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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. aboard Rob! You may regret mentioning you are a techy.. we will let you settle in first
  2. Worked for us.. we used a a copper pipe attached to the end of a pela pump hose. Allowed us to quickly identify what the tanks are like (all good thankfully).. (ours are 100gal tanks).
  3. strowager I think the netting is before my time (or during my time away from the broads). I can't remember it and I don't remember The other smaller lock there.. is that a broad or an extension of salhouse broad?
  4. 9 for me... got the second one wrong Can't quite see how that's salhouse.. Also question 1 has two broads on it... tut tut media...
  5. Problem is though strowager, the little plastic flaps aren't fireproof for 3 hours (Or whatever the stupid BSC rules are)... Personally I have no confidence with the BSC, a view which is echoed by two very experienced marine surveyors who I know..
  6. I doubt any bank (and most companies) will make contact like this by Email. Basically I think it's safe to ignore all emails from such companies.. If they need to get in contact with you they will send snail mail.. The only one's which are getting good is any PayPal ones, although it's better to login to paypal directly (www.paypal.com) and check on there.
  7. Sounds plausible. UN Money going walkies in Africa...
  8. JawsOrca

    Shore Power

    Enjoy your holiday Mike. I'm sure you will find the boat all to your liking! Don't forget to go south this time round though
  9. It's worthless without public road access..(Although a ferry service would be good) I'll give a quid for it.
  10. http://www.marinesurveyorskent.co.uk/ - mention me and I'm sure he will offer a deal (hopefully the price won't go up he doesnt do BSC's though)... probably best that way though as it's often conflicting worlds (and there's no benefit of doing at the same time). Although he's kent based he does travel all over.
  11. Sorry to hear this eric. thoughts are with you.
  12. I do wonder were inexperience comes into play with negligence cases. Not to say that if you drive a boat into a bridge you should get away with it but it could be easy to say on day two of hiring a boat.. "well we watched other boats do it".. ?! It's easy for us experienced helms to say they shouldn't have done it but it's hard to imagine what must be going through newbies minds it's clearly a lot think about. I guess the broads have these cases year in year out so they must understand and know the outcome. Personally I'm on the fence on whether people should be trained in the UK now. Part of me says it would kill the broads (but how many newbies are there really these days) other part says as boats are getting bigger. Broads users are getting more experienced. Then perhaps there's a good need for mandatory training like we see on the continent. Also I'd think there's a market (as there's lots of experiences hirers out.. people who have way more experience than me) to have experience only boats. Nice big twin screw boats. Nav lights etc... From what I understand from Marine insurance.. you pay more for the higher risk.. so inland daylight only you pay peanuts. UK coastal to continent cost a bit! So perhaps (and not sure if they do this) hirers should pay insurance to match the risk and value if the boat... non refundable of course..
  13. Not good to see. Thoughts to the richos team hope it's minor damage and quickly back to work shortly.
  14. 1 out if there ain't bad then Iain Lol gracie but I have to pay to use these
  15. She can't get under the bridges though Iain. we did spot her on Saturday when we went over the bridge.. full speed not a hire boat in sight.. I so want that job.. Nice toy to.play with!!
  16. 6/7 from me.. the boats not called Doris (I'd call it Doris.. Actually the next boats called Doris)..
  17. Oh grace. That's just alerted me to the fact that orca needs to be clean and tidy.. no chance! Move along.. geez how am I going to find the time to clean it..
  18. I work at Gatwick and have the daily commute from medway... the reasons you mention are why we have orca in Norfolk
  19. Pleased to hear network rail have contributed. Personally I believe it's a disgrace that the lifeboat was called upon. Surely network rail has road access to this location. (Special permission from the land owner) if not it needs to be acquired. These people should have been recovered by road at cost to network rail. Not at cost to a charity.
  20. The thing with the broads is that the boats are part of the show. Also I suspect no boaty visitors don't quite realise that boats maybe privately owned.. we've not experienced any intrusion with orca. Saying that though we've had problems here with the new boat. It's a bit unusual for this marina and visible from the gate. Yup we've noticed people walking into the marina down the long steep ramp and face against the windows! I'm not quite sure how I would react if I saw unknown people wandering around the boats. My finest French would certainly be offered...
  21. Carol.. It's because we are all being nosy... or it's practice to see just how close they can get... Or they are steering a boat like Orca and the boats off doing it's own thing...
  22. I would guess your account is linked via facebook. Not sure how you unlink it though. It maybe a thing to do behind the scenes.
  23. Welcome too from me! Love the pub. We are moored at Stalham so you are one of our locals.
  24. Certainly nice to know that the broads area is pretty much a crime free area Thanks for sharing Stuart.
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