we enjoyed as well. Plenty of rickos boats heading back down the ant last Thursday. Them and woods seem to be very busy.
  16. Sadly I doubt we will ever get the truth about this tragic event. Personally I believe it was a deliberate act by one of the pilots onboard that caused the plane to crash/ disappear. It must be so painful for thoses left behind, a lifetime of wondering what happened and never knowing where the loved ones final resting place actually is. Heartbreaking.
  17. We moored in virtually the same spot last week Neil, first time I've been able to get a space at Neatishead. The white horse is definitely my new favourite pub on the broads. We had a wonderful meal in there. The wife was very impressed by their gin offerings. If I'm not mistaken that's golden bridge on the left in your photo.
  18. I remember the stern on cruiser lol, some great pic grendel thanks for sharing.
  19. I saw some of brooms boats out last week, the little bolero and a few captins. They looked absolutely cracking boat.
  20. Whilst away last week, I was shown some cctv footage of a incident at a boatyard where a lady fell of the back of her boat whilst mooring. I'm not going to mention the yards name neither the boats name but will say it wasn't a boat from either Ferry Marina or NBD. The footage shows a lady standing on the stern of the boat as they attempt a stern on mooring, the boat nudges the quay heading not with any great force but the boat bounces back off the bank. At this point the lady falls between the boats stern ( engine still running ) and the quay. Alarmingly a man appears and without hesitation jumps into the same gap ( engine still running) staff at the yard rush to get the crew to shut the engine off. Both crew members were recovered safely but no doubt shaken by there experience.so it just goes to show how easily and how quickly things can and do go wrong. Was it the boat design at fault ? was it a drunken crew ? No none of the above, just a innocent accident caused by a lack of experience. I went on to have a conversation with the yard owners on there veiw of this event and the recent report re the tragic accident in GY. They said they could build a fence around all there boats but ppl would still fall in. I guess we all have to except boating on the broads or any waterway comes with an element of risk. Thankfully this incident ended well due in no small part by the swift action of the yards staff.
  21. Our first holiday to Cornwall next weekend for a week, it's a carried over holiday from covid times. We are staying at Perranporth at a havens site. The original holiday cost me near enough 900 quid, the equivalent holiday same standard accommodation will set you back 1600 quid today. Personally I wouldn't pay 1600 pounds for a caravan the same as I wouldn't pay 3k a week for a boat. We are quite looking forward to this one as neither of us have ever been to Cornwall. Splitting the journey down in two half's and going to overnight in Exeter on the Sunday night.
  22. If my maths is correct, I paid £2.04 a ltr at Bridgecraft when returning the boat Friday. Ouch..but expected.
  23. andyg

    Golden Bridge

    I to would happily recommend the boatyard really nice people to deal with. Boats are very well maintained. Even the old Alphacraft boats they introduced a couple of years back are looking great. Lot of work gone into them to get them looking good again. Great service and in my opinion really good value for money..
  24. andyg

    Golden Bridge

    One thing I haven't mentioned but wanted to, I've realised this week that I don't need a boat with 240v power,led this microwave that etc etc. We both had our Samsung phones I also had my tablet and my smart speaker. Golden is fitted with just one 13amp plug which will power a phone charger etc but not much else. It was perfectly adequate for our needs. I've hired some of the most expensive boats that are fully equipped and found myself frustrated at not being able to get plug up at night with batteries going flat etc etc, we'venot encountered any power issues all week but have done nothing differently. What I guess I'm trying to say is il be saving myself a whole lot of money from now on in not hiring the big new sparkly boats. Not worth the premium in my opinion, purely on the grounds of complet lack of infrastructure to support the on board technologies.
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