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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Thanks guys.. Really kind of you all I had a flying lesson booked for this morning but strong winds cancelled play (The instructor told me to go to the airfield as it's only 10 mins up the road, he really wanted to take me up so went up on his own quickly but said it was too windy and he doesn't want to put me off) but I'll do as soon as the weather clears. So we then went shopping, we brought a few things for both boats.
  2. Yes the school trip they appeared to had hired about 5 or so cruisers and sailing boats, they was full of energy but we didn't hear them from our spot there, apart from when they had a play session but that was only short. I think the organisors did well to keep them at the one end...I wish we did that as a school trip when we was kids. how cool would that had been! Hopefully see you soon up there one day!
  3. oh really? erm it seems ok for me .. It may just be your router being very slow.. it should be ok in a bit (or die for me.. if so then time for a new one!).
  4. We really should have tried to catch up.. It was a good little route.. great minds see Did you only spot us at Womack?? We must have passed somewhere else?
  5. Hi Paul, Click on your avatar on this thread, this will take you to your profile. On your avatar click the little grey box just under your avatar. Select upload, select your picture, click save. If that doesn't work, feel free to attach to this thread and I'll apply for you.
  6. Friday 24th June I'd had a bit of a sleepless night.. My hayfever has turned into a full blown manflu but I had to fight on for the holiday sake! It was bluesky though so I was feeling OK when I woke up but yup Dave just had to do more helming. We spent a couple of hours fishing, I'd been texting some friends and invited them up for the day tomorrow but I couldn't quite get a clear signal and a reply but it was sadly time to head back to the marina anyway, so the plan was set to spend the night up in sutton.. but we wasn't quite in the mood to head straight back.. Dave also wanted to go somewhere so I suggest lunch at Acle.. going down here would also allow us to bring her up to 6mph and give the engine a bit of a run, she really isn't happy at 3mph. I wanted to go to Upton again , I like supporting this pub as it's a community run pub and it's a lovely spot.. so off we headed. The run down to Upton was lovely.. nice clear skies and lots of boats about. I spotted a boat coming out the dyke so held back on the main river.. Just as they passed I asked them if there was moorings and they shouted back "Yup 4 spots".. considering there's only about 4 boat lengths I thought this meant they was empty.. So off we went, we had to pull in again half way down as a sailing dinghy was coming down.. at the end to my surprise.. the yard was full and the moorings was all taken up (Not sure what the chap was looking at then) but we decided to squeeze on the end and use a reed anchor.. A lovely warm sunny day... I quickly grabbed some pictures whilst Dave did the rope stuff. I remember from before this walk was a bit of a trek but compared to the south walsham walk, this was a walk in the park. We both ordered soft drinks for a change, I really was warm (Learnt now I had a really bad fever) so we just needed refreshments (I had an ice shoot which was like a J2o but it was really nice), I wanted to eat at acle bridge and it was hard not to be tempted here after watching the meals coming out, they looked lovely.. next time. Shop!! we just got a couple of soft drinks but a neat little shop. Back to boat, a norman 23 (similar to LadyP) moored behind us so thankfully I wasn't quite taking the p mooring on the corner there (I wouldn't normally do this as we was in the way so nice to see someone else being even bad than me).. We span Orca on ropes as it was too tight and I wasn't even sure there was enough room to turn on ropes but had 6 inches to spare. We departed without hitting anything (I was surprised too, but I was a bit busy admiring the timber boats here to care too much!).. thankfully we made it onto the main river with no worries, I was on the helm still for a change (Still full blown man flu remember). The moorings up to acle were all busy but as we approached the bridge I spotted empty moorings right outside the pub.. result! Annoyingly Orca did her stalling trick when put into reverse (grrr) but we got there, we took a table right beside the boat which was nice (considering we've been walking to pubs). Whitebait for me, mushrooms for Dave then two burgers all yummy.. I had a wherry shandy to wash it down. Sadly the manflu was winning and I had to go for a lay down for a bit.. eventually all good and off we went (just as a boat load of pirates and a pet parrot passed by). Dave had the helm.. He wanted to have a quick stop off at St bennets which we did, we only had a quick walk as we still had a long day ahead of us and it was getting a bit late. I retook the helm and we passed under ludham bridge, I wanted ice cream again so we stopped at the shop and ran in just before they closed at 5 and grabbed an icecream! Back on the boat Dave took the helm and we headed back up the ant. It was getting late so there wasn't many boats on the river which is always nice. Just as we approached barton the sky looked apocalyptic and the havens opened once again and truly chucked it down.. Once again Orca's hardtop proved perfect and we was all dry (She does need a better windscreen wiper though +list). It was drink time again so Sutton was plotted as the destination. Thankfully just as we approached the rain stopped and the sky cleared. We managed to as usual squeeze in and once Dave set up a marvel of spring lines (The bow overhanged the dyke a bit.. whoops) we wondered to the pub. We wasn't hungry enough for dinner but ordered two chocolate desserts and a beer for dinner it filled the hole though! We sat outside for a bit until we finished the beer and rain appeared. Sadly as the only spot was on the turning cycle and knowing from experience now that the most other boats will be will up and gone before us we decided to head off somewhere else just so I can get some sleep without worrying. Yup it rained again (bloody summer!) and erm everyone was watching us as we drifted off at dusk (I do wonder what people are thinking!... why are they leaving?! were are they going), there was lots of boats all moored on Sutton broad and we've not stopped here, but I spotted a big gap, I reversed back carefully watching the fish finder carefully as the transducer is on the stern just above the leg but it was fine and we wasn't doing any damage to the lilies so Dave dropped the parking brake and then put some ballast block out the stern. A really lovely sunset followed whilst we fished for a bit until the sun really set.. finally for the night we put the extras DVD on from last nights movie (sounds strange but we was still awake and it was interesting).
  7. Here you go then all..: I'll try and remember to take some pictures next time we are up.
  8. Welcome to the NBN "Save Our Broads Bins". Following the well known removal of waste disposal services on the broads, the authorities appear to believe that there are no issues around this and need evidence to prove there's an issue. Please use this thread to post pictures of rubbish beside or on the broads. (Please state the location and the date taken.) No comments or personal views for clarity (Use another thread please). Hopefully together with such evidence we can help the authorities reinstate these facilities.
  9. Alan, I don't think the councils will listen... it really seems we need to prove it.. sadly we noticed an increase in flytipping when we was up there. I did mean to take pictures and post.. perhaps that's what we need to do.. a "Save Our Broads" campain... (Or Save Our Bins! (SOB eitherway ).. everyone take pictures of overflowing bins and post them on the forum that way we have a means to prove there's issues... perhaps worth a try.
  10. Tony, can you find another please... this is a family forum..
  11. to the forum from me. You could message the yacht club and see if someone can kindly run over and grab a picture for you. It certainly sounds like it's going to be tight (Have you included any wind equipment, ariel etc in your calculations?).. the tides are obviously affected by weather and I believe at present the tides are higher than expected due to all the rain..it may be one that needs lowering good luck
  12. Thursday 23rd June The heavy patter of the rain woke us early (No I didn't have a headache), salhouse has always been amazing for fishing. I'm really not into sitting fishing all day not catching anything, I don't mind even if catch little fish (it's not all about size is it really!?) so I enjoy salhouse as you really can just catch and catch so as it was raining decided we go and mudweight and do a bit of fishing. We had kinda planed to go back to the yard today as I wanted a Chinese in our favourite resturant in Lowestoft but the couple we spoke to yesterday mentioned that there's a Chinese at south walsham that deliver to the boat, we've not moored there before to so I said to Dave we should try that.. this meant we had all day spare so a couple of hours at least to fish.. It seems fish don't try to be caught if it rains so no fish caught (as usual).. After a couple of hours we gave up and headed over to the boardwalk on Hoveton great broad. All moored out the sun came out. I like this boardwalk, it's really natural and just railway sleepers laied on the mud. Really nice to wander around as always and a really nice morning. After the walk I said to Dave I fancy ice cream knowing the ice cream boat is normally around here. Back on the boat we spotted him over the other side of the bank so we motored over and grabbed some.. Nice chatting to the chap and the ice cream was spot on. Back on the boat time was getting on so we headed to south walsham. I gave Dave the helm whilst I chilled on the back seat under the sun.. Lovely.. We stopped at Boutlers at horning for Fuel.. Dave checked the tank and was concerned we was running low, despite having a spare supply he wanted to fuel up. I arranged the recovery service with them too just before coming up so I wanted to make sure that's all in place. Boulters for us is scary to get into.. there really isn't much room. As we approached one boat was being serviced but thankfully we had space outside. So we landed for a bit.. The chaps in here are really helpful and spotted I was worried so moved one boat out the way for us and two of them plus dave was on hand.. I actually got in without any problems. We took on 27 litres (considering it was full) so she's doing just over a litre an hour but it's struggling on these low speeds.. Dave needs to talk to the leg company and maybe we need a smaller prop but we will see. (£50 a week isn't anything to moan about). It was about 4pm when we arrived into South walsham, the moorings looked full but I spotted a tiny gap, just big enough for Orca.. I've now mastered how to do a parallel reverse mooring with the leg which means I can get into small spots without much trouble, and it don't matter where the tide or wind is.. (Although it's better if the tides behind).. and yup I squeezed in to the surprise of the fisherman fishing off the stern of his boat.. Once moored up I did apologise for taking his fishing spot but he agreed with us the fishing at the moment is just crap so he was just chilling anyway. "Can't make it any worse" was his words. We've not moored here before, last time we spent much time here there was a hireboat yard and a shop just her, that's long gone and is now the outboard shop. It was still early and we really need to do more walking so we both agreed to just go for a walk.. ideally seeing if we can find the pub. (and ordering a Chinese for later). The footpath by the moorings was closed meaning we could only walk to the village anyway, checking the mobiles we couldn't get a signal to get a chinese so we just followed the signs and headed to the village.. we knew it was a walk (The sign.. "Free cab service" gave it away) but again we needed the walk. Some 45 mins later we arrived at the pub.. it was now close to 5 so we decided to to just go order a chinese.. I'd started to get hayfever symptoms so really pleased to find a shop that sold hayfever tablets. We found the chinese restaurant and walked in and decided to sit and eat there and then. We ordered a few dishes and really enjoyed our meal.. highly recommended and we will be back. Annoyingly through the window we could see the rain drizzling once again and neither of us had a jacket.. but it was still warm and the drizzle just helped to make a cool walk back (through the fields). As we walked back a chap stopped us and said he had pulled Orca's canopy down as it actually rained a lot (we missed that bit) we thanked him though.. he seemed a bit concerned what he had done but we reassured him and thanked him. Back to the boat we wanted to moor on the broad and do a bit of fishing once again. I guessed the chap was on the boat behind us and I spotted a few beer boxes through the window so we handed a couple of bottles of bud to the lady aboard and offered our thanks.. the chap had even secured the rubber cords so very kind of him, although the back is is self draining it still saved us tiding up.. top chap I wasn't sure of mooring rules on the broad here, I remember something about no mooring.. Dave also wanted to go for a bit of a drive about (as it was just about dusk) so he suggested Ranworth (surprised he's learning his surroundings well considering we haven't spent a lot of time up north). I have no concerns about navigating at dusk.. The rivers are peaceful and the waters are still it's a brilliant time to be out. So off we trundled, as there was lots of boats moored I kept the speed low, some 3kts.. Just by the moorings at st benets Dave spotted something in the water, and yup a large otter was floating on his back.. nice to see, sadly by the time I reversed to watch him he drifted into the reeds. The rain once again returned just as we approached Ranworth. We turned the corner and spotted a chap sitting on the front of his hireboat fishing whilst the rain seriously throw it down.. Dave shouted "That looks fun". The chap replied "No it's not". Once we stopped I shouted over "Don't ever give up!", he laughed (Getting my joke as it really was like the posters you see) and said "I'm about to". To my surprise he carried on for a good 20 mins on giving up when you couldn't see the water through the spray caused by the rain drops. (I was soo proud of Orca as she really didn't drip one bit.. considering it was the heaviest shower I've seen in a long time). I sat and fished through the canopy for a bit. Dave decided to dig out the TV and DVD player which we put in the wheelhouse.. Pirates of the Caribbean..
  13. Hi Jean, It's a bit nuts that we was so close for this earlier time! I do love talking to people on the broads (I'm not normally a people person but when I'm chilled out I'll talk to everyone)... if you (or anyone) see's us next time do please say hi, Orca always has the NBN flag on the bow so should be easy to spot! We stayed at the island last year it's certainly much nicer than the main staithe but we find the wind for us makes it hard to moor up and leave I think for us now we use the boat more for getting away from things and not motoring around so much.. certainly now it's up on the northern rivers, it probably helps that we can get about still at dusk so time isn't really a problem.. although even this year where sunset must have been really late we did notice that must boats are moored up at about 5pm the best cruising is after then (The waters are still and this is when we spotted a ton of wildlife)... so it is like people get up early to get to the nexts night mooring instead of a slower start and just see happens.. bit of a shame I hope you had a brilliant holiday despite that weather. Looking forward to hearing your tale!
  14. Wednesday 22nd June Blue sky morning again.. awoke at 10pm (Heaven ) most hireboaters beside us had already headed off on the next adventure (what time do they get up?!). After an hour or so of fishing (which is now just a game of sitting there with a pole and a half dead drowned maggot whilst the fish swim around it and don't even bite) we saw a few boats leaving the staithe so engine on we headed over there.. we peeped around the corner and every spot looked full so waited a bit.. to my slight annoyance another boater came beside me and tried driving infront (?!) I found my throttle and fendered them off (no I'm not admiring the boats I'm looking to land.. go away ). I spotted a post at the very end (towards the pub) with no mooring line attached but it wouldn't be easy to get into as there was a boat moored stern on by the stream (not seen that before but fair point there's room.. cram them in).. so this meant we would have to go (big marina style) bow first (instead of stern on) and moor side on.. I drove in and came just alongside the stern too boat and Dave jumped off before mooring her starboard side to the bank.. being a tad selfish I made Dave tie her off a bit back as I only wanted brunch.. drink and walkies.. I didn't want to be fully blocked in. (yeah yeah selfish I knew now ) Just as we tied off people started to leave (I probably needed a shower.. certainly a shave).. Anyways we helped a couple of hirers moor up which I always enjoy (I will talk to anyone!).. we helped a (I hate the word private so from now on will call them pirates) moor up. Just as they moored up they asked if Orca was a Sabre and we had a good chat, they had a sabre for some years with twin engines.. lovely chat.. I gave them some beermats and they promised to join the forum (Hopefully they did?!!). Orca had a quick mop as she looked a mess and I was a bit embarrassed in all honestly. A lady from the wildlife trust came over and questioned why I wasn't stern on.. lol sadly I just mumbled something and she was suitable confused but content.. told us to just pull forward if we stayed the night (No way would I have got Orca stern to without doing a lot of damage)... We finally headed off for a walk. I really enjoy the boardwalks on the broads... so off we trundled to the boardwalk via the church.. we've not been up the top but I didn't fancy it today so next time! The boardwalk was busy but we found some time to sit by the dayboat landing bit and enjoy the view and the sun quickly.. shop (nothing caught my eye to buy though).. back to the staithe it was about 11.30am (sadly I'm not quite a fan of this pub for an unknown reason) so we decided to give it a miss and head for the New inn at horning. Engine on.. Orca reversed out and yup she wanted to look closely at a bank and embarrass us.. oh well.. hopefully no one noticed and put a negative post on any websites.. A nice run into Horning, sadly we shouted over to Guss and he had no spots, it was lunchtime though.. I kinda expected (clearly wrongly) to moor there, have a big lunch and cheese on toast or something for dinner later whilst we mudweight and fish all evening.. I got a tad worried knowing there's not many options left... but then remembered last year people had mentioned that they had managed to walk to the wherry pub so yup that's the plan.. salhouse.. moor against the pub.. find the wherry pub and then mudweight later. We arrived into a busy salhouse before we knew it.. sadly the now usual drizzle did it's show. I found a spot big enough that I can moor stern too without looking too embarrassed, although to Dave's surprise I made him moor (he really needs more experience and Orca's a good one to learn on).. He did OK a bit sideways but it was a bit my fault as I had to stay on the helm beside him, instructing him instead of jumping off and doing ropes or going forward and throwing the parking brake (mudweight) like he does but all there no worries.. As always whilst Dave did the rope tidying (or whatever he does) I go off looking for people to talk to! A couple of hireboats come into land so I helped them. some northerners really talkative though, Then a hunters boat comes in to moor.. the hubby looking like he needs a beer, the wife already talking even before they land, I help them and fire all the questions off again.. truly love these boats.. amazing pieces of history and top credit to the trust and all those who hire to keep them going.. we have a lovely chat though and lovely people as always.. they hand me a booklet and one day we will do it (probably do a weekend though). Pub.. I need a drink.. lets find the pub and make sure we can get a table for later. 10 mins walk they said.. (Ha yeah whatever).. but no to our surprise it was 10 mins.. we found the wherry pub!.. (We'd been by car and I thought it was miles and miles). Wherry for me obviously.. ripe apple juice for Dave.. Table booked..Beer and cider drunk.. shop!! (one of my favourite shops).. now I seriously hate sales people but this shop.. hmm I can deal with it and (I was a bit tipsy) so we had a good chat, the chap tried selling us a beer keg but the holiday was getting on and I couldn't quite work out if I would drink 18 pints(well I could but I would be pushing the drink helming laws and Dave doesn't like Wherry) so settled for a couple of bottles and a few gifts.. Back to the boat.. apparently the walk back is downhill.. oh yeah.. didn't even notice. Back on the boat, commodore was beside us and some erm loud happy welsh people having a party and BBQ.. beside us.. wasted would be an understatement.. screaming "PUT VINDALOO ON SO I CAN SING IT".. surprised to see Commodore depart and two boats beside us, leaving two other boats some 10 boat spaces away (So these guys no where near there own boat).. Thankfully the BBQ was put out with the fresh water hose and the last of the bread emptied to the ducks (Surprisingly ducks don't answer to "DUCK, DUCK, DUCK.. FOOD" even after the 15th time).. then the two boats departed at 10mph towards Horning.. I shouted over to the friendly northerners.."LOVELY DAY [NOW]". They agreed!.. waving to the departing boats... All washed, dressed (and shaved) for the pub (well you know, clean enough).. the northern chaps demanded we bring back beer for them this time as we told them sadly we drunk their ones on the walk back last time :).. The walk to the pub was nice and short and we had a nice table overlooking the fields.. I tried the american pale ale but wasn't quite a fan... I like my wherry too much really.. Food was good we went for a full 3 course meal for a change (considering we have no food all day).. not bad price.. nice to find a good pub close to this lovely broad. Back to the boat, we (now) had a good crowd moored near us.. I'm really not one for mooring near people as in my eyes it's a waste.. but we both decided to stay put. (I think I was a bit drunk because I've forgotten the rest of the night lol!! sorry blog).
  15. Thanks Gracie It was a lovely spot, I think we will defo make a beeline for it again.. Hopefully there's plenty more nice pictures coming. Glad you like mate.. I have a bit of a "Reflections" theme going on! I love the glass effect still water does.. and the broads in the evening always does this.. it's amazing..
  16. from me too! Breydon is the best bit of the broads. Sadly this year, for the first time ever we stayed north.. it did feel strange but relaxing, I think we will be going south for our next week in september though.. Have a good trip. As others have said at that air draft you wont need to worry about the bridges but you will save a lot of fuel if you still did the trip at slack water.
  17. Some are just taking a bit of a holiday. Jonzo is trying to round them up and they should be back shortly...
  18. Tuesday 21st June Blue sky morning.. yay.. a complete change from yesterday and we was both in better spirits.. It was also already warming up.. a hour or so fishing (none caught) engine on we needed more fishing bits as the fish no like the sweetcorn so back to lathams quickly (I also really enjoyed the sasuage rolls so wanted the same again).. Potter looked lovely in the blue sky once again I had to squeeze Orca into a tiny spot but she does a really good parralle park with the leg so nice and easy. What a difference a day makes though, yesterday it was dreadful here and now potter has all the usual summer visitors. As we walked over the bridge a chap stopped us and offered us a business offer.. Dave naturally walked by but I heard him talk more "A fiver to help me quant through the bridge".. hell yeah I said.. Dave was dragged along... lol.. chatted to the chap quickly as we walked to his boat and he explained he was on his own and can't quant and steer the tiller through the bridge so needed someone on the helm.. not sure why he stopped us as we already looked like we had been at sea for a month.. perhaps that's why. To my joy as we walked over the bridge it was a hussler class from Hunters. I'd been waiting ages just to get near one of these as it's a bit of a dream to hire one..see I do have a hidden love for timber boats.. the chap didn't need to tell me to sit on the helm! Lovely.. yummy.. I want one.. do I have to get off? The tiller was very heavy just like our old boat and slot to react.. timber everywhere "Where's you boat the chap mentioned..".. "just that one there".. the chap was doing well on the quant and I was firing questions quickly.. how far.. how easy.. self tacking.. throw the bridge.. just a gentle tough of the burgee (the rivers was high.. not my fault.. I was bang on the middle).Through the next bridge please mate :).. no worries.. sadly we moored up too quickly but Dave was smiling too.. (sold!).. he offered the fiver but I couldn't take it.. thanks for the trip we said! Back to lathams, sausage role and cake lunch purchased and then into the fishing shop.. £50 more quid of retail therapy. Dave brought me a fishing pole.. none of that reel stuff to annoy me with.. sounds better for me. Back to the plastic Orca (maintenance easy I remind myself). Engine on, we can't go under the bridge so back south.. no real plan this week for a change (I normally plan but the only plan was stay away from yarmouth and take it easy).. we fancied a BBQ at salhouse so we headed that way. This week I wanted Dave to pick up the helming more (As it's pretty bad of me not to teach him).. I really wanted to relax so he was on the helm for most of the trip. Time was getting on and sadly the clouds started to close in so we diverted for Ranworth.. Ranworth is one of my favourite mudweight spots, the sky is huge there and I've had some lovely pictures from there before of the evening... those who moor on the staithe really are missing out... do it one day.. thankfully it's not lost on all and there was a good 5 boats.. mostly hireboats too but nothing like mental season where it can really be full here but still nice. I took some pictures whilst both of us fished (Ok I just left the rod hanging out the boat whilst I took some pictures) until calling it a day.
  19. They wouldnt do it if they knew it's classed as attempted murder. Glad no one was injured and damage was done. We moor up here a lot so will drop the parking brake from now on.
  20. Monday 20th June One eye open I could hear the patter of the rain on the cabin roof.. no point in rushing up.. eventually the rain stopped and we was up after all the hireboats had left so surprised to see ourselves all alone on the staithe here!! Once awake we wondered up the road to the little village shop. We grabbed a few little bits, we need fishing licences today, sadly no post office so decided there and then to head upto potter and ludham for bits. Back to the boat, engine on and we left.. due south.. a nice easy trip down the ant, waving at lots of boats enjoying the day despite the rain. Ludham bridge was quiet so straight through Orca's horn only breaking the peace as we glide under the bridge.. (Yes the heights here are way out.. god only knows what the real height is). The rivers are high, I guess due to all this rain we've had but not over the foot path so not too bad. Onto the main River, the usual early summer traffic but just a nice reminder that we are on the broads. I wanted to head into womack for fishing licences first but Dave demanded we get fishing bits first..(not sure it was the best idea considering the fisherfolk didn't seem happy through the windows). Anyway each year we buy fishing stuff and each year he loses it.. grr.. Anyways we managed to squeeze Orca into the public moorings between two huge lightship hireboats.. (You guys can go into herbert woods you know?)... running distance to lathams as the heavens once again opened with the clouds clearly indicating nothing was going to change anytime soon. So a quick walk (no running for me) to the supermarket first for bits.. usual random junk brought but bits for BBQing tonight (yup positive thinking).. Lunch time and we spotted some fresh sausage rolls.. two of those and a cake for lunch please! Heavy bags in tow off to the fishing shop... some maggots and £50 of random bits..but I brought him a fishing box as a present with the instruction that this stays on Orca. A quicker run back to the boat but it was feeling warm so the rain was more like a shower. So now we had the fishing gear but no licences we headed down to womack. Only wherry Albion in the shed today and hunters yard sadly looking pretty full up.. (one day we will hire one.. I mumbled to Dave). Approaching the staithe here it looked pretty full but we found a double gap big enough for Orca to her sideways uncontrolled reversed (yes she can steer in reverse but you try tell that to her)..Only a little bump from our fresh neighbours and a look of hate from them.. (I daren't say lovely day considering the black sky so that would have sounded ironic).. sorry but I did well. The rain thankfully started to slow so of we walked to the post office.. The pub caught my eye first but Dave dragged me off to the post office first.. 30 mins later fishing licences all done.. (they know everything about me know.. whoops).. Pub pub pub... wherry and a aspalls.. (just the one - we are on a boating holiday). Out the door blue sky.. poxy weather.. Down the lane.. still can't find that geocache but I think I know now.. sadly a bit wet so I'll look another day/month Into the little shop.. I like shops.. but nothing caught the eye.. Next door for a pump out.. Orca's not had a pump out for 11 months.. I was using it as ballast lol..I motored in only upsetting the one fisherfolk. All pumpted out and free water (saved quieing).. for £12. Off we went, wasn't quite sure were to go but the best bit about being in north though.. there really is tons of places to go so no need to plan.. We turned just off the main river around the island and spotted a wild mooring.. tucked nicely away on a bend, there was a few fish rings and the fish finder was showing fish was present.. I've been reluctant to do wild moorings with Orca and this would be our first one... it's easy to be gun hoe when it's a hireboat but yup a tad worried... imagine all the worse that could happen.. but I went in bow first, Dave jumped off.. engine off and we gently brought her along side.. the depth alarm going off just at the last moment but I've got that set to 3 feet and that's what it was showing so plenty of water and a nice well worn soft bank.. should be all good.. Lovely spot.. Welcome to norfolk! BBQ was planned but the rain came and yup it came but Orca's hardtop reminding us why we fell in love with her kept us dry whilst we set up the fishing gear. The rain stopped so the BBQ was set up.. sadly a further downpour put stop to that but that quickly flew past and blue sky emerged for miles.. thankfully I believe this was summer solstice so we had plenty of day left to BBQ.. and yup it was a lovely evening and the BBQ finally happen.. real proper camping style a nice mooring all to ourselves. Dave sat and fished before running out of energy and we called it a day.. pretty much with the midnight sun still on the horizon.
  21. I think it's a bit cruel to brand as bad manners.. the broads is a holiday destination, people are holiday and thus relaxing.. When I'm up there I drive too close to be nosy (the same as you look through windows without kinda noticing it when you wondering around somewhere new).. people do to us, I don't mind just as long as they don't hit us.. and we've never had anyone hit us on purpose. The majority on the broads users are also taught by the yards (myself included - Thankfully we was initially taught by an old experienced chap at silverline and I still employ most of what he said) so perhaps the yards don't quite get the right message over. Certainly with regards to engine running..My personal view is that if an engine needs to be run to do something then it's not been designed and engineered correctly.. the engine should be there just to drive the boat nothing more.. if the modern lightships need the engine to charge things then they either should have more investment in them (yes sorry the cost should applied to the hirer), i.e they should have separate well silenced gensets which are used for domestic applications outside of the engine.. The BA (or others) shouldn't be running round putting electric pylons in places.. not only it's hardly green they ruin the natural look.. we are hardly experts but Orca has mod cons but doesn't need plugging in.. we both managed two showers and washing up without engines running.. sadly I think it's a cop out by the yards and it's the builders responsibly to design accordingly.. it will become more of an issue as fleets modernise. But I do agree running an engine whilst sitting on a mooring shouldn't happen. Hire yards are telling hirers to do this (Sorry team richos.. I think this is a great video with some brilliant tips and excellent for newbies but at 13mins on below you are telling people to do this ). http://www.richardsonsboatingholidays.co.uk/richardsons-tv/richardsons-trial-run/ Rant over, peace out.. vote remain..
  22. Jonzo... I can't find it either.
  23. Grace.. Jean... last warning.. Warning points will be issued..
  24. Very cool.. thanks from me... all very interesting. Lovely lovely boats... shame hearts still are there and these lovely things aren't out still.
  25. A week of in's and out's Sunday 19th June We was meant to be coming up yesterday but the weather wasn't looking good on the saturday and we had a bit to do at home so although we put the cat into the cat prison yesterday we decided to head up on the sunday. We left home about 10.30am.. a tad later than usual but holiday time had already started We arrived into Stalham early afternoon... parking in tesco's as usual we headed into the town. We'd both left most clothing in the washing bag at home so into the factory outlet for some tshirts and shorts. I'd also left my jumpers at home but hoped for a warm week so didn't grab a new jumper. Sadly we'd both had a long week and we wasn't quite in the mood for shopping. Arrival into the boatyard we spotted bound2please returning back to yard so wandered over to help watch them moor.. Inge learned over and passed us the ropes so we tied them up and promised to return for a good chat once we unloaded the car. Once sorted we popped back and spent a couple of hours chatting. I persuaded the wench to join as she really cheered me up (I'm not sure I was meant to find everything she said funny but I did anyway . lovely to chat to you both and look forward to doing the same again soon). Once back on Orca.. thankfully she started without any problems though and we slowly headed downstream. Being the time of the year the rivers were busy so we headed to gayes staithe knowing there should be a gap for us. The staithe was surprisingly busy but we found and gap and Orca reversed in without any problems. We wondered down the road to the pub yup it was rammed.. some kinda football match or something.. I'm not a football fan. but they found a table for us.. sadly in the bar but at least it meant we get some grub. Food and drink was all good and we escaped before the game played considering the TV was next to our table. Back the boat.. we unpacked and tidied up before calling it an early night.
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