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Everything posted by andyg

  1. andyg

    Old Woodies

    I've seen pictures of her Clive has posted on hpc fb page, I only saw her out of the corner of my eye when passing the mooring didn't realise it was Clive boat. Cracking looking all the same they all are to be fair.
  2. andyg

    Old Woodies

    Lovely old girl grendel. Thanks for sharing the photo.
  3. andyg

    Old Woodies

    Oh OK my mistake, still all cracking looking boats..
  4. Absolutely, I really do think they have hit the nail on the head with this boat/design. There are more planned and they haven't been to silly with the pricing. I believe there are currently 7 in the fleet and they let very well.
  5. Boom tish lol...tbf its all double Dutch to me as well.
  6. andyg

    Old Woodies

    I think I've seen this one, moored at the big house just before you reach Horning. Next to the church on the hill. All three look lovely 😍
  7. andyg

    Old Woodies

    I saw some really cracking well maintained classic old wooden broads cruisers on our recent outing afloat. Got me thinking back to my childhood when all boats both hire and private where wood. I just wondered if members had a special old favourite wooden boat. My top three were and still are, the admiral and captain classes from brooms. Striking and very military looking boats. I believe there's an all varnished admiral example around the Horning Wroxham area. A truly beautiful looking boat. I wouldn't want the maintenance bill for that. Then my all time favourite merrymoore from moores and Co. A stunning looking boat with its huge oval shaped windows. I always wanted my dad to hire her and I believe she's still afloat on the broads. A certain member has a cracking looking old wooden boat, but he seems to hide it away in his shed lol...shame on you 😉 anyone else got a favourite, I've probably forgotten more then I could remember so it would be interesting to see what pops up.
  8. We had number 2, your review is spot on. They are a fantastic value for money boat fitted out to a very good standard. Even down to both the front and rear well being light with blue led lights at night ( nice little touch for a small boat ) get where you coming from about the shower, but to be expected on this size boat. They have made little improvements on the newer ruby and adventuring lights. Tv mounted to the bulk head in rear cabin better fabric on saloon seats an additional platform on the stern etc. I can really see why they are proving so popular. Get in quick for next year as all 3 classes of this design are already very heavily booked for 22. I've already tried to book Ruby 2 ( newest boat ) no luck lol...
  9. Yes we loved it to, only niggle we had was the water pump. It needs a more powerful pump on the shower. Excellent value for money. We moored next to a couple on adventuring light, take a look at that before you book. Same boat but with a couple of improvements on prince. Things like TV mounted on the wall in the rear cabin different type of fabrics used used etc etc.
  10. Just out of interest, would you hire the boat again ??
  11. Well regardless of who's using what systems etc etc, and after an absolute stonking season for all yards. I really hope they get an uninterrupted winter maintenance programme and we see some much smarter looking boats in March. Lots of gel coat repairs some paint and loads of polishing is the order of the day... doh !!! I'm moaning about standards again, bad me 😉😅
  12. We hired the same boat and never used the engine at all when firing up the heating, we found the heating to be overpowering tbh so kept turning down the temp till we found a comfy temp. I'd agree they are a great little boat and yes the yards are over cautious it saves them a call out when battery's go flat.
  13. The lcc Airlines make tiny if any profits out of seat sales, they make there money from ancillaries they sell you IE allocated seats, luggage onboard food and beverage sales etc. Even onward journey bus tickets you can buy onboard. It's a very fragile business model. I believe ( but maybe wrong ) hoseasons are now owned by an American company so no surprise this type of pricing has crept in.
  14. That interesting to know Clive, shows you how much I look at T&C I've made 2 bookings with Richardson's this past month and hadn't noticed the fair price charter had been dropped. Ummm
  15. I believe stellios of EasyJet fame imported the so called fluid pricing structure into the uk from the states,after he had spent time @ south Western airline on the lead up to EasyJet launch. But the less about him the better...
  16. I have to say I agree with the comments about the boats internal appearance. That said I saw both of them several times whilst afloat and they looked absolutely immaculate. When I heard and read sues comments about gala being re fitted I'd hoped for a better effort if I'm being honest. I would still hire them both tho, you are still getting a very well maintained boat and proven product from them.
  17. I've often thought about buying into a syndicate and a few years back I nearly talked my brother and sister into buying our own boat. Sadly as far as ownership is concerned we just wouldn't of used it enough to justify the cost ( we all enjoy our trips abroad to much ) but now covid is here and with the ever-changing restrictions and no sign of this pandemic disappearing soon, I may re vist the idea of ownership with my siblings next September when we are all aboard together. I'm taking early retirement in January my brother retired this year and my sister wants out of her career so maybe now is the time. Time will tell.
  18. Absolutely, our week afloat this October was as busy as any week during the summer holidays.
  19. Although woods main hire season is all but over, they still have a few boats going out with the fishermen over the winter. Apparently these are regular customers year in year out. So I assume there must be some facility available, can't see them making there way back to potter evey couple of days for water.
  20. With our climate forever changing, who knows how far into the future it will be before the Broads become an all year round destination. But good luck, I've seen the odd boat or two moored outside the wroxham hotel in feb. Funnily enough I always use to see the same boat from swancraft.
  21. Yes I'd noticed richo are offering some boats in Feb next year. To cold for me though lol...
  22. Considering the current hire fleet size, that's a fairly reasonable build rate. I wonder if the recent staycation trend will continue into 22. From a customers veiw point, I personally feel we are reaching if we haven't already the top end of sustainable hire tariffs. We have booked a week in September next year. The 3 boats we considered were Dazzling light ( fully booked for 22 ) Commander and Broads harmony. Commander came in @ £2800 broads harmony was £700 pound cheaper. We are a group of 4 adults, two company directors a transport manager and NHS nurse. Money wasn't the issue but value for money was/ is. We all felt at nearly 3k for a week commander just dosent offer value for money when you consider the overall experience and I explain why we feel like that. Obviously the biggest issues are to do with the facilities or the lack of them to be perfectly Frank. Moorings in the North with such a large boat are an absolute nightmare. Then if your lucky enough to moor at your chosen location you then discover there is nowhere to plug your boat into the shore power you were told you could. You dare not start your engine outside of accepted hours for the fears of upsetting someone regardless of the temperature outside. ( we don't all enjoy memories of damp cold holidays a float ) every time you pull upto a pub the mooring guy is there in a flash with his hand out wanting a tenner. These are just a couple of the negatives our friends noticed whilst on holiday this year on the northern rivers. I've promised them things will be different on the southen rivers which we will be visiting next year, God I hope I'm right lol. I always chat to as many boaters as I can when I'm afloat and I know our friends are not the only ones that felt this way. The actual experience of being afloat is marvelous and incredibly relaxing, but so much work is need on the infrastructure, absolutely no bloody point in building boat with all the latest technologies if you can't use them, I mean what's the point.
  23. I've witnessed it for the first time this year. Probably gonna upset some, but I'm sorry there is no place for allowing such activities in the Wroxham area it's just to busy with motor boats of all kinds. It's an accident waiting to happen. By all means allow it above the bridge or Wroxham broad etc etc but keep them away from the stretch of river from the bridge back as far as barnes. I agree the rivers should be enjoyed by everyone but common sense needs to play it's part. Loads of 1st time boaters taking over 46ft cruisers with canoes and paddle boarders weaving there way through the chaos.
  24. As far as woods new small compact boats are concerned, I'm a fan I've hired both versions the picnic boat and the cruiser. They are a great little boat for a day out and the compact cruiser is more then comfy for a week's holiday. Very economic nanni engine a 410 I believe. Fitted out very well slightly small shower room but you'd expect that on a boat this size. After hiring one a really can see why they are so popular. They have got the pricing right as well in my opinion. I'm told there are more planned with Ruby light 2 sitting in the build shed virtually finished.
  25. And I guess that's the point I was trying to make. Is the scheme and scores given, misleading? Like you say the two times I've walked past the pub this summer it's been packed.
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