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Everything posted by andyg

  1. Ferry have had one of this design sat on the carpark all wrapped in plastic for quite sometime. It was there back in October. She's virtually the same as garnet emblem, it just has a different canopy fitted over the rear cockpit.
  2. Saw a couple of hw boats returning to potter this morning. Surprised they were allowed to carry in with there trips seeing the weather conditions
  3. I spoke to Dan at bridgecraft some weeks ago about hiring golden Bridge. A boat they brought out of retirement last season. I do love them small bounty boats. There just perfect for our needs. I'd forgotten all about it tbh, we've been chasing about looking for our own boat. We'll this lunch time Mark from bridgecraft called me following up our inquiry. Dan told me that they were still working out pricing and they'd be in touch. He wasn't wrong, personally I think that's great customer service. So were booked. I'm gonna take my chq book, you just never know..
  4. They had 248 boats for hire last season. So that's approximately 30 boats sold on,or withdrawn. Clearly the boats sold on were no longer viable. No point in having a dead dog sitting about. Some of the newish platinum fleet are paid for now and they are reaping the rewards. Richardsons seem to enjoy a much longer season then some yards. So good luck to them..
  5. Paul at swancraft regularly posts pictures on fb of his basin being empty this time of the year. In our part of the south east we've had a particularly dry winter. Which must have a bearing on how much water drains into the rivers.
  6. Is this just damage that's built up over the seasons Dan.
  7. Dan does like cutting holes in boats, I think it's some kind of fetish 😉
  8. The vid was funny, a little whistle then half the bow falls out lol..did you know it needed doing, or was it a nasty surprise.
  9. Do you remember clives posts about bolero, the state that was in after hitting the quay heading at gt Yarmouth. I never thought they'd get that looking right again but they did.
  10. Bet your having nightmares about fiberglass filler at the moment Dan, getting through a bit..doing a fantastic job fella, fleet looks cracking.
  11. They really have got stuck in this winter, that's the 3rd or 4th boat that's had major repairs done on its hull. Along with about three new engines installed. Very busy time. Quite an investment in the fleet, but again I think its a reflection of the two busy season they've had. Clearly not going to get all the boats through the shed this winter. Saying that they all looked pretty good back in October far better then most fleets. It's one old the old alpha cc boats not sure which one tho.
  12. Going slightly off topic, but does anyone know what happened to the 35 and 42 foot cc alpha moulds. Guess they were broken up years ago.
  13. andyg


    Funny you mention the weather, me and the wife were out for a walk yesterday. She mentioned how warm it was compared to our October broads trip. It definitely is quite mild in our part of the world
  14. I like that, definitely worth a look, thanks for posting matt
  15. andyg


    Humber hasn't long been out of the shed Howard I think ?? I see Daniel is busy cutting great big holes in boats lol. They seem very busy on the maintenance front. Enjoy your trip.
  16. They had boats stored all over the place. Horning Thorpe Stalham. I read somewhere that at one point richardsons owned over 700 hire craft across there different fleets. I guess they've had more then the odd one sink. They use to have a great big dual steer boat at Stalham from one of the Thames yards. Miss something or other. Always liked the look of it, no idea where that ended up, would of made a good liverboad.
  17. Do you not remember the days of the boat graveyard Simon ?? Plenty of nearly sunk ex wilds and Thames fleet boat around Stalham. Back in the day the yard was bursting at the seems.
  18. Wel I didn't want to be sizeist as well lol..hic up. Does anyone know if they got the boat up...
  19. Yours griff time to dispel all them rumours about Yorkshire men and there deep pockets lol..
  20. Don't you worry il make room. See you in a bit lol...clearly a man of taste 😋
  21. Although they are incredibly well maintained boats, some are quite dated internally and would need some updating in my opinion. As for the 42 ft I'm sure one was completely refitted a few years back but I can't remember which one. That said they'd definitely be a good bye.
  22. I think they went up for sale last summer, I thought about them last year but didn't act on it.
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