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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Robin, Problem with that approach is I suspect there's lots of boats about who are only third party. Intentionally or un-Intentionally. Like you should there be a major impact we would always go through our own insurer, (although having seen a certain yards work (and being surveyed post that repair) I would be happy for them to do any other repair), although from this experience you may find your own insurer will ask if you are happy for the yard to fix.. your own insurer will probably not send a surveyor (If the other party offer fix) and they don't send a surveyor to inspect post repairs, so it will be down to you to get the boat surveyed (out the water) after the repairs if you are worried and that isn't cheap.. Thus it's probably cheaper to take the risk... I would think most yards would repair to a good standard (thankfully the one we used for Orca did a good job). Also it may not be a quick task when you get your insurers involved. Sadly with fibreglass (as JanetAnne keeps reminding me!! ) any repair is always going to be a repair, it can be obvious and therefore even if well done it will probably be noticed at survey. Our new boat has a professional repair (you can see as the jel coat don't quite match) but it hasn't affected the value of the boat. You may find you will get a picky seller who wants an emulate boat but I doubt anyone will be that fussy, if they are it's best to keep looking for a buyer. So yup my advice. If the other party/boatyard offer to repair then it's probably better to go with that. (contact your insurer for advice) then get the boat surveyed before accepting the boat back (That should help the repairers do the best job). Fingers crossed we never have to go through such thing.
  2. Lol no he's getting one cabin, most of the sofa (probably both helm seats) and I suspect, most of the lower windscreen area.. he is not having the boat named after him
  3. Here's shitbag, he's really called silvester but answers to shitbag... (He's a rain pain but very soppy). He adopted us when our neighbour who owned him moved moorings. He was brought up on boats so he has no fear of land (cars etc) sadly our neighbour was moving to a bankside property so he was worried the cat would use all of his 9 lives up pretty quickly. We've had him about 3 years (he's an old man sadly but all fit and well) and he's a spoilt brat..he's taken the boat over and does what he wants (Notice he has no collar as he's pretty good at exploring all the boats here so the advice is no collars as they can get trapped).. He's meant to be a traditional ships cat and keep the vermin away although he has a good habit of bringing them home alive.. grr.. With the new cruising boat he will be a proper ships cat and will get to come out to sea with us and explore the local area (We have just brought him a harness and a lifejacket so he will be safe and sound lol).
  4. JawsOrca


    Robin... Please stop giving them ideas...
  5. JawsOrca


    I agree with that Alan. I personally do put money in such as they should be encouraged and supported. Although the BA are taking the you know what asking for these on public moorings.. unless it's for water in which case I will happily put a donation in which is only fair.
  6. We west(ed) my sailing boat "Jessica"'s decks. New ply.. the first coat was thinned right down and it was fine.. We put an 80g weave on top though. West is a bit of a con though and there are others which is just as good (EP or one from eastcoastfibreglass). I've not tried to epoxy bear timer as Robin suggests and I'd be surprised if it didn't discolour.. All honestly I'd look for a good two pack epoxy based varnish which is designed (i.e has UV stabliser's) in to do the job. Oh thankfully now we have plastic boats and all we have to do is wash them lol!!
  7. JawsOrca


    Someone really needs to make new stickers: "No one puts a contribution in here because you already contribute as part of river tolls but we are currently spending lots of money on legal battles and desperately need your donations.. please"
  8. P.s halfords branded batteries are Yuasa.. even the leisure ones. We have been using them for years on boats and cars and they have always been good.
  9. Iain. It's click on the members name and on the left you will see a "Apply Warning Points".. hope that helps...
  10. Broom Crown 37.. (Number 3) I'll get some pictures. We haven't completed yet so don't want to count my chickens though (But it should all happen). She's being surveyed tomorrow.. Sea trial is Saturday (all being well), take her over easter weekend/weekend after depending on funds clearing. Certainly will lol..
  11. JawsOrca

    Radio Course

    I believe we have a member who has a training centre aboard his boat in the lovely somerleyton marina. I did my course a few years back (at my YC) and it was great fun.. The best bit is you can press the DSC button and watch all hell break lose.. any my teacher (whos also a mate of mine) "loved it" when I kept doing it lol... it's worth doing just for interest too.
  12. Sadly we let this boat go as talking with the seller he admitted that the next realistic time we can get the boat out the system is June.. and on a lorry it wouldn't offer a respectable safety margin as it would be about 16feet high. Plus we want a boat we can get through the french canals and if we are having problems with the broads I suspect this would rule the french canals out. The boat we brought in the end is thankfully seaward side of any bridges and everything will collapse to give only 9ft perfect. Grace hopefully I'll do "An adventures of .." Although this was still an interesting discussion and hopefully has helped others. I'm sure we will bring our new boat to the broads one day.
  13. Hopefully we will take ownership of our broom 37 that weekend and bringing her home from Ipswich. Everything crossed. If not then upto Norfolk with orca.
  14. from me. Hope you learn all you seek.
  15. Yeah we looked at one. Needs lots of work. Good luck to all involved. Massive shame as we was loyal customers for many years and very very sad to see..
  16. Oh this is going to be fun.. Eddie or whatever he's called today is typing away... looking forward to it. Can someone post as soon as it's available...
  17. OK princesses website say 11.9. I'm on my mobile and can't quite copy and paste. Sadly we are on a time deadline so two week wait maybe too hard. Although it looks springs first week in April which may work. Will have a think lol.
  18. I think that is with all that stuff off already. Princess 41. I can't believe it's too bloody high to get under those bridges on normal tides.
  19. Brilliant lorry then... what joy.. all..
  20. Good points Robin... I think we should squeeze under Acle at high water (Just) although we would be heading to yarmouth for slack as yarmouth would certainly need to be slack so we shouldn't really be there on High. I'd prefer to leave "Norfolk" at high water to make best use of the tide (as I believe (and I've not looked yet/some time) the tide floods down the coast?!) although the engines are rather meety so it won't matter too much... I think a bit part of the problem will be the weather so getting to lowestoft maybe a better idea as there will be berthing options unlike exiting through yarmouth. (The trip down here will be a single day though) ..
  21. Thanks Strowager.. any thoughts on which way out is better?
  22. It depends at present.. it will probably be from the Bure out to sea (south). (So I can get hold of the broads system bridge heights) but I just don't have an almanac for the seaward side bridges. I "thought" Great Yarmouth bridges are quite low and they don't like opening them?! I know somerleyton will open and thought it not too hard to get out through lowestoft but Yarmouth will probably be closer but I'm open to opinions and the more detail the better so I weigh things up.
  23. Hi All, I erm (May) need to plan a passage for a flybridge cruiser out of the broads system. The boat has an airdraft of 11ft 9in doe's anyone know what the bridge heights are through Yarmouth (and/or Lowestoft) and/or what's the situation on bridge openings? Any opinion of what way is easier? Thanks in advance
  24. Lovely boat. You are very lucky! Although she's probably even luckier to have found yourself to care for her! Welcome to the forum too. Hope to see you on the river soon.
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