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Everything posted by andyg

  1. Hi Simon, I found the information on there fb page, apparently from this spring they will have two of this type boat that will be available for overnight stays. Just like bitten from whispering reeds at Hickling. I believe LBB had one not so long back as well. Nice little boats if fitted out well.
  2. Not sure if they count as new but there definitely new to the broads cruiser hire fleets. I see norfolk boat hire of Horning are planning on adding a couple of the sheerline, picnic type boats for overnight hire. I genuinely believe there is a strong market for this type of compact cruiser. Hopefully they will do well for them, herbert woods have proved if you offer a good product in this class of boat it will let well.
  3. Ferry marina introduced the so called AI boating holiday. For me it's just a marketing gimmick playing on the overseas AI craze. It is of course stacked in the yards favour and in my opinion of no benefit to the customer at all. Sit down and do the numbers. But if people are happy to pay for it that's there business. Friends of ours visited potters back in November for a weekend they worked out that they couldn't physically drink enough alcohol or eat enough food to justify the price that they had paid. And what lunatic came up with the idea of giving Brits abroad AI holidays...glug glug.. All inclusive isn't all its made upto be. Do your research....
  4. Dosent make sense, you say you don't have a problem, then go on to list one. So you do have a problem with them 🤔 personally I don't think there's any place for paddle borders anywhere ear Wroxham or the bridge area. It's an accident waiting to happen. I believe there should be designated areas for them to enjoy there pass time. Amongst dozens of 40ft plus powered craft isn't. But that just my take on it...
  5. Should only be 2 rules, enjoy yourself, be respectful of your surroundings and others. Quite simple really.
  6. There was quite a heated debate on NBD fb page when announced they were going AI with there tariffs. Quite a number of loyal customer's weren't very happy. Apparently they worked the fuel cost out on a boats previous years usage, so an average. That's fine if you do a lot of hours cruising, but like one regular customer pointed out he only ever travelled up and down the river ant, same boat every year. Under the AI tariff his holiday had increased by a 140 quid. Personally I like the idea of no mucking about when returning but guess fuel is always going to be a sore point. Its got to be easier operationally for the yard as they can get everyone off and away much quicker with a lot less admin for the office to deal with on turnaround morning. Thoses of us that have returned a boat to richo know that it can be a bit of a bind if there very busy. Plus no need to have all that cash sitting about, never a good thing nowadays.
  7. I always thought all pumpout waste went into a septic tank of some sort and was then disposed of. Didn't realise it went into the main sewers. I guess I thought that because of the blue chemical. You learn something new every day lol...
  8. I wouldn't even contemplate taking skyway under either of Thorpes bridge's. I'd be giving that a big swerve. There always commissioner cut and then walk upto the green. Nice peaceful mooring good transport into the city centre if you need it.
  9. Something on my to do list, sadly I can't get my wife to go. Maybe il go on my own next year...
  10. Update on how we are getting on with Omicron. My son in his early 30s is back up and running after just 5 days. Both we and Kim have been knocked for six, we are both very fatigued very short of breath. I woke this morning at 7am I fed the cats let them out and made a cuppa. I was back in bed by 8am and I woke again at 2.30 this afternoon. So unlike me. I spoke with a friend yesterday who is recovering from the delta variant unfortunately he now seem to have long covid, his a very active guy a self employed builder by trade. Its quite upsetting to hear how it has affected him and his life. I suffered from a bout of flu about ten years ago and I'd say Omicron is no worse in my experience. Granted it affects everyone differently or so it would seem. If you have ever suffered with flu your know just how horrible it can be. Stay safe and remember hands face space. Didn't bloody work for us tho lol..
  11. I think most of the fleet could do with some upgrades,But some nice holy and teak flooring wouldn't go a miss and would definitely freshen the interiors up. That said they are incredibly well priced and like you say a well looked after fleet.
  12. Saw her out on the rivers in October. She looks so much better in the flesh so to speak. She seem to be popular with clives customers. Sten on moorings won't be a problem. To be fair all Horning Pleasurecraft boats I saw in October looked really well turned out.
  13. I remember Clive saying they were to good not to buy. God quality luxury boats. Fantastic purchase for richardsons. Tbh I don't like the old dual steer Alphacraft boat that was in the fleet. But again it seems to let really well....
  14. The ex swancraft single level boats are definitely some of the best bathtub ever built on the broads. Fitted out very nicely. That said they have been at Stalham now for a few years and I've no idea what they are like internally, but doubt you'd be disappointed. They do seem to be incredibly popular and book solidly year after year, so I guess that's proof of a good thing. Personally I wouldn't hesitate to book one but your probably to late for this coming season.
  15. Dan, golden will be going back on hoseasons website very soon. There just working out the pricing for 22.
  16. Some good pictures posted recently on bridgecraft fb page of there winter maintenance programme. Several new engines waiting to be fitted ( don't know what boats tho ) forth bridge 2 is having the damage to its stern repaired ( I noticed the damage in October) quite a big job etc. Always interesting see what they get upto over the winter months. The engines alone represents a fair investment I guess, no idea how much one would cost. But looks like there very busy. Looking at there advanced booking 22 appears to be another busy season for them.
  17. Lol..I'm fine I've decide to pitch up on the sofa and chill. We've all been here before after my wife caught, in the 1st wave. Even brighter side I don't have to endure my annoying brother in law at the weekend lol. Doh hope my wife's not a member here,
  18. Well covid has struck our house, my wife son and myself have all tested positive this morning. We all have cold like symptoms a very nasty hacking cough and generally feel like rubbish. It's surprising how quickly it takes hold, after my wife's 1st bout of covid back in June 2020 we virtually cut ourselves off from the world. Its only been since Sept last year we started to live again. Oh well it is what it is...bloody virus.
  19. I'm off for a pcr test in the morning, have developed a nasty cough have cold like symptoms etc, luckily for me our test centre is a 5 mins drive away. I do feel like I have a cold coming on. Fed up with this bloody virus...
  20. Knowing how things go on this and ever other forum, I'm surprised it was posted in the 1st place. Is it really a surprise that it's taken the path it has ?? Absolutely not !! So why allow it ?? Maybe it's me but I just find it bizzare, that a moderator posts it then ask for no adverse comments...I'm I being nieve here ?? 🙃🙃🙃
  21. Just another example of the aggressive confrontational society we live in, poor boat owners. I watched a crew and fisherman have a right good laugh about mooring up last year at gayes, in the end they all ended up chatting and having a beer. Exactly how it should be,and who on earth carries a can of paint around with them. Sounds more like some random vandalism to me...
  22. Im currently in the Nelson rd premier inn, in Norwich. They only have one chef tonight and at half four they were advising customers of a delay on food. Apparently they are busy new years eve, bookings have flooded in after no new restrictions were announced. BTW I'm only here because I got a call this morning about a boat I'm interested in is definitely coming to market. I've never been on the river before in December, so another box ticked. Downside not a cheap night in a premier inn and Stella @ £ 4.25 a pint it's an expensive day out lol..who'd go boating..
  23. Yep been there done that, part of my role within the transport dept was to over see and sign off new drivers rotas agreed by our rosta committee ( unions ) and management team. It was the biggest pile of poo you can imagine, 12 weeks of arguments, union reps tantrums and on and on it went. Our rotas had already been built by our head office team and we just went through the motions to appease the union. Due to the ever changing estate we served and demands on volume we would some years go through this process 3 times. I used to feel incredibly bad telling the guys we had a pending change. Who'd work 20 years in foodretail logistics...oh I did lol.. doh..
  24. Thanks for all the positive comments, much appreciated. Its 1.30am boxing day morning and I've probably had more alcohol then I should of lol. The family are all wrapped up and fast asleep. Children in sleeping bags all over the place. Our two cats dread the grandchildren being here the poor things don't get a moments peace. The shift I worked on covered all the eve's so I worked most Christmas eve's boxing days etc. So this is genuinely the latest I've been awake on Christmas night in a very long time. I sat out on the patio earlier smoking a Cuban cigar with my son and son in law, my son remarked on how relaxed I'd been all day,bless him. Right enough about me, like I said earlier on in this thread, hopefully we will put some faces to names next year. Hic up, I'm off to bed, well actually I'm not as my eldest granddaughter has found her way into my bed and is currently snuggled up to her nana, sofa for me then lol...bloody kidds 😉
  25. Hi Simon, no idea why but I already thought you were a syndicate member. I want to get my brother involved and my youngest sister and husband are very keen on the idea of ownership. So it won't be a impulse thing. 2nd hand boat prices are just a tad to hot at the moment. I have had a conversation with a yard owner regarding a particular boat we like, but they are holding onto to it for 22. So we will see what the spring brings.
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