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Everything posted by andyg

  1. More cash...buts that's fine it's between 5 of us. Its our first holiday altogether in over 30 years. Due to some unforseen health issues we decided to re trace some of our memories of holidays afloat with our parents when we were children. Looking forward broadsman.
  2. I have back to back trips booked with Richardson's next September. We are away with friends for a week on our return to Stalham il be staying at the yard doing some washing popping into Norwich to collect my youngest sister and await the arrival of my other siblings. I had chosen San Diego for our weekend afloat. One of my sisters was shown a you tube video of broadsman, I received a call last night asking me if we change our boat. I've never changed a boat booking before and wasn't sure, a quick call to Stalham this morning and bobs your uncle all change in a couple of minutes absolutely no fuss. So it's broadsman 3 and a quoted 1pm takeover. Unfortunately the lady I spoke to was unwilling to help with my washing on the day and no amount of bribery with chocolate and vodka would change her mind lol. Least we had a laugh about it. Good to see the great customer service hasn't changed at richo.
  3. Agree with Ray I've never had a letter, but we both use the app which also has your covid passport on it if required. I've had all my jabs but today I've received 8 txt from my gp surgery inviting me along for my booster.
  4. So it's being reported the the nhs vaccine booking web site has crash due to high demand, frustrating but a good sign in my opinion. Maybe folk will start being a bit more sensible now and get their jab. We went to the pictures yesterday first time in 3 years, it was good to see ppl complying with the requirement to wear a mask. We saw westside story very good remake indeed ( if you like that kind of thing ) then on for a meal at our local harvester again bursting at the seems, but customers and staff wearing mask when needed to. 😉
  5. Petty erksum interferences, don't we call that grandchildren nowadays 💁‍♂️ great film....
  6. Personally with all the doom and gloom going on around international travel and the ever changing restrictions,I can't see the current pricing policy changing any time soon. 22 is looking like another staycation year for many. We should all know by January where we stand with this latest wave of covid. If bookings for the broads do really take off again, I could even see the current prices going up unfortunately.
  7. Yep NBD new boat is mega expensive, regardless of its fit out. But then everything len does always is. All the big boys are going down the road of premier quality boats lots of space etc. Which personally I think is fine, if folk are willing to pay for it then build it. Richardsons have taken approximately 30 budget end boats out of its fleet, some folk will upgrade some probably can't afford to. This is where I think a yard like bridge craft will benefit in the long run. Good quality value for money boats. I was told hw have 12 boats they allocate for winter cruising. It surprised me that one is one of the old centre cockpit CC boats. Bit drafty for winter cruising IMHO.
  8. Far better then a hot water bottle, at least Mrs nog won't go cold half way through the night 😉
  9. It looks lovely, sadly I don't think I could do the cold morning's, to many years sleeping in the open in sub zero temperatures during my army days. The last exercise I took part in was in northern Canada, don't think I've ever been so cold. Took me days to warm up, Put me off snow and ice for the rest of my life. That said your pictures do make it look very appealing. Are you out for 1 or 2 weeks ??
  10. Hadn't thought of that one, nice bit of dez O'connor should work a treat. 😉
  11. I love the cold callers you get from India, hours of fun to be had there. It dosent take long to have them tied up in knots pulling there hair out lol..or just tell them your just getting a pen,then wait and see how long it takes them to hang up...
  12. Hope your nice and snug and warm...
  13. Haven't they identified the problem with the AZ vaccine, I'm sure my wife told me earlier this week, the clots are being caused by a rare protein in a very small number of people's blood. Apparently it can be fixed. But wasn't asprin considered a radical new drug once upon a time.
  14. The nhs do indeed refuse certain treatments if the individual refuses to help themselves ( fact ) selfish smokers and drinkers ? How's that then ?? Both pay heavily in duty to hmrc and last time I looked, the government earn very nicely out of there bad habits even after the cost of treatments ( fact ) go work on the frontline like my wife and listen to what all the jumped up anti vaxers have got say whilst laying in a hospital bed riddle with covid, begging for the vaccine. There the selfish ones 100%....
  15. I was having a cuppa at work watching you bumping about in woods yard ( 😉 )
  16. Thanks, good to see you back on the forum, BTW the wife loved your Christmas lights 😉
  17. Humber bridge still looking good this late in the season. Is the engine mounted in the stern or midships on her ??
  18. Between TUI JET2 RYAN AIR EASYJET and BA there were 75 flights today from the UK and NI to the canaries islands it was a similar number on Saturday. There most definitely a pent up demand for overseas travel, but I can see the latest restrictions damping the mood. It's to early to predict what impact this latest variant will have, but I think 2022 will be another bumper year for UK holiday providers. Let's face it Andrew it can't get any busier then it was the last two seasons in terms of hire craft. On pure numbers of boats available to hie there actually will be a drop in numbers of hire craft overall. Richardsons are selling a fair few boat, barnes have a few up for sale, silverline have sold a couple etc.
  19. Not really a monument is it, dosent matter how you want to big it up, But it could be moved into the fields opposite the pilots office and still be enjoyed by thoses that wish to see it. Important historical structures have been moved a million time before in the name of progress. A simple foot bridge erected and bobs your uncle...
  20. I love the old 35ft centre cockpit Alphacrafts, back in October we followed a really nice example into Wroxham. Probably a good 30 odd years old. Looked as good as the day in came out the shed.
  21. I agree it should be right across the whole of society.
  22. After the announcement yesterday by the EU regarding mandatory vaccinations Germany have announced today they will be banning people from shops and bars if they have not had there's. A possible mandatory vaccination programme could be introduced early 2022 also. Personally I think its long overdue, too many people are refusing the vaccine for no just reason whatsoever and still want to maintain a normal lifestyle. Maybe a controversial opinion but.....as I posted early this week 98% of covid icu patients in my wife's hospital were un vaccinated, none had underlying health issues that would prevent them from having the jab. A complete and utter waste of valuable icu bed space. Which in the vast majority of cases could of been avoided. If in my opinion we are truly ever going to get to grips with this pandemic, some serious and possibly tough unpopular decisions need to be made and stuck to. After the events in Holland last weekend and the alarming discovery of dozens of covid positive traveler's onboard just two aircraft, we need to look long and hard at international travel for leisure. We will never get off this merry go round with this boom and bust policy.
  23. Most of it has all gone now, interesting fact about the old assembly hall site, after it had been demolished and during the build up to the London Olympics. The site was used as a rehearsals facility for the opening ceremony. It was all done at night as not to attract to much attention. Its all new industrial estates now. One of my first hgv driving job was ferrying trailers full of body panels from Tilbury docks into the plant. The last cars to roll off the line was the mazda 121,basically a Ford fiesta re baged. I live just over the back of there dunton development facilitie, it's still going strong.
  24. Andrew I think there's no such thing as a mass produced British built car anymore. The two biggest by volume cars assembled in this country are Japanese and German. The majority of cars Ford sell here in the UK are built elsewhere ( Europe) and shipped thro the tunnel. Ford's Dagenham plant is 5 minutes away from my work. Apart from the engine stamping and developement plant its just one big railway siding nowdays
  25. A paracetamol an hour before any future jab will help, it dose work.
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