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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. I've not quite got the guts. I'll try and do when we visit the two pub sponsors lol
  2. just in the King's arms at Ludham actually.
  3. I have no idea whst you mean iain. Although I don't think we've actually past a pub yet without stopping.
  4. Welcome inge. Jonzo we need to test the censoring inge is gonna give it one good test lol. Glad you joined. It was lovely chatting to you both. I do find you very funny so really looking forward to seeing you on here
  5. Orcas about all week.. home Sunday.
  6. JawsOrca

    Our Boat

    We have a sterling sabre 28 called Orca.. I try to wrote about her tales.. see more here: She's kept up in stalham and we are up there quite a bit so will look out for you and give us a wave if you see us! Ok mate it will probably be about lunch time for us but I'll wonder over when we get there and see if you are still about
  7. JawsOrca

    Our Boat

    we are up tomorrow for a week. I'm surprised our gracie hasn't asked you for more details on your boat So I'll do for her as she's clearly out drinking whilst shoe shopping or something.. What boat do you guys have and were do you keep her?? pictures too please
  8. Well done as always. I think everyone would prefer that lifeboat services were covered by the local authority although considering these local authorities can't even empty rubbish bins we got no chance! So massive thanks to the volunteer crews who are clearly doing a brilliant job. It certainly sounds like the best people are here doing the job so that's a big plus knowing that the broads are well covered. I don't think it's overly fair to knock any of our emergency services, it's certainly far better to have more people and specially trained people than the opposite... I'm sure it won't be long until we have limited services or are fully dependant on volunteers..
  9. (Kinda works).. Taken from the above edp advert. (Jonzo/mods if its too slow feel free to remove).
  10. Strowager, I'm not bothered at all. I to am trying to share the "argument" for going new as these days there are some amazing deals out there. We to have had several re-engine (I don't blog everything we do ) experiences and have always veered down the "fix whats there" or re-engine with new.
  11. What point are you trying to prove strowager? That an inland boat is not really going to do 100,000 miles in its lifetime? If so then you need to consider that if the OP goes an gets a 1.8 engine from the breakers, god only knows what life it's had.. if it's been serviced regularly? For peace of mind it will need a new belt kit and new waterpump (if applicable), if completed by someone else that's a least £500. So yes you can put it in but you are looking at at least £1500. Then you have a old engine which lets be honest, wont receive the best servicing and isn't quite as designed (no offence intended to the OP). You can't avoid the fact that it's far wiser, when considering reengining to do so with new and no messing about with old belt driven car engines.. certainly when, as robin says, MPower do deals for lets see a 33hp (same as BMC) for £2248 (+vat) and they do 290 adaption kits (Probably for another grand).. so pretty much for the same price you have a nice new block without none of the extra junk on top of it.
  12. from me to! Be careful with that bug.. It's cost me a fortune and I hate boats now The more time you spend doing it though the easier it gets! I'd suggest hiring a timber boat for that real norfolk feeling.. Maffetts and Marthams (up north though) are the ones to go for. (But there are some brilliant small yards on the southern side as mentioned). Happy planning!
  13. 2 belts here in the family A Pug.. Escort 1.8. Which small marine engines have cambelts and electronic ignition?
  14. Strowager, That's a very odd question coming from yourself?! Cambelts fail frequently even on a diesel car. Thankfully it seems most people are smart enough to get them serviced. Although this is the broads and the banks are present, the idea of reducing risk an element of an engine failing is a sensible one to take.. removing the risk of a cambelt failure is very very logical. That's why (as I'm sure you know) most marinised (diesel) engines steer away from cambelts and electronic ignition as these are all points at risk at failing.
  15. That's bad.. (South park TV show..Soz couldn't resist)... We spoke to them one year at the LBS.. Engines seemed good.. (they was offering some insane deals). Some plumbing on them do look a bit flunky though and the alternators could probably be upgraded. We would try them though certainly for inland use. We suggested the yacht club used them to replace a seized Perkins Prima engine but they replaced with a Beta (various reasons). I know Charlie and Steve spoke to them and the UK service needs improving but I find most small manufacturing companies hard work to deal with.
  16. Do hireboats still not have alarms and monitors?! Geez this is surely a perfect example were the BSC is flawed?? I suspect the BSC aim is prevention is better although evenso they should be fitted without discussion. I wouldn't sleep on our boat without alarms and have both smoke and CO in all cabins. The BSC scheme needs to get on top of this and make these mandatory even for boats with current certificates. If I was hiring I'd certainly take a couple of alarms with me.. (Exhaust fumes give off CO as does heating fumes so when moored stern on surely there's a great risk).
  17. (Grace.. don't worry.... it's all over my head too..)
  18. +1 for BMC.. (although we do have a vetus but that's different).. Be careful with Lancing too they only know one price. .£1k and prices increase in the same interval. New Mpower or Beta if you want to re-engine..
  19. Hi Neil. Tidal predictions are just that, Predictions, tide's certainly on the east coast are subject to local weather, I.e if we get a big storm in the north sea it can really mess up the tides, so much so that it can even miss a tide. If the tides looks delayed then probably best to hold back and wait a bit and/or as Iain said give the chaps a call at the BA offices for their advice.
  20. Neil, it's a bit of a trek from horsey. Its best to drive to if you can, there's now a well developed park and display car park (You wont miss it.. there's a big sign "See the seals here") and you park right by the beach and see them looking back at you. (During pup season they now close the beach.. I think thats december though).. The beach alone though is a lovely sandy beach despite the car park it's still pretty deserted and worth a visit. Sometimes you do get pups on the beach.. anyone reading though please do as the signs say and don't get too close to them. We have seen people pretty much hugging them and as such they got abandoned and have to be rescued
  21. to forum from me. No worries at all for changing the subject, this thread was initial about bins and phones! Just in case Robin misses this. He uses a 3 mifi dongle. He suggested to me and it does work well.. Even in Horning. Hopefully he will be along shortly to expand Enjoy the forum. Feel free to use the "New members say hi" section to tell us a bit more about yourself! (http://thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/forum/18-new-members-say-hi/)
  22. Oh geez I feel a tad guilty bringing this back up now.. I think it's far too easy for us all to say how it should be done.. clearly the councils believe (Probably via expensive legal advise) that they don't need to provide this and such stupidly removed it (I think it would be interesting if someone brought legal action on them.. surprised NSBA aren't in talks??). Personally I don't mind paying, but I didn't before why should I now?.. I pay council tax in Medway.. pesky tourist therefore use "My" bins why can't I use Norfolk bins when I'm visiting there?.. I think the easy answer is that river tolls to increase slightly.. the BA provide bins part funded by the councils (as others mention the influx of tourism supports the local area without tourism yup you won't need bins... won't have much more either!). I did raise to ask the question "what on earth are we meant to do", in some way I answered that myself by looking at this link (http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/facilities/waste-facilities) which shows there are still quite a few places (although this is dated 2014), if that's the case then we should be OK at present. But the swimdeck is going to become the black sack store.. not sure how that will fits in with the "Idyllic" "Unique" landscape of other "National Parks".. it's certainly going to quickly start looking like a tip..
  23. I fancy fish and chips tonight?
  24. We are up in a bit for a week.. What are people doing for disposing of waste? We was up last weekend and after a BBQ had a full blacksack.. we was at gay's staithe and there are no bins there now (We noticed a couple of people walking up the lane with rubbish bags and coming back empty handed.. I hope they wasn't flytipping somewhere ).. thankfully we managed to keep it aboard and dispose in the marina .. but if we are there for a full week what are we meant to do.. I can't return to the marina every few days?? Can I hand to a ranger?? Not sure if I mentioned before but here's a slightly unhelpful reply from North Norfolk council (From the link mentioned, http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/facilities/waste-facilities most of these are hire boats only and I think it's a bit of a take for non hire boaters to use these): Dear Mr Hathaway Thank you for your email. North Norfolk District Council currently provides 16 bin compound areas across the North Norfolk Broads. However, due to changes in the legislation affecting the classification of this waste and an associated increase in disposing of the waste collected from these facilities, combined with the scale of misuse which goes on at the facilities in terms of deposit of unauthorised waste and the poor physical condition of many of the structures, we have taken the decision to remove 13 of the 16 facilities. We plan to implement this change by the end of March 2016, removing the bins and associated structures, unless agreements can be reached with relevant landowners and/or other public bodies to take over the running of the facilities. Since the change in legislation in 2012, Council officers have worked with the Broads Authority, the other Councils in the Norfolk Waste Partnership (NWP) and representatives from the Broads Hire Boat Federation to develop and implement a Norfolk-wide approach to the provision of waste facilities for users of the Broads. Within the NWP, a position was agreed to ensure that a consistent approach could be taken across all of the Councils currently providing Broads boat waste collections. The NWP agreed that Councils should not pick up the entire cost of waste collection and disposal and that other public and private landowners, including The Broads Authority, The Environment Agency, The National Trust and others, should be expected to make arrangements for provision of services on their land. Similarly, Council waste facilities should not be provided at commercial moorings, unless the landowner enters into a commercial contract covering the cost of both emptying and disposing of the waste. The providers of these moorings often make financial gain from both mooring fees and commercial services, such as food and drink sales and the existing service is an effective subsidy to their businesses. This approach has been accepted by all Councils and already implemented in some areas. Great Yarmouth Borough Council removed all of their waste facilities in 2014 and as of April 2015, Broadland District Council reduced their waste disposal provision to just two sites. Colleagues at the two Councils have indicated that the impact of this change has been minimal and in a report to the Broads Authority Navigation Committee in December 2015, it was stated that Broads Authority rangers had reported that during 2015 there were no significant complaints or issues of fly tipping at any of the sites. We are currently contacting the local town and parish councils and the organisations and landowners where facilities are currently provided to see if they are able and willing to take over the services. A full list and map of the remaining waste disposal points across the broads, is available on the Broads Authority website at http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/facilities/waste-facilities. In addition, a number of premises offer waste disposal facilities as part of their mooring fees, however, we are not aware of a comprehensive list of these areas. Kind regardsScott MartinEnvironmental Services Manager +441263 516341
  25. I think you need to get on the PC and draft something up... unfinished business and all...
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