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Everything posted by andyg

  1. They possibly do let it as a day cruiser, on there website they say cruisers and offer Mon Fri and Sat as start days. So I'm assuming it must be two 🤔
  2. Bloody long walk from hw down to the yard, that can't be how they do it though. They must bring the boats up to the public Staithe.
  3. It would seem maycraft now have 2 mayfairs. I remember seeing one moored outside there sheds earlier this year, it was painted grey, I just thought they were repainting the old blue one that been with them for year. Does anyone know if the 2nd one was added this year ?? Always wondered how turnaround day works at maycraft, Kind of a quirky yard just like heart's use to be. But good to see them adding to there rather unique fleet.
  4. I'm lucky I guess we've all had a dreadful couple of years, I worked ( sounds weird saying that ) for a large food retailer in our logistics department at our biggest UK depot. To say the last two years have been challenging is a complete understatement and my wife, well I don't even know where to start with her. My beautiful fun loving caring wife is a shadow of her self after two years of 70 hrs a week working as a nurse for the NHS. So yep we are lucky enough to be financially sound so it's time to start enjoying ourselves. She leaves her role in January. Ten pound says after she re charges her batteries she will go back in one form or another, it's in her blood. But thanks for the kind comments and hopefully we will be able to come along to one of the future forum meets and put some names to faces. Take care everyone ❤
  5. Cheers, I want to try my hand at outdoor bowls. I really enjoy watching it on TV. I've tried talking the wife into a trip to potters the watch the bowls but sadly she not having any of it lol. But I intend to keep reasonably busy, I think my daughter has some plans on my time as well.
  6. Clearly a man of taste...COYI
  7. Well that's it, I've handed in my security passes my locker keys and been officially logged out of the company's IT systems ( some of my ex work colleagues would suggest I should never of been allowed anywhere near them in the 1st place ) lol. It's quite daunting to be honest, I don't have to set my 4am alarm call anymore. No Christmas working no bankholiday weekend working etc etc. I feel the same way I did when I left the army all them years ago a little bit lost. I'm not one for DIY so I don't have a shed full of tools etc, but I love my golf and I will re new my season ticket for my beloved West ham next season. I've every intention of spending as much time as I can afloat next year I already have two weeks and a long weekend booked, I'm starting to look at brokerage sites for a boat and I'm going to explore syndicate boats as well. So could end up being an expensive 22 for me lol. I'm going to meet my son and daughter in a bit for a drink and get our well over due family Christmas going. Oh and the grandchildren, I missed so much of my sons Sunday football due to work over the years I've every intention of supporting both my grandson's on Sundays mornings come rain or shine. So merry Christmas dear members enjoy your Christmas and let's all hope for a much better 2022.
  8. Mainly the stock richardsons are selling off.
  9. Until your son comes home a bit tipsy and decides he wants a snack. Been there done that lol...ended up an expensive night for the old boy...
  10. Well covid has struck our family's Christmas plans. Sadly our daughter in-law has tested positive today along with 14 other members of staff at her work. The speed at which this variant is spreading is mind boggling. My friend who tested positive last week and has the Omicron variant reports mild cold like symptoms but on the whole his fine. He has been fully vaccinated and had the booster jab 5 weeks ago. His not the first person I've heard this from so hopefully the vaccine is standing up well against this latest wave. It was reported on bbc london news early yesterday that 97% of all ICU bed in London are occupied by ppl with covid and most are un vaccinated. So frustrating that folk can't see beyond the end of there noses..There ill informed decision are having a major impact on life saving surgery's as they unnecessarily clog up icu departments all over the country.
  11. Sorry for the late reply. I had to go and watch a 1/4 of take that at the 02 tonight. Bit like watching paint dry. Just a tad more expensive who in gods name came up with them parking charges. Jeez...its a brooms sedan a very nice boat indeed
  12. No chance of hiring them in 22 there booked.I 😢 they really look good and have been fitted out very well. Hopefully the rumours of a third boat are true. It would definitely let well. We will see.
  13. I've had no reaction to the jabs, I've also not had a cold in over two years. I do have the flu jab as well. My grandson had a cold a couple of weeks ago and I noticed a few days later I felt like I was coming down with it. Usual symptoms went to bed expecting to wake feeling like c..p. woke up feeling fine with the symptoms gone. Absolutely no idea if the vaccine played any part in it. Our grandchildren all go to the same school and are tested 3 times a week so we were quite confident it wasn't covid he had.
  14. My wife's hub has 950 ppl booked in today, that's a record for them. They have royal navy and St John's ambulance medics working with them today. The navy guys will be staying for as long as needed. Sadly this morning I heard from very good friend's of ours, they have tested positive for the second time in a year. Both are treble jabbed. They aren't feeling to bad,so let's hope the vaccine works for them.
  15. It is indeed Chris, we used it 3 times this year and saved quite a bit. A nice gesture. Sadly we were to late booking for 22 and the boats we wanted were all ready booked.
  16. Totally agree, I wonder how many smiles this has given folk. A small gesture like this goes along way in helping to lift spirits in time like this. Herbert woods have also given nhs staff a 10% blue light card discount all year I've not tried every yard but they are the only ones we found that did. So big up Herbert woods.
  17. I was pulling his leg, richardsons don't like you touching the engines on there new boats. Your told to leave them alone and call them if you think there's a problem. I'm guessing to many customers have caused problems in the past. Water in the oil etc etc, dazzling light was a daily oil check, shown on takeover prince of light was a don't touch. Both relatively new boats. I did notice on dazzling it had a slight oil leak with some oil in the tray underneath, so maybe that's why. Personally I don't open the engine hatch unless I have to. Its not my boat and what kind of engine it has in it doesn't bother me as long as it works. But some folk like to get into the nuts and bolts, God knows why your on holiday. If I'm asked to check something I will but after 40 years being around diesel engines I couldn’t care less if I never saw one again tbh. On a serious note tho and I stand by this statement, in the world of blame and litigation we live in,its not down to a customer to decide what is a problem or not, the books only going to be thrown one way if things go wrong. I know of a customer who sized an engine on a brand new boat because he thought he'd diagnosed an over heating problem to a faulty header tank cap seal. Had nothing to do with the header tank it was a blocked reed filter he hadn't cleaned out daily as instructed on handover. So horses for courses in my opinion.
  18. So a shower tray not draining a leaking fuel injector and alternator not secured as it was intended isn't worthy of a call out. When do you call a yard out grendel ? When the boat has sunk ?? 🙃 I'd say there exactly the kind of things yards want to hear about, they can get someone out during the quite mid week period instead of having jobs build up for busy turnaround days when staff are pushed for time.
  19. A much smaller operation today, if I remember rightly didn't they use all the moorings and basins around the back of the yard down by the museum? I know John Williams yard was there to. I seem to remember one of the basin at the back of what is now the new build shed, being the shed where the engineers shop was I've seen them lift engines out around there many times. Oh the subject of John Williams boats what happened to them ??
  20. We had a very similar thing my parents hired moden gem a brand new horizon 35, blue superstructure. We arrived and the boat was moored side on outside reception. It had no curtains and they were fitting the door to the forward well. We were a bit late departing...lol..
  21. Dazzling light has the same ones fitted on both helm positions. Very handy indeed and like you say the signal strength was very good.
  22. Just seen on bbc news that Jethro the comedian has passed away after contracting covid. Shame he always made me chuckle. RiP sir...
  23. No Andrew sovereign is a few years old now. They have ruby 2 new for 22 and possibly another new compact cruiser. There was talk of another gleaming light sedan, but not sure if that's happening.
  24. Been some recent restructuring as Clive left the business ( common knowledge now ) and I'm sure covid has impacted the way thing are done. I'm assuming Paul is at the helm now along with Greg so things will change as Paul makes his mark. We are already seeing this in terms of the hire fleet. I'm probably totally wrong here but there seems to be a big focus on Hemsby again with large investment going on. Which personally is good as we really like the site now and it has some great accommodation on offer. But that's none of my business really I just hope the level of customer service I've come to expect from Richardson's dosent change as I really do think they've got it pretty spot on for a large organisation.
  25. I remember them days Vaughan, sadly not the Richardson family in control at the time. Pretty sure that took some recovery from the mess it was left in. Huge sums of money spent to create a boat graveyard. Bonkers. I bet Bobby picked Stalham up for a snip back then.
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