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Everything posted by andyg

  1. Whatever happened to the bbc ? They had big plans for acle as a hire base. They seemed to be spending money on refitting the boats they had and weren't they working on a new class of boat. Shame they disappeared.
  2. I'd love to try winter cruising but I hate being cold. To many years of sleeping in sub zero temp in my army days lol. I would certainly be that person who was kept awake by that annoying clicking noise made by the fuel pump. I can imagine the broads look quite magical with all the trees cover with a layer of frost. Quite envious, enjoy.
  3. I do like these boats, personally we prefer fair jubilee. But they are both nice boats. Great review.
  4. There 46ft I believe and yes they have had one go under potter a couple of years back.
  5. 46ft is the length not height, I think your getting confused there bogart. I think far horizon is probably the highest hire boat on the network. She's gotta be around 9ft airdraft.
  6. Fair enough griff, you have to agree its not clear though, the signage isn't very good at all. It would only be to easy to row in there unaware you was actually doing something wrong. Especially nowadays were it seems common sense is in short order. The guy clearly knew what he was doing at Sutton and that was wrong. I still believe he isn't deliberately trying to cause trouble, I just think his trying to entertain ppl, I'd be more worried about his skills at the helm, how he manages to hit the bank is beyond me..lol. as for the shed itself it doesn't look in great shape, they could clad it like they have done with the others, I'm sure they earn a fair few quid from the berths.
  7. The guy clearly dosent understand how he is upsetting folk. How many of you have made that clear to him via his you tube channel ?? I totally agree about the Sutton Staithe video, there are big clear signs telling you private property. In the wetshed case it isn't clear and that's my point, bloody big no fishing signs clear for all to see and a tiny fadded private property sign, ridiculous. Wonder how the would stand up in a court ?? I'm at ricko next week I'm gonna have a look for myself, at the signs that's is.
  8. I totally get that griff and like I've said I understand the berth holders concerns. Personally I don't think he meant any harm, as for the signage I have to take issue with that. Its clear to your eye because you know its there, there's nothing wrong with my eye sight and I've just watched it again and I stand by what I've said. It's a very faded small sign just to its left is a much bigger sign about no fishing. Maybe I'm a bit nieve but I can't see what his done that's that wrong. The millions of pounds worth of Richardson's boats sitting about would be a much easier target for thief's. Let's face it cct is no deterrent now days.
  9. Blimey calm down. To try and be a bit balanced here, I watched the vid again and I can't see any clear signage telling people to stay out, private property etc. I can see a big sign on the left stating no fishing there's a small faded sign above the entrance but I can't make out what it says. He clearly had permission to be in the basin, there's plenty of Richardson's staff about that could and I've no doubt would of challenged him if he wasn't meant to be there. So how is he trespassing?? Its down to the owners of the site to ensure the site is secure etc. I understand folks concerns, but how many kidds enter private dykes, moorings etc in dinghies when there not meant to, exploring during the summer. We did as kids.
  10. Hi griff, if you search YouTube for waterside fishing adventures you should find the vid. If any member could add a link that would be great. It runs for approximately 27mins.I did find it a bit odd that anyone could just enter the shed. There were clearly folk in the shed working and you could hear a night heater running, but no one challenged him. Personally I don't feel he ment any harm but totally understand why folk could get upset.
  11. Silverline launched there new 35ft dual steer boat today, sapphire is the 2nd boat in the fleet of this design. I noticed from the photos they posted to fb,sapphire is sporting the yards own emblem decals and not hoseasons. Its already very heavily booked for the season and no doubt will be another big hit with there customers.
  12. Oh dear god please don't let this turn into train spotter thread, that would be just to much lol 🙂🙃🙂 🚂
  13. Is there really 100+ trains a day ?? I'm surprised. We use to live directly behind a very busy line. The southend to fenchurch st line. You'd be surprised how quickly you get use to the noise. I'm not so sure modern day diesel trains pollute as much as the old dmu that use to trundle through there did. All that said I don't think any developer would have a problem selling apartments in that location.
  14. I've never been in the pub, but any loss of riverside facilities,pubs, restaurants etc can never be a good thing. Especially on the southern rivers. Going to a pub is like going to watch a football match, no two people will agree on what they just seen or experienced. Personally from what I remember of Brundall, the whole brooms site would suit a posh marina development,the pub could be retained as a restaurant/ pub and it would fit in with the local area. Plenty of room to retain the hire fleet as well.
  15. I've just watched a video tour of the wetshed, I didn't realise it was so big. Some familiar boats in there. Not sure how old the video is but it's not that old. The shed looks like it could do with some TLC.. at least some new cladding wouldn't go a miss.
  16. I believe Clive posted some YouTube vids under the the name cheesy chive lol..showing winter maintenance at Stalham, very very busy but very efficient. Bigfoot is certainly a very handy piece of kit. Wasn't the shed by reception turned over to the acle fleet every winter ??.
  17. I was told antifouling on broads cruisers was mainly cosmetic, I've no idea if that's correct or not. But I do like the stripe just above the antifouling that some boats have looks very smart, as for paddleboarders and swimers I find barbed wire is just as affective and far more robust and durable....
  18. For exactly that reason, they know to well very few would return for a free pumpout. Just another gimmick 😉 I have to say we very rarely need a pumpout. Not sure if our loo habits are odd or we spend way to much time in the pubs and restaurants using there's lol...
  19. I think with the limited shed space barnes have it would be a virtual impossibility to lift all 80 odd boats. I think Woods have shed space for 24 boats including the shed at the back of the office. I have to agree with Neil about boat exteriors there's definitely been a decline in a lot of fleets appearances over the last few years. Long before covid came along as well. Glad to see the beam of light class at Woods have been in the sheds. I saw number 1 sitting outside the ferry inn Horning last April. It look absolutely dreadful.
  20. Oh right that's good to know, totally agree about the upper seating. Paul from swancraft had the job of cleaning up the old alpha fleet before they were sold on. They didn't have the upper seats then so I assume bridgecraft added them.
  21. Clive did talk about fitting the upper seating some years back. I can't imagine it's that hard to install. I wouldn't have a clue who owns the moulds, maybe the thwaite brothers have them. I was looking at regal light which is basically the same as bolero and it's had the seating added so has the bridgecraft boats. I've been onboard bolero and she's a nice boat it would be a nice little upgrade for her.
  22. I don't believe it was added, which is strange as even the bridgecraft boats have it and there much earlier builds. I think ( but not entirely sure ) that bolero is the only class that dosent have upper seating but the original flat seating area.
  23. The one thing I noticed last years was the sheer amount of cancellations being offered. I guess this mirrored the ever changing regulations on overseas travel. It would be great to know how many 1st time visitors of the last 2 seasons have re booked for a 2nd holiday. The 1st timmers I spoke with back in October all said they would return and all said they would upgrade to better equipped or more moden boats. Even the kidds said they had enjoyed there holidays.
  24. I think all the big yards now have someone tasked with keeping there social media pages upto date etc, sign of the times I'm afraid. I remember a few years back I spotted a pricing issue on Richardson's website, msg Clive he saw it was wrong, took 24hrs to rectify it. Guess they have a company to look after there websites. Facebook can be put right pretty much there and then...
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