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Everything posted by andyg

  1. andyg

    Roadworks 2022

    Im heading up Thursday morning, is the A140 still OK.
  2. I actually like that font style, it's very modern and has a kind of 3d affect on some of his boats.
  3. Saw 2 of the broads harmony/ sunset class in woods early. Very odd indeed. They use to have the names in big black letters on both sides of the boat. Now a very faint looking decal on the stern. Guess they've got a reason for doing this.
  4. To be fair a broads holiday isn't ideal for the less mobile. I've seen so many ppl struggle getting on and off boats and not always elderly folk by the way. I've often wondered what was going through there head when booking the boat. I have relatives whom have had hip replacements and have recovered well. Personally I'd give it a go if it was me but I'd choose my boat very carefully, low transom single level floor etc etc. Plan for mooring stern on only all that type of thing.
  5. Couldn't agree more. I watched my father endure 18mths of cancer before he lefts us.
  6. You bet...most I couldn't post here lol.
  7. I'm sure they know what there doing putting this boat into the fleet. She looks very smart inside and kinda fits in with the traditional broads thing..but foe me she's a tad on the expensive side. A week in Sept 917 quid. Umm not so sure on that and that certainly won't last if it keeps getting stuck the wrong side of the bridge.
  8. Thank you very much,tough day. We are due to be afloat next week. I've spoken with his wife this morning and we will still be going. It's what he would of wanted. Lol I remember the 1st time we met, day one of basic training at catterick. Anyone who has been through any form of military traing will totally understand the bond that's formed over them first weeks. It lasted 40 odd years. Il leave that there and thank you again for your kind wishes 🙏
  9. Sadly I received the call this morning at 3am I'd been dreading. Heartbroken.
  10. Very sad day...we had a week booked onboard broads harmony for Sept with some very close friends we'd converted to being broads lover's. Unfortunately last weekend my best mate suffered a huge stroke and is now fighting for his life. Richardsons have been there usual self's and can't do enough to help. I would always recommend the company as I find there customers service 2nd to none. Heart breaking...
  11. Spoke with the yard today, your pretty much spot on. She's got a 200w inverter so will be fine. She's had an engine change as well the old bmc has been swapped for a nanni so should be quiter.
  12. These ships just keep getting bigger and bigger. They actually look like and accident waiting to happen to me, God forbid. I live on the Thames Estuary and often walk round Tilbury Fort. Surprisingly a nice place to visit considering what Tilbury is like lol...since the opening of the new docks there's been a noticeable difference in the size of the ship coming up the Thames. The new cruise ships scare me the most there like floating towns. Wouldn't catch me getting on one..
  13. I have a quick question for the more knowledgeable. We are on golden bridge next week. She isn't equipped with 240v but has a 240v plug for phone charging . Will this charge a smart speaker or do I need to purchase a cigarette lighter type lead.
  14. Nope, no card needed just plug straight in and away you go.
  15. I've noticed a lot of visiting yards boats hook up to the posts in woods yard. I've never done it so not sure what the situation is. With the increasing cost of electricity I wonder how long it will be before that's policed properly. I never seen anyone go to reception first, just pull up and plug in.
  16. Hi Neil, is Rose one of the old king line fleet that woods brought ?? I know there's still one moored at the cottages in Horning.
  17. Last time I hired a boat from Richardson's I hired broads suncharm. A boat I've hired a few times now, I was still taken out on a trial run and was happy to. Only changes to the boat I was aware of was the original water heating system had been changed. Last October we hired both dazzling light and Prince of light from woods, both from there elite fleet. Dazzling is one of there big dual steer fleet with the full sun deck job up top table bench seats sun loungers. Prince is one of there new compact cruiser fleet. No river trial on either boat. To be honest it wasn't the 1st time I'd hired a boat like dazzling, so I was aware of the helm change over bow thrusters etc etc. I was more nervous of taking prince out as we don't normally hire a boat that small. So standards do vary quite a bit from yard to yard. I was quite surprised that wood would allow a customer they didn't know take control of two of there newish boats without accessing my competence to handle either boat..
  18. We need to keep some kind of context here. Accident happen and they will continue to happen. Fatal Accidents although happen are very far and few between thankfully. Accidents are exactly that an accident, no one intended it to happen it's not necessarily a design fault. 9 times out of 10 human error is to blame. Ever since I can remember boats have bumped and banged into each other it just happens. What has changed are the boats far bigger then ever before. Yes the handover process needs improvement of course it does, how ?? I wouldn't have a clue tbh. Another thing not mentioned here on this thread and I'm not suggesting it had anything to do with this incident. Alcohol and drugs, I'm not going to mention any names but not so long ago we refused to take over a boat because it stunk of weed. I have a few beers while at the helm I only drink beer I raerly touch spirits or wine. But like most of us I've seen some right old parties going on, half of me thinks good on yeah enjoy, the other half I guess the father and grandad side of me thinks, that's gonna end in tears. I never judge as long as there not spoiling my enjoyment, enjoy. How do you design for that ?? How will an hour long handover prevent that ??
  19. I wouldn't call myself an expert in boat handling, but have hired most types of broads designs. When transiting Yarmouth I make sure I know where everyone is and I can see them. Life jackets are a must and absolutely no children out on deck. I witnessed a nasty accident at Yarmouth as a teenager, back in the day when you could moor between the bridge's. We had broken down and were waiting for the guys from Martham to attend. A boat came towards the bridge the crew panicking shouting at eachother, for some reason they hadn't taken the canopy down they collided with the bridge taking out the front windscreen an oldest gentleman went into the water. The guys from the yard jumped straight into our dinghy and managed to get to him. Thet dragged him out on the other side of the river. A very upsetting thing to witness as a youngster. Lesson learned for me and my family, we always treat passage through Yarmouth very seriously. Yarmouth yacht station is the most uninviting place on the broads and the quicker I can get through it the better. That said back when our children were younger I didn't mind stopping at marina Quays, it had a little park the children could play in a bar for a drink and we'd walk up to the dog track if the racing was on. Our eldest daughter seemed to have a knack for picking a winner, shame she didn't use the same method when picking a husband lol...😉
  20. I've turned around before at the yacht station and it can be quite a challenge at times with the tides. Quite daunting tho I would imagine for a novice crew and a large boat. All you need is the wind and tide going in the same direction and you've got problems with a boat that high. It becomes one big sail. P
  21. Then what's the point in having a debate if you aren't allowed to discuss all aspects? Pretty pointless in my opinion.
  22. As sad and unfortunate an incident as this is you can't totally design out human error. If that was the case we wouldn't have any planes crashing would we. Most of us have probably experience being on deck whilst the boat has bumped something, even the slightest jult could easily send you into the water let alone a big impact. I can see why they design boats like this and infact I quite like them. My siblings and me are onboard a broadsman in a few weeks time and my youngest sister mentioned the seat on the stern and the need to careful whilst underway. (Moderation edit.) Sadly this won't be the last accident on the broads and more needs to be done around inexperienced crews taking charge of such big craft. Personally I don't believe the boat to be of a dangerous design its been in there fleet for some time now and is very popular. I'm not aware of any other accidents involving this class of boats. P
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