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Everything posted by andyg

  1. I genuinely didn't know that..let's just keep it to ourselves, she dosent need to know.
  2. Fri takeover day stay at acle/ stokesby Sat early start, overnight stay at Somerleyton. Sunday Oulton broad then Beccles onto geldstone overnight stop. Mon brundal overnight stay at Rockland St Mary's. Tues Norwich, sightseeing. Wed Loddon possibly Reedham or the berney Arms overnight stop. Thurs slow plod back towards acle. All doable in a week, we enjoying cruising and we have everything aboard we'll need. No point wasting daylight hours. Big plus for me a whole week afloat and not a lathams or Roy's will be visited lol...
  3. To be fair I'd rather moor at fm, it's not as noisy as right outside the pub. I can only assume its the cators who have erected the gate etc. Shame, but a little walk never hurt anyone lol..
  4. Morning at ferry marina boatyard is fine if your a hirer and want to use the pub. But someone has put up a fence and locked gate, so now you have to walk round to the pub. Not a big issue granted, but why ?? There's always been access to the pub along the bank ever since I can remember.
  5. An expensive overnight stop if you don't intend using said pub. They don't even offer a water hose.
  6. Let's face it, I very much doubt anyone goes into any pub nowadays and spend less then 20 quid. Those that don't want to use the pub for whatever reason, why moor there, go elsewhere and let those that are happy to, have your space. I've never had a bad experience here, but I did prefer the new Inn up until our visit last year. Good luck to the new tenants, sounds like they know what there doing.
  7. Spoke to them yesterday and there fine with it, we are staying at acle on the Friday night so il book a 5pm delivery. Mark just asked if we could vacate the moorings after we'd loaded up as they need the space for returning boats. Not a problem as I intend leaving acle at 6am on Saturday morning to catch the tide down to Yarmouth etc.
  8. I noticed in April last year old gus formerly of the new Inn was supervising the moorings. So that's rack em pack em and stack em.. do not leave the premises without telling a staff member, that's hardly a request, sounds like an order to me. Ummm, I guess with moorings at a huge premium now in Horning they can pretty much do as they like. Il still vist the pub tho, I've always enjoyed sitting outside with a pint.
  9. All sorted, put the yards post code into asda online address system and anchorcraft comes up,When did they close lol...
  10. Glad your up and running again, early season snags I call them Andrew. Virtually all the hire fleets have been sitting about for 4 months now in the cold and damp. Some batteries would have deteriorated over the winter etc. Ranworth is always a good place to watch Batteries being swapped out by the engineers at Easter lol.
  11. Had mixed blessings with shore power last October. Seemed to work fine in the boatyards we visited, new Inn horning was fine. The BA public moorings we stayed on we didn't seem to do so well. Not sure if we were unlucky or that's the norm. We gave up in the end, to much of a pain in the a..e to be honest.
  12. We are starting from acle, I plan to stay on the yard the Friday night, as I want to catch the early morning tide sat to head south. So I guess il book a 5pm delivery slot. Il speak with the yard 1st to make sure it's OK.
  13. Hi guys, can I ask do any members have there shopping delivered directly to there hire yard. I'm thinking of trying it out on our upcoming trip. The way I see it,it will be one less thing to load into the car and drag around. Il make sure we are on site for the delivery. Any thoughts,
  14. Call the yard out, I'd leave it till the morning if you can. It's a hire boat not worth getting to involved with the electrics unless it's something obvious.
  15. If you've ever had the pleasure of consuming army compo rations, that actually looks quite appealing lol...
  16. Arr, the dreaded C word....
  17. Herbert woods seem to have quite a few boats going out this afternoon Andrew so you won't be alone on the rivers. Happy sailing
  18. I'm more then happy to call you dad, can I borrow the boats next week pops 😉
  19. Very nice boat Vaughan, I bet you miss being able to use her.
  20. andyg


    Hi Howard golden is indeed a bounty 30, very reasonably priced. That's the only way I could swing it with the wife as I've spent enough on boats already this year lol. Yours and Simon great reviews of bridgecraft tempted me into giving them ago. Already experienced the excellent customers service everyone raves about. Spoke with Mark for quite a while on Sunday about the broads and how busy they been, a very likable chap. I will gladly except your pub recommendations, let's face it if you don't know who would 😉
  21. andyg


    Thanks, much appreciated. I've never been up there, I definitely have a look. 👍
  22. andyg


    Yes shouldn't be a problem, we've snapped up a cheapish week on golden bridge. Hard not to at the price.
  23. I hear whispering Reed craft have withdrawn bitten. Shame, but totally understandable with the bridge becoming more and more of a problem to navigate. 2nd hand boat prices are high so from a business point now is a good time to sell if that's there thinking. I remember watching them launch bitten she was a cracking little boat and incredibly popular to boot.
  24. andyg


    Hi guys, apart from the yacht station are there any moorings below the bridge in Beccles, IE a pub etc, but still in the village. We are on a week's cruise in May and I've decided to concentrate on the southen rivers. We've done the the northern network to death the last few years and I wouldn't say its getting boring. But a change wouldn't hurt. Loddon is on my list along with a visit to the new Inn at Rockland. There's a curry house in Norwich we want to re visit, so an overnight at commissioner cut will be had. I'm gonna give Oulton broad a miss as I've never really enjoyed an overnight stop. Any other nice overnight stops you could think might be worth a go I'd appreciate the heads up. Thanks 👌
  25. Apparently on quite turnaround days with the fleet sitting in they really struggle to fit all the boats in. Quite a few boats moored opposite the ferry not being used. I assume thats the cators land.To be fair I don't think the cators have added many new boats since they took over. It was already at bursting point under lens ownership. The current owners seem to have concentrate more on updating what they already had.
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