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Everything posted by andyg

  1. I personally don't believe I have been in anyway offensive or rude to you Vaughan. I haven't seen what others have said so can't comment on it. Il leave it there I think.
  2. I haven't accused you of anything Vaughan absolutely no idea where you got that from. An off the cuff remark as to how these contentious threads end up. Someone puffs there chest up and off we go. It happens quite regularly on here. I very much enjoy your contributions like most of us. I won't apologise for finding it funny and for me it's all a bit school playground at times. You know the old I know better then you blur blur blur. If that's not allowed then bar me off the forum, I'm cool with that. But it certainly wasn't aimed directly at you..
  3. Can't beat a Sunday afternoon battle of forum ego lol..another storm in a tea cup. Now where did I throw my Teddy 🧸 😫
  4. One thing is for sure and is totally within government's powers to stop and it's this policy of fire and re hire that many companies openly use. It should be stopped. DPworld have just announced 100s of new jobs at my local port, the London Gateway. What kind of image does this send out to prospective employee's about there future employer. I also don't except that P&O ferry's have been loosing 100 million pounds a year, year on year utter tosh..
  5. What ever your political beliefs or veiws might be or your take on what is going on in this crazy world at the moment, this is disgraceful behaviour and to treat your employees in this fashion is outrageous. P&O ferry's should have there right to operate from any UK port withdrawn its as simple as that. Yes it would create some short term pain but it will be overcome, someone will step in and take there place. The UK government needs to send out a signal that this kind of behaviour is not acceptable in today's world. 800 people just thrown out on there ear, by a bloody video message as well. Absolutely disgusting...
  6. One proposed new boat for 22 was herbert woods new 8 berth. I'm assuming covid has affected the build, launch of the boat. Has anyone heard if this project is still underway or has it been shelved...
  7. You may have a point there 🤔
  8. Another quick question for boat owners. My wife's only real gripe about broads cruisers is the toilet system. Most hire yards do a very quick pump out on turn around day and to be perfectly honest we've hired a few boats that haven't smelt to good at the start of a weeks hire. Do you owners use any different methods to rinse out the system, do you leave it soaking with some kind of chemical cleaner whilst not in use ?? Sorry if its a daft question..
  9. The wife went out earlier to have her hair done. Two hours later she returned and I think she drove home along the beach at leigh on sea lol. And nope I won't be cleaning it 2morrow, il be watching the cricket 😉
  10. I know your pain...but I may have some news come next week. My wife is so excited. Luckily I'm the grumpy one with my feet firmly on the ground lol. If I pull this off it will my birthday every Tuesday night 😉
  11. We have booked an overseas holiday for 2023 with tui. We we're ment to have taken our youngest granddaughter away in 2020 but it was all cancelled due to covid so we are just catching up so to speak.spoke with a lady at tui this morning and she said they are incredibly busy for this summer and 2023 advanced booking are incredibly strong. Post pandemic blues I guess, I know several friends of ours have booked overseas holidays they can't really afford ATM they've just put them on a credit card and said they'd worry about paying them later. I guess a lot of folk have just had enough of covid, never ending price rises and what's going on in Ukraine.
  12. How boat descriptions have changed. Far much more info on this boat/class then you get today. Why did they stop putting all this relevant info into each boat entry you get today ??
  13. Thanks for posting, plan on visiting in May on a Sunday. So lunch a few pints and some live music. Sounds pretty good to me 👍
  14. On Fri our change over day il be at the yard all morning catching up on some washing from our weeks trip and waiting for my brother and sisters to arrive. I do have to pop into Norwich to collect one of my sisters from her hotel as she is travelling down by train from up north the day before. Richardsons are fine with me popping off site to collect her and return to do my washing. Well there's method in my madness I won't actually be doing my washing my sister will be. She isn't actually aware of that yet il surprise her on the morning lol...bless her, well you don't have a dog and bark yourself do you 😉. Be interested to see what actually goes on on a turnaround day as I'm normally in my car and gone by 9am.
  15. I have back to back bookings with Richardson's in Sept a week with our friends and a long weekend with my siblings. We have 1pm takeover times for both boats. Don't every remember having such early starts times. 👍be great if we actually do get away at the times stated especially on the long weekend. Will seem like we'd gained a day afloat.
  16. Thanks David, haven't been to Loddon in years by river but will do in a few weeks time. Are all his boats still up on the yard. That's been some years they've been out of the water.
  17. From what I've seen Andrew this weekend while I was up in Horning it seemed busier then I'd expected. That can only be a good thing for the yards. I did notice richardsons have been busy with there paint brushes over the winter some very smart looking refreshed Boats, always nice to see.
  18. Sorry but I can't remember his surname, I'm sure bill who has/had a yard in Loddon had a sandling in his shed he was doing up. This is going back a few years now. We don't hear much from him nowadays. I wonder if its still there. Quite qute little boats really. Always looked smart out on the rivers with there dark blue hulls. Such a shame another old broads yard/name has gone.
  19. Personally I think fair regal will let very well. It's exactly what young couples are looking for in my opinion. Lens design offers huge amounts of space both inside and out. Although not the most attractive boat to look at ( my opinion again ) this design does offer the opportunity to avoid those cramped bow cabins,berths being half under the deck etc etc, decent size showers and large open living spaces and of course large comfy double beds. We and our friends had already committed to broadsman for Sept long before regal was announced if we'd of known I'm pretty sure we'd of booked her.
  20. To be fair Simon, they have invested quite heavily in refurbishing lots of the older fleet since the new owners have taken over. I do agree about choice of fabric colours tho.
  21. The really surprising thing is they haven't reacted to the lack of bookings. Not a single week booked this season. You'd of thought that would of set off an alarm bell somewhere within the company. The season is underway and if it was me and being a new boat Id want to see some healthy booking numbers by now. I hadn't looked at the pricing,they've clearly got that wrong. It's never going to let at that kind of money.
  22. Think you hit that nail right on the head 🤔
  23. Thanks, pretty much what I'd assumed. Just wasn't sure about the Milton thing. We are up at Wroxham later today to look at another boat. Its becoming rather expensive this boat hunting lark. I've managed to grab a premier inn plus room at the Nelson for tonight. Be interesting to see what all the fuss is about there new rooms....
  24. Brink back Clive, but yes agree someone clearly isn't on the ball...
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