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Everything posted by andyg

  1. I couldn't check what was available to start today, but hw had 7 boats available, bearing in mind they normally have 2 boat per class so I assumed it was the sat start boat. Richardsons were showing 10 class of boat. I always forget ferry lol...so a pretty good start I wonder if the good weather had held out how many of them boats would of been snapped up. Richardsons seem to have been quite busy already for this time of year.
  2. It's all about what one see as value for money Andy. Very few if any will consider an owners costs etc when making a decision. My 1st thought when making a decision on a holiday is value for money 95% of the time. The example I've given is fact its as simple as that. It's a no frills basic boat. 1400 pound it a considerable amount of money in my opinion and I personally don't believe it represents value. Just my veiw im fully aware of what the current mark place says it worth, but we are living in a strange world at the moment.
  3. Our grandchildren break up today for Easter. Easter is one of the holiday weeks I can never get my head round. Its never the same week each year. I thought my sister had put the wrong dates in until I checked myself. What on earth are these people thinking when setting these prices. On there heads be it folk will vote with there feet. Like she said she can fly from our local airport ( southend) to Spain for an all inclusive holiday for less, she done a dummy booking with tui to prove it. It was 250 quid cheaper. Its madness in my opinion uk based holiday companies should be trying to hold onto the new customer's they have made these last 2 years. But nope greed wins time and time again. Boom bust boom bust. Crazy !!
  4. Looks like the season gets going properly this weekend/week. Very little availability to be had, shame the weather has taken a turn for the worse. Just a quick mention about prices for this coming season, we are away in Cornwall the 2nd week in june, only a havens caravan job. I paid 890 quid for the week and we booked it last year. My sister wants to join us for the week same style van etc is now 1900 quid. That a mind boggling increase in my opinion and there's absolutely no justification for it. So it's not just the broads operators. Anyway happy boating everyone let's hope better weather is just over the horizon...
  5. From what I remember Simon I couldn't argue that, as a group though i think we would enjoy it even more sat on top plodding along a cold drink and just chilling. We need to keep the ladies happy 😉
  6. Hi Andrew agree about heron but not so sure your right about richardsons classic fleet. Just one example, our friends have hired bright horizon for a week next August. 1400 quid all in. The boat is 40 odd years old and offers a no frills experience on the broads. That's not a dig at the company or boat it's just a simple fact. Yards are in my opinion starting to price themselves out of the UK holiday Market.
  7. Totally agree, when I looked yesterday they have very little availability for this season. They also operate a large very popular day boat fleet as well. I agree with Simon as well I found myself not surprised by there hire tariffs. I've only done the Thames once and that was years ago with new horizon holidays @ thames Ditton. I found the whole experience to be fantastic and the scenery is absolutely brilliant, I'd have to hire a dual steer though to fully enjoy the veiws.
  8. There not the only ones, some of the price's out there are ridiculous for boats of this size and berths offered. I can see some having to offer discounts later in the season or there just going to have boats gathering cobwebs.
  9. I've been looking at kris cruisers this morning, there prices are quite favorable compared to the broads at this point in time. If we don't manage to purchase a boat this year I may give them a try next year.
  10. Absolutely, no idea how much a complete set of moulds would cost, if current used boat prices are any guild, about 10 million quid should do it 😀 I think Id be to nervous of owning a brand new boat, I'm bad enough when I hire a new boat lol..
  11. Jean I was once told by Langford Gillings snr ( Mr Alphacraft) that he would sell anyone any boat in his fleet regardless of its age or popularity as long as the price was right. I think the Thwaite family (brinks craft ) own the moulds now. Buy a set and I'm sure Paul at swancraft will build it for you. Now where did I put my cheque book. BTW I think I'm right in saying Swan Royall was the last of this design to be moulded, she's a very nice boat or was. Now at brinks though along with most of the ex Royalls fleet.
  12. andyg


    They don't mention fuel sales as one of the services offered on there website. Just pumpouts and general boat building
  13. Sadly my only gripe with Richardson's I'm afraid. But that's a different debate. I have a broadsman booked for later this year, it will be interesting to see how that stacks up for quality against the Dazzling light we had last year. Both boats so called premium class boats.
  14. Just out of interest, what ever happened to Jack powels hire fleet. Its seemed very busy, I had a few years away from the broads and I remember being surprised they'd disappeared. A fair size fleet as well if I remember correctly.
  15. Personally I think the swancraft boats are some of the best built of this design, royall swan is another. Sadly all have ended up at bigger yards and I don't think they receive the tlc they once did. I do like some of the new flooring and upholstery Richardson's have added to them it looks very smart in my opinion. Cracking photos.
  16. My former employer, one of the big 5 food retailers stop selling them ages ago. I remember having to sort out the collection of unsold units from our retail stores. They were brought back to our warehouse re packed and sold onto to a well know outdoor goods retailer. We use to sell hundreds of thousands of the things during the summer months a very popular line indeed. You'd be surprised just how many are sold.
  17. That looks really cool grendel well done, you may of opened a can of worms here. I can see orders being placed lol..very smart indeed.
  18. Very encouraging to hear good things about the pub again.
  19. The government borrowed money on the cheap, it's still gonna take 40 years plus to repay. Am I the only one who has noticed that society seems to think the government should pay for everything since covid arrived.
  20. I wonder how long it will be before the hire yards increase the amount of fuel deposit they require. I've just checked how much we've paid on our 3 bookings. £120 on each boat, that's OK for our long weekend but it's not going to be enough for our 2 week long holidays. I've never had to pay any extra for fuel on top of our deposit ever. Sign of the times we are living in I guess. May come as a shock to some folk especially those that are on a tight budget and I'm sure there's plenty of them.
  21. andyg

    My Day

    Do we have a translate function on this forum 🤔
  22. Don't think it's that hard to guess 😕 be great to hear his stories griff. Fingers crossed
  23. Remember when richardsons took the hoseasons logo off there boats and replaced it with there R.. I don't like the new hoseasons logo it looks daft in my opinion. Very smart from silverline as you would expect from them. A fantastic fleet of boat incredibly well maintained. Even the old CC dual steers they have look fantastic.
  24. My wife's Samsung phone, haven't got a clue what model it is takes fantastic photos. When I was waiting for the guys to finish the car yesterday I noticed a definite red tint to the water on the ground. I waited 30 mins in the queue it seems everyone had the same idea lol...
  25. I attempted to clean the wife's car yesterday, I gave up after half hour as I wasn't really getting anywhere. This stuff sets like concrete, my jet wash is broken so I ended up at the local car wash. Quick trip this morning to b&q to purchase new jet washer. Lovely photos
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