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Everything posted by andyg

  1. Smoggy, it's amazing how attached the wife's become to there kitchens and its equipment. But I dare not suggest to mine she should retire to her happy place whilst I'm watching the football..funny that..
  2. We tend to only cook breakfast onboard maybe twice during a week. We are on holiday so try to eat out as much as possible. I will say the little cooker we had on prince of light last year was fantastic for what it was, absolutely no idea what make tho. As for microwaves on boats, open the window and turf that into the river, can stand the things. Kim won a really good one at a works doo raffle two years ago and it just sit on the kitchen side gathering dust. We got chatting to a couple at gayes last year, they were venting there frustrations about the cooking facilities onboard there brinks tempo. All electric set up that kept cutting out half way through cooking a meal. So starting the engine was the only way they could finish what they were preparing. We take the ankle bitters on a fair few caravan holidays, havens etc. So the wife is quite use to the cookers and there limitations, there the same ones as fitted into boats.
  3. They have 9 of those picnic boats @ 250 quid a day it's very nice business. I've hired one and they are very nicely fitted out. I think the Monday start cruisers are fully booked again 2morrow so yes a nice busy Easter it would seem. I still can't find out any info on the new design they've been working on. All I know was it was due to be launched this year and its an 8 berth boat. Guess covid put pay to that.
  4. andyg

    Holiday Tales

    The moonfleet boats always looked very presentable.
  5. It isn't, just the normal drift that happens on this forum 🤷‍♂️
  6. There is absolutely no fuel shortage, no idea where you've got that from. This is blatant profiteering. There is no shortage of gas or electricity either. Its absolutely outrageous what is going on. Its the same situation with the big uk holiday companies that are inflating their tariffs. All benefitted from the vat breaks the furlough scheme etc etc. It's shocking, just wait and see what profits the big boys in the energy sector announce next April. We are being taken to the cleaners in this country, we are taxed on tax.
  7. andyg

    Holiday Tales

    Richardsons spent a lot of money refurbishing them house boats a few years back when they were running the yard. They looked quite smart when finished. They also introduced a couple of rc45s into the fleet of hire boats. Not quite sure what happened there. Glad you enjoyed yourself.
  8. I actually do fancy giving it a go. I will search out some recipes and post pics of my results.
  9. Got me thinking this one and just how much I miss having a local bakery. We have the tesco morrisons sainsbury instore ones locally but there just not the same. The local co op instore bakery is dreadful to be perfectly honest. I've never tried making my own bread I know Kim has a bread making machine thingy somewhere in the house. I've got time on my hands I might just give in a go.
  10. I've just treated my self to a new speaker and it's Exactly what I want to do. I have quite a album library on my amazon account. I get bored listening to all the bloody adverts on the radio nowadays lol...
  11. Is the phone signal strength any better on the southern Rivers then it is on the northern Rivers? We will be spending our upcoming trip down south and if I remember correctly I don't believe I had a mobile phone last time I cruised the southern network.We are both on the EE network.
  12. I believe so, your 15 minutes of fame lol...
  13. Some great photos Simon, was you at Potter today by any chance??
  14. Bit like the sheerline at richardsons, virtually no bookings for this season. That will be up for sale next year or massively reduced in price. Lovely boats just grossly over priced..
  15. Lol, you'd have to be a tad soft in the head if you thought that's was anywhere near value for money.
  16. That's laughable, nearly 4k for a week. I see on the lunch time news easy jet are reporting record levels of booking for both its flights and holidays this summer.
  17. Great boats Vaughan, I think tho not 100% sure they were the 1st yard to put Central heating on a boat. One of the big 42ft Alphacraft center cockpit jobs they had. I always try to hire from the smaller yards. I will be trying bridgecraft in a few weeks time and I'm looking forward to it. I want to try clives new yard but am holding back till fleetway is ready to go. I just find the whole experience of a smaller operation much better.
  18. Malibu is privately owned David, its not hired out. I believe its still owned by the guys that owned the yard, I believe the family still own the cottages. A very nice fleet of boats they were as well.
  19. I pretty sure it was I also remember having problems trying to get into that tiny basin. They had a few big boats I seem to remember. A few ended up at herbert woods I think.
  20. I got the malsters and that was it lol..David is boulter yard the old kingline boatyard??
  21. Depends on what you class as Anti social behaviour Andrew to be perfectly honest. A group of youngster's being high spirited ( people are on holiday and want to let there hair down ) someone running there engine at an unreasonable hour ?? Children running around being to noisy on Ranworth green etc etc, where do you stop. All have been objected to on threads on this forum. Society has change so much and in today's world most things seem to be acceptable. Consuming alcohol first thing in the morning, the smoking of cannabis is common and openly done. Both have a major effect on people's behaviour. I take the veiw and I'm not suggesting I'm right, live and let live as long as its not affecting my enjoyment or harming others. Why let it bother you ? You can't change it. Single sex or young groups already have to pay a cash deposit on arrival, that said I seen some pretty undesirable family's in the past. I've even seen sue from Summercraft kick a family of one of her boats at the ferry inn Horning before, backed up by the police. No easy answers to this one I fill..
  22. Kingsway was a lovely old boat that we hired quite a bit until they packed up. I use to love starting from Beccles. The southern rivers seemed more interesting to me back then, especially the journey up the chet to Loddon. Which back then was quite a thriving hire base location. I don't think I have any bad childhood memories of broads holidays. My father decided to try an overseas holiday one year and shipped us all off to Spain. Absolute disaster lol..we all got a tummy bug we had horrendous weather our flight home was delayed by 14hrs. Guess where the following year's summer holiday was lol..we all agree we'd had enough of that flying lark.
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