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Everything posted by andyg

  1. We had the aircraft type toilets on all 3 herbert woods boats we've hired this year. One was on starlight a picnic boat. I have to say I do prefer this type of loo. On a four day break on prince which is one of woods smallest cruisers the gauge read half full on return to the yard, so quite economic on water usage.
  2. By no means a scientific study, my wife's covid ward patients are mostly those that haven't been inoculated. Those that have been have underlying health issues. The one significant difference so far this time round is age. The patients are definitely getting younger. That said, those that have had there jabs are nowhere near as poorly as this time last year.
  3. One particular hire yard seem to apply it with trowel lol. I always thought on grp boats it's more a cosmetic feature more then anything else.
  4. Well if your to believe the news today, it would seem the virus is rampaging across Europe again. So if like me you intend on staying here in the UK again next year for your holidays. I'd get booked up another year of staycation looks more and more likely.
  5. I love these old photos of Thorpe Vaughan, my memories of Thorpe don't go back as far as yours but as kidds we loved visiting the green. The challenge of getting under the bridge's was always fun, at times with just inches to spare my father trusting mine and my brothers judgments as we stood on the back of the boat watching our passage under. I've also enjoyed your YouTube videos of life at the yard. Did your father design his boats Vaughan ? One of the things that always stood out for me as a child was just how well kept the yard was. Unfortunately we didn't hire from hearts until it was owned by Bobby richardsons and things and the fleet had changed somewhat.
  6. Had all 3 jabs all Pfizer, not had any side affects. My arm was sore for a few days after my booster and I also felt the needle this time. I had made my mind up to refuse my booster if it was the AZ vaccine,as I had heard they were mixing vaccines. Sorry but I'm not mixing them, I'll wait my time if need be.
  7. We have two vaccine hubs in my local area, so it's not been a problem. Had my booster last week, only slight negative is the booster jab appointments start after 2pm at both hubs, no idea why though. My wife's ward has been designated a covid ward again for winter. They currently have 8 under 60s on the ward with covid, none have been vaccinated. All 8 now want the vaccine, so frustrating as with it they may of avoided hospital treatment.
  8. Well November hiring seems to be working for woods, that's at least another 12 boats out this weekend. Helps cover the wage bill. To be fair it's been relatively mid for this time of year, and a dam sight warmer then Feb and March are normally.
  9. I think will can all agree this can't be right, if like you say they have the facilities to put most up on the hard why hasn't it been done ? I assume the staff are still around. Even with my limited knowledge of boat building I understand how doors window frames etc will become distorted after a while. If that was me I'd want to do everything I could to protect my investment.
  10. andyg

    River Booms.

    I assumed it had something to do with fish etc. Its clearly not a flood defence its not big enough. Thanks for the info. There seemed a mad rush to move some boats that were going out on hire before it was closed. That would be an absolute nightmare on a very busy turnaround day..
  11. There definitely is a reluctance by many to double moor nowadays. It was incredibly common back in the 70/80s even Yarmouth yacht station would see boats moored 3 deep. People seem to object to it today, weary of whom might just pull along side I guess. I've only had one boat double moor it was at Norwich yacht station. It wasn't a great experience the mother of the crew of the other boat, used very colourful language and wasn't afraid to use it lol...
  12. andyg

    River Booms.

    Apologies if this has been covered before. Earlier this week and last,I noticed Herbert Woods deploy a boom across the entrance to there yard from the main river. Can I ask what it's purpose is...again sorry if its a daft question
  13. Roger that Vaughan, I have really missed meeting up with old comrades. Last year a few of us met on the beach in Southend for a quick simple ceremony and popped opened few cans. This year is back to normal, 9am breakfast in our local weatherspoons and all on parade for 10. Regimental ties,blazers and shoes all cleaned and pressed.last we forget. Like you,I lost comrades. My first deployment to northern Ireland as a 19 year old turned out to be the most traumatic spell of my life. I found new brothers during that deployment, that have been there for me the last 40 years, a bond that will never be broken. Respect to all military personal and there families both past and present.
  14. I can't remember the name of it, but I was watching a documentary on TV some time ago about planet earth. Basically they were saying the earth is a living entity and like everything else it will die in time. So as much as I believe we as a race should do everything possible to mitigate climate change are we just prolonging the inevitable. Should we be investing more resources into space exploration etc. I don't know and I guess I won't be around to find out. I do worry about my grand childrens futures maybe I'm just to pessimistic lol...
  15. Absolutely Vaughan, haven't boat interiors come on since she was built. I just looked through richardsons listing and apart from this boat I was surprised just how narrow the insides look on the old horizons and AF42s.
  16. Lol pretty much....low oil pressure warning I guess. Its not that noise I'd worry about its that engine that would wake everyone. I couldn't stand that for a week...
  17. On quite a few hire boats there are buzzers on start up, most have some form of red light as temp,low oil pressure warning indicator. So pretty common.
  18. Personally I can't understand folk that moor outside a pub and have no intention of using its facilities. If it's a nice evening and we aren't eating out we prefer to mudweight or wild Moor in the peace and quiet. Slide back the roof or sit up top and watch the world go by sharing a bottle of vino 🍷. Apart from having a cocktail at the roof top bar of our favourite hotel I can't think of anything more perfect I genuinely can't.
  19. No your not, personally I think your pretty spot on...
  20. Thanks David, yes I found that comment a bit odd, I'm pretty sure most yards were full on most of the season, so can't see where the 30% growth comes from and like you say a fairly substantial reduction in the Stalham fleet ( unless he means the broads entire hire fleets )
  21. Reading between the lines of the latest interview from Greg munford, I wonder just how much control the family still have over the company and its day to day running. He also confirms more luxury boats are in the pipeline and the Stalham fleet will consist of 207 boats for 2022. It also confirms what I thought and the move away from boats for all budgets and re alignment to more up market smaller fleet. This could be good news for the likes of bridgecraft who offer boats at the lower end of hire tariffs.
  22. I do believe we already own something similar... but thanks
  23. I wouldn't expect to find Vinyl mattresses on berths nowadays. I had seen them in some of the pictures but just assumed they were old photos. Richardsons put teak flooring into a lot of there older boats it makes a he'll of a difference to the boats internal appearance. Not sure if it's expensive but it seems most yards are using it now. That said Bridgecraft do seem to price there boats quite keenly so I wouldn't expect 5 star accommodation. I've got a very warm pair of slippers for them chilly mornings lol. I'd also agree they have a very good reputation and a good loyal customer base. That in its self speaks volumes to me.
  24. The only operators I was aware of that did evening dayboat hire was indeed yourself Andy and I believe hippersons at Beccles do evening hire in the summer month's. No idea why that hasn't caught on up north. Now that would be unbearable if all the yards in Wroxham started evening hire...
  25. BTW Simon I'm thinking of trying a early season boating trip. I saw golden Bridge out when I was last up. Looked very smart for an old bathtub. I've spoke to Bridgecraft and I'm probably going to book her. Very helpful on the phone when I called. Never started a trip from acle before, do I turn left or right lol...
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