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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. 15th September Another warm start, we left the canopy open last night and as soon I woke up I went outside and grabbed some morning pictures.. it was already 28 degrees at about half 8.. and that quickly climbed over 30 degrees in the next hour. It was a hazy morning but still lovely. Thankfully the channel post I used to get my position last night was no closer than I though which is always a worry navigating after dark. A couple of hire boats drove off and there wake on the water looked even neater. Another mooring spot added to the list I think. Dave grabbed the fihsing rod and tried to catch dinner but as always not much joy. Once he gave up, thumper was fired up, I ran forward lifted the parking brake and Dave took the helm. I sat forward again and enjoyed this weather... Geez were we so lucky this weekend, it was mid 30's all week.. as hot as the med and in all honestly I would rather be here! Dave's starting to enjoy helming which is nice, Orca's nice when she's moving she can be tough to moor up but I really enjoyed getting some time off the helm this time and he needs more experiance really. The broads really look amazing sitting away from the helm, it's almost quiet up here with the wash of the water louder than the engine. Today's destination was Salhouse. Dave helmed all the apart from Ludham bridge and I sat forward. Sadly I was enjoying my trip and salhouse quickly appeared (it was the only way to cool down I think it was 36 degrees now). I eventually moored up in a tight spot between two boats. It was certainly time for a refreshment and the home of norfolk beer was just up the road.. This walk really doesn't seem far at all now... It's also not really noticable that it's up hill Wherry topped leamonade again, save a bloody aspalls as usual, table booked for a bit later, we found a cute table under the tree with shade to chill for a bit. Once chilled, I had to wander the shop. I grabbed a beer towel for Autonomy's bar ,the sales man recognised us (don't say it Gracie) and kindly tried as always to convert Dave. I tried a few, I must remember don't say "Tastes like Adnams".. although one tasted just like a wherry?! The chap wasn't impressed. We had a big long chat last time how I said I hope Woodfordes doesn't become like Adnams which now offers a huge confused range of anything and everything.. The chap kinda agreed but reassured it's small enough that this won't happen and these limited beers are just kinda for fun.. Must admit I liked the cherry one. .Dave liked a few and picked up a couple although they are at time of writing still in the bilge untouched.. next time! Back to the boat, I wanted to hire a canoe but it was cooling down and we spent far too long in the pub so another time, we sat forward and had a good chat to both boats beside us, which had the sliding canopies so their living area was just beside us.. both lovely crews, nice chat. It was soon shower times and back to the pub for dinner. The pub was rammed, strange considering when we was here in June it was empty and I felt silly reserving a table, but they gave us a nice window seat. Prawn starter, (Dave went for it to).. shell on which was hard work but good fun and really yummy.. my favourite starter now I think. Fish and chips for me and a burger for Dave (P.s I noticed people somewhere don't like food pictures, so this blog will now proudly display food pictures, we do not tolerate intolerance to food pictures!). It was all yummy.. no desserts Back on the boat, we decided to move away and moor on the broad, All parked up. Dave grabbed his fishing gear, set up the float with a night light thing. No breakfast caught but a few bites. I dug in to my book for a few hours.
  2. Have a look at these.. spotted it at our local camping store. I woudn't use the gas feature as I don't think it would be BSC approved but on 12v and 240v it should be all good.. £299 new and it's dometic which own waeco. http://www.jacksonsleisure.com/caravan-motorhome/cool-boxes/camping-fridge/dometic-rf60-3-way-camping-caravan-fridge-12v-mains-lpg/
  3. It's the best time ever, although it can be hard without a Radar if it's too dark. I do find it's a shame that experienced hireboaters can't experience this.. I really think there's a market for night equipped cruisers to be offered to experienced and capable/sensible helms as it's so special. We aim to be out quite a bit over the next few months so I'll try to capture as much as I can.
  4. Thanks Mike, same here i love these types of threads, we used to have more but they can be hard work to maintain but the more the better!! We generally try to moor away from the world, mainly because I'm a very light sleeper and enjoy the tranquillity of the broads. Orca is also very shallow draft and has a sterndrive (with a depth sounder next to it), so we do sneak in safely were others may not.. These spots up north are all ok though and all lovely.. For newbies to the forum, Orca was blogged whilst we refitted her a couple of years back, she was brought for £1 but it was hard work and a ton of money to bring her up to scratch. Maybe worth a read on a rainy day.. Also people maybe interested in our other "Adventures" series..
  5. 14th September Ok so thankfully I managed to get some sleep, despite it being a warm night.. A good thing with this mooring is it's really in country with nothing around, the people that find it and moor here are people that like peace and quiet so it's so quiet and we always get a good nights sleep It was a bit cooler this morning with morning dew on the boats but it was much more manageable. I got up and opened the canopy fully and Steve quickly appeared, tea and coffees were offered and he mentioned how nice the spot is and also how well he slept.. It really is one of my favourite spots on the broads a proper little lagoon feel. Dave started clearing the BBQ and trying to tidy some of the mess away from our three course BBQ last night, I think I'd manage to use every pot and pan on the boat so the moor kitchen area looked like a bomb had gone off... After putting the BBQ back in the bilge he sat down saying he had given up with the washing up. Steve wanted to get today over and done with so we all decided to make a move and head further North. Ladyp was destined for wayford and Orca would pop back home and we would grab the land yacht to assist at wayford. Engine on and off we went, once out of the lagoon it warmed up and I returned to my sunbathing spot forward whilst Dave helmed. A toot on Orca's horn indicated her good bye to her best friend as LadyP continued up the Ant whilst we turned up towards Stalham. Back on the berth yesterdays bomb site was cleared up and we jumped in a hot car (black car.. smart..). 10 mins later we arrived into wayford bridge. I dumped the car in a gap, someone ran over advising it would be the end of the world if I leave it there. I reassured him I've seen Men in Black 1 and 2 and this isn't a Arquillian Battle Cruiser.. It's a Vauxhall Astra (Black), it's not the end of the world, we would only be five mins until I found Mr or Mr's Jon. Steve appeared saying LadyP had arrived safely and was over in the basin and the car could go over there. World saved again. Now me being in boatyards is a bad idea certainly with Mr "I want that one and that one and that one" beside me.. encouraged by Steve was hardly helping... grrr "You have two ducking boats as it is and both need maintenance".. grr.. We got the land yacht close to LadyP and unloaded... now.. I have a Astra hatchback.. ok it's a bit loaded with junk.. but at one point I had a panic attack as I couldn't see how we was going to get all of LadyP into it.. Thankfully the back parcel shelf and the middle seat helped the overflow (How much stuff can you get into a Normal 23?!). Mr's Jon said Jon was busy with customers and couldn't give any estimation, something to do with the length of a bit of string. It was too hot to stand around and I happened to remember there being a pub over the road... Stay here in a hot yard or retire to pub... We waved good bye to Steve and Debs and headed to the pub. We found a nice corner, nice and cool in the bar area (Don't mention the toilet tiles on the wall ... Perhaps an idea would be to give customers a chipping hammer and have a go). But lovely service in here, we ordered some sandwiches and some drinks. 45 mins later Steve and Debs appeared.. Jon's still with customers... I'm now getting worried that he's actually tied the customers up... forcing them into buying the boat!!! All what you want to hear when you want to sell your boat so no worries... They wasn't going to order food but once it appeared they strangely did so.. We had a nice long lunch.. one last check that they was doing the right thing and there minds were made up... Back to the yard... we erm drove over... only because like there's not lots of parking... We found some shade and waited for Jon to talk through all the bit's they needed. Had a quick chat to Jon and "got aff his laannd" (Bad attempt at norfolk lingo there). Long old drive south, Steve and debs sandwiched between a loaded car! Arriving into somerleyton, nice to the lord and lady have spent some money on a new gate. Car's all sorted we waved good bye. We had an appointment with Tom at JPC in brundall, although we was a good hour later than expected, I called him and advised, to save some time we headed for a ferry thing which goes from just around the corner here to the reedham ferry pub.. it really does save time but not impressed it's now a fiver though but we always enjoy the little trip.. As usual a hireboat almost died by cutting infront whilst it was moving so a bonus on entertainment value!.. (we are meant to wait until it's moored because it has funky chains which it uses). Arrived at Tom's the cars temperature read a nice 33dc.. "Hi Tom.. So about this heating for the other boat... Do we get a discount consider how bloody hot it is!", Good chat we/he designed the solution, all clear, he will have a price for us at the boat show next weekend as he was just off there. (Highly recommend him, we've spend so much time with him on both boats he's saved us a fortune too!). Back in the car, it's was late afternoon, far to late for Norwich but we decided to head the beach at horsey and then Tesco's on the way back. Horsey car park was empty, but the sun was getting low on the horizon. Everything including shoes left in the car. The tide was high and the winds were building up so the waves were quite high, so sadly only warm enough for a quick stroll. Back in the car, driving shoeless is so strange. Tesco again looked dead. Quick run in, neither us was overly hungry so we grabbed some Pizza express doughballs and some snacks for later. Back on the boat, neither of us are ones for staying in the marina, so we decided to head out, the sun was setting quickly and it was far too late for anyone to be out really, I wanted to moor on a wild mooring so we headed south. The glistening of the interior lights of moored boats looks so magical from a moving boat. It was a dark night and it wasn't easy to spot the wild moorings, so we decided to see if Gayes had a spot again. Dave was struggling with the boat and was getting a bit close to the buoys, I zoomed the GPS in and told him to stick in the centre of the previous tracks, that seemed to him, although he gave up after not seeing a marker so I took the helm, we approached Gayes, sadly no spots. I was getting hungry now so we decided to drop the parking brake just off the main channel on barton broad, the depth sounder reassured us that there was plenty of water as we've not moored here before.. We was in a sheltered but so no worries.. Doughballs cooked, it was TV time.. Pirates of the Caribbean again but the making of.. interesting stuff.
  6. Robin. Glad everyones enjoying these. I must admit I don't re-read it though so it's probably full of schoolboy mistakes As always some events are dramatised for effect (as it would be boring otherwise!).. I do enjoy doing these.. it so helps remember what we did!
  7. It is a big shame Gracie.. LadyP is Orca's best friend.. Steve and Debs are just evil to break them up.. We had really hoped we could get them moored in the same marina again.. No needs must sadly.. We will find them both another boat one day. It's my feet on the beach (it did feel lovely as it was such a warm day), but yes Dave is doing the BBQ without any proper feet on.. Although I must admit I've not been wearing shoes lately either lol.. it's a nice feeling although the wood chips there are quite sharp .
  8. 13th September I hardly slept overnight.. Couple of reasons I think, All night I could hear this rattling of chains coming from the road bridge which we had moored right underneath and then remember I've read a tale about the old bridge being haunted by a lady who was hanged here.. was the chains I was hearing this lady... Hell yes course it was.. Also the traffic didn't completely quieten down here so wondering if the chains was then the bridge about to fall down and yes living in a really quiet part of word means any noise is going to keep me awake. However being up so early (and so warm already) meant that I could grab some pictures of the sun rising.. Lovely.. Norfolk knows how to flirt with her sunrises and sunsets The rest of the world finally awoke.. A local chap with a Camera joined me in taking pictures, we exchanged a brief heads up.. photographers hello see.. Steve appeared .. Looking like he hardly got much sleep.. wonder why.. he immediately said "We going north mate".. my reply was.. "no worries.. I know" .. Debs appeared.. yup no sleep either.. she immediately mentioned "did you hear our fender squeaking all night?".. "No but I heard the chains from the ghost on the bridge" .. I corrected her.. "no dummy.. our fender"... Oh well.. illusion broken.. Once everyone was up we wondered over to the little shop for a look around. We brought some cups as Orca's had come home one day to be washed up properly and left there... plus Steve and Debs had packed everything away so we needed more cups lol. Me and Debs also wandered up the road looking for a geocache, I introduced her to it last year but she's not done.. I quickly found the hide but waited till she found it.. as always a neat hide and good bit of fun. LadyP was booked into Wayford today but as the weather was still amazing we talked them into spending another day up here so talked about doing a BBQ at Gayes which would then just be a short trip upto wayford for LadyP. For the BBQ we need a butchers, I wanted to go to Stalham as our one there is amazing but I didn't want to get LadyP that close to the end and Steve and Debs mentioned they haven't seen Womack.. so we decided to head up there. Eventually when everyone was awake (well as well as we could be) we departed. I wanted to get some pictures of LadyP so I did some doughnuts around them and took some pictures, we got some strange looks from passing boats considering we was both all over the river but all good. We quickly arrived into Womack, there wasn't alot of moorings free, I couldn't get Orca positioned well for whatever reason... (Delete as appropriate: Wind, wrong heat, leaves on the line, sleepy) and we made contact with the boat beside us.. Dave said.. "don't worry you missed the window" and yup 2 inches aft there was a black rubbing strip mark.. Dave's fault.. he didn't fend off enough Whoops.. it will come off... I didn't want to repaint that bit though! As I got off to tell dave how to do the lines up (you know just in case he's forgotten) the boat who we just kissed beside spotted the NBN burgee and asked if we was NBN. Really sorry I didn't catch your name and I was a bit shattered this day to talk to much but hope you had a good time! Off for a walkies, we spotted the butchers the other day we was here, so into here for a few bits for this evenings BBQ.. Next off to the minimarket again, we needed coal and a few other little bits. I brought a murder mystery book "Murky Waters", which is based on the broads.. I do a lot of reading on the boat and saw these books before so thought I'd treat myself. Back to the boat, we all decided to head straight upto Gayes early so we could have a long day relaxing off the boats.. we still had a lot to chat about! The trip up the Ant was lovely, I took the boat through the bridge and Dave had the helm all the way after whilst I relaxed on the bow.. It's normally too cold to sit her so I really was able to relax which was nice for once. Half way up the Ant I spotted a otter in the water swimming alongside, we've seen a couple of these now but this is certainly the closest we had got, no time for photos but cool to see. As a kid I'd visited the otter sanctuary in suffolk with my folks so really nice to see this project succeed and otters back in the rivers. We arrived into an empty Gayes, LadyP moored along side us. Once again Steve and Debs hadn't been here before so nice to show them more of the broads.. Slightly annoying though that they was selling a boat perfect for up here but that's life. We had a little wonder up to the pub, explaining to them that only a couple of weeks before we spotted deers here. No steve that wasn't my deer dance it was my attempt at cooling down! I dragged debs paste the fudge lady stall.. insisting we would do on the way back! The pub as always is welcoming, it feels like our local now, the bar lady said we should try the "secret bar garden" so drinks in hand off we went investigating. Sadly steve's suffering from back pain so the hay bale setup wasn't ideal.. but a neat idea and I can imagine summer evenings there (A firepit would be cool!). Back to the boats, we had to stop at the fudge lady, it really is good fudge, worth a stop.. make sure you got enough £1 coins! Back on the boat, BBQ setup we all got comfy for my usual hours long BBQ.. Three courses all set and enjoyed, brilliant time, loads of chatting.. So sad though that it's our last evening with LadyP and the chances of us both being up here together would be very slim.
  9. 12th September Yesterday in the chinese, Steve broke the bad news that he and Debs had decided to pass LadyP onto a new home and she was indeed being brought up to the northern broads to be sold. They asked us a favour, that being to escort them up. Sadly there wasn't the time to run down over breydon and with Orca's new gear cable I didn't fancy the gauntlet of yarmouth and Breydon. So we said no worries but we will meet them at Acle bridge. They suggested Stokesby but we suspected the moorings would be full there so Acle would be best, plus we enjoy the pub there now. So up nice and early, high tide for LadyP would be about 3pm, so it left us with a good part of the day to slowly cruise down. This week the weather was truly stunning. Blue sky everywhere and high heats, apparently the weather was calling it an Indian heatwave or something.. aka just a nice summers day. Engine on off we went. The Rivers were busy but not bad.. Mostly everyone was happy.. Sadly a few Freeman boat owners far too focused on the lovely weather to wave back.. I still frantically waved though.. Strange! Irstead in this weather looked amazing.. I was sitting on the front of the boat whilst Dave helmed.. Telling the voices in my head.. "I want that one, no that one.. hmm maybe that one..." I pointed to Dave.. "That one" He told me "mind the duck". To get him back, I spotted a gap in the rare irstead staithe, so I told him to moor up, he wasn't quite so happy considering he's not done much mooring and there was a private boat which he would have to stop before hitting. I reassured him it's easy enough and I'll be alongside him. He decided to turn the boat around so he wasn't facing the boat and moored perfectly first time. There's a really cute little stall here selling painted pots and painted stones. We couldn't quite work out who needed birthday presents today though. I stopped to take a few pictures and had a paddle in the beach here. Neat little 15 mins, these little spots make the broads. I told Dave to leave the mooring, again he mumbled complaints but I told him how to do it and he did well. I went back to my sunbathing position on the front of the boat! Following yesterdays dinner we had to have a walk somewhere and the mooring which is cut in to the bank at How Hill was free. So I pointed and told him to moor there.. Less moans this time and he did really well.. Moored up with no problems. Off we went around the walk.. It's a nice walk, just long enough to get some exercise but not too long. This time though we went into the (notso)secret gardens.. this has only recently opened to the public, it was nice in there, very different to the trail, but something different. Back on the we grabbed some breakfast and watched the world go by for a bit before heading off. It was still early so I thought we head towards womack. Dave had enough of the driving for a bit and gave me the helm. I think he knew ludham bridge was just around the corner. Under the bridge no worries, past the windmill in the ruins (after the walk we didn't fancy another!). Dave retook the helm now and navigated us up towards womack. I retook over and squeezed the boat in bewteen two boats ,only hitting them gently.."Bumper boats" (I did spot an evil look).. I would have said sorry but no one came out and the curtains were closed. Off up the road, there's a good little minimarket shop here and we could do with some supplies, plus there's pub and we could do with a refreshment.. OK so pub first.. Nice wherry shandy. I'm not meant to be drinking at the moment but the staff mentioned I could get away with a top of wherry.. perfect.. yup it worked I was still upright after drinking it! Minimarket all good, more yummy sausage rolls. Back to the boat I popped into the little shop here and ordered an NBN Cap.. sadly it would take a day or so but thats not too bad. Back on the boat time to head down to Acle. I took the helm whilst dave unpacked the shopping. Nice run down to Acle, it's a wide so not my favourite part of the broads but at least we could open Orca up a bit as she's been running on 3mph for some time. She's much happier at these speeds though and her engine and gearbox are almost silent.. one of the downsides of being so far up north. Despite it being 3 hours after low water at yarmouth the tide here was rather strong and flowing out. Thankfully there was plenty of moorings just by the bridge. Orca breaks all the rules, being light and only a sterndrive to steer by she's better reversing into the wind/tide, I tried to moor this way first time but she was getting forced off the quayheading. Confused I was.. I went out.. only to meet another boater, wondering what on earth I was trying to do.. I sent Dave forward to try to explain... I don't think they understood and I got a confused look as they slipped past (trouble on the broads we really are see).. Anyways eventually I turned around and drifted into the bank. Dave jumped off, I looked back and found someone else mooring right behind us.. Wondering what on earth they was doing (although knowing here I've really messed up before so really was in no position to wonder such thing!), we quickly tied up (OK Dave quickly tied up), I put on my best fake smile impression and yelled over.. "You need a hand".. At that point thier engine turned itself off (Yup been there).. A few moments later they got her started and moored up behind us. They quickly apologised mentioning there's something up with the engine and hoped to crash land quickly before it died.. no worries we had both landed. A quick chat to them, they had an unusal looking boat. They had just brought her, and on the first trip, it was a german design, it looked very much like a caraboat but modern.. Nice looking thing. Sadly I didn't take any pictures though Chatting further I asked if they had seen a little norman boat doing 2 miles an hour (backwards) over breydon... to my surprise they said yes and it wasn't too far off! I said we need to try to fit three boats in the little gap, kindly they assisted and moved back whilst we moved forward giving LadyP a 40 foot gap.. (#keeptheladdersclear).. LadyP appeared on the horizon.. her crew a bright shade of Red (sunburnt).. Steve moored up like a true pro first time.. making the pair of us look like amateurs (£10 deposited into my bank account as agreed please Steve). I need a drink after that... Off we went for a quick beer. Orca and LadyP had been frequent freinds down south but this was the first time they were both together since July last year.. nice to see. We booked a table for the evening. We had a long laid back chat. Yup we both told Steve and Debs they was being stupid selling and at one point I think we even talked them out of it.. we said we could run back south with them tomorrow (Dave really wanted to do a breydon crossing) and spend a few days down south then look at selling early next year... I wasn't a hard sell considering the weather up here was hotter than Greece.. (amazing weather). We had a good dinner and planned the trip south tomorrow.. Tide at three so it would give time to potter about up here for a bit.. Sadly I knew we wouldn't be heading south tomorrow as we retired and LadyP would continue her last trip.
  10. You don't need to tell any insurer if you declare your cruising grounds openly, I've got the broom insured for all coastal waters of the British isles upto territorial waters and it's no more expensive than Orca's on the broads.. I couldn't be asked to tell them each time we went out.. I guess some insurers won't allow a Hampton 24 to be covered but if you have a boat designed for use at sea then just declare it as doing so.
  11. Late Summer Holiday. 11st September I wanted to come up yesterday but as is becoming the norm Dave wanted a day at home. So yesterday we decided to go down to the seaside (Eastbourne) and do some goecaching.. In the evening we then took home out for a spin for a couple of hours.. why not! Anyways we stopped at lathams on the way to the boat. I have a think for their sausage rolls followed by London Cheesecakes.. We wandered around the main store but nothing caught our eye really. So just over the bakers.. The warm sausage rolls were just irresistible and were quickly consumed! Dave popped over to Lathams fishing store.. I'm banned from there as I buy stuff which we would never use apparently.. but little plastic fish look soo cool.. (I got enough now anyway). Over to the marina, the look of an empty Richo's yard wasn't really welcoming but it's all part of the fun! Today was to be a maintenance day. Dave wanted to change Orca's gear cable as it's been jumping out of gear.. I just relaxed for a bit staying out the way.. Annoying no icecream boat today but Dave quickly installed the new cable and quickly tested it (he own swore a few times but cut's and bruises so job well done).. I said lets go for a little test drive and off we trundled. Considering we've been out on the coast at home nothing compares the Broads.. Lovely.. The rivers were busy but everyone enjoying the lovely day. We spotted Jonzo onboard a green richardsons boat heading back to Stalham.. Full of lads so dread to think what effect they have had over the last few days. Dave was driving Orca so it was just a quick Hello and what are you doing on that lol!.. We only went down to Barton Broad and turned around. We originally booked this week as our friends and fellow forumites Steve on Debs were up here on the same week. They had arrived today but were down south but I called them and see if they fancied dinner someone between us both. I tried the Dukes head but they advised no room in the inn.. So chinese it would be! Back in the yard, Orca was put to bed and we headed off to Lowestoft! Lovely as always, brilliant company.. Back to the boat as it was getting dark and off to sleep.
  12. We use craftinsure. Underwritten by navigators and general. Both companies were amazing when we needed help last year. Without any doubt I wouldn't use anyone else.
  13. Neil. The benefits far outweight the worries and stresses. I'm not overly concerned as you say it's part of the course. But we still do hold our breath as it can be untold hassle if things go wrong. We tend to stay away from others and don't use the boat during the season.. certainly not the busy spots. We haven't spent lots of money and time painting the boat as I know it's going to get marks (Moreso by me!! - Which yes it has!). We have all seen certain crews doing certain stupid things these people could easily sink a boat.. that's the worry really. Saying this though part of the reason we have another boat away from the broads as it's so nice to cruise without that worry. But then there's other worries.. Hireboating is certainly the best way to enjoy boating! Dad, I think someone else pointed out, people can do more damage to engines than it's worth and as there;s not that could really go wrong (on newer engines) they tell people not to touch it.. Certainly on Orca's engine she never really daily attention... good little thumper. Modern engines will probably have a remote reed filter too (not like the ones on yours) which will take more reed before clogging up.
  14. From this promotional movie.. it sounds like they are doing a few things...
  15. Hey mate, Not sure we will be up there that week Thats not your last week is it?
  16. Mum and Dad will be along shortly.. We used to hire with Alpha a lot.. Had lots of fun with them. Has Gracie asked you for pictures yet? If not come on Gracie...
  17. Hi Dredger, I guess it's because there's fewer boats out and thus less stirring of the mud. I've seen pike chasing prey at coltishall. Nice to see.. Enjoy,
  18. Niceties and musts don't always work when things have to make money to survive. For Acle, fingers crossed, hope for the best but no one knows what will happen. For Ranworth, I've always thought a pontoon would be a good idea. It will soon fit in.. The more visitors the area the better really. I'm sure the land owners will agree if it makes money and yes I would pay a tenner a night to moor on a secure pontoon there as it's a nice spot and I hate the scrap for moorings there.
  19. Have a brilliant time, just back after a week and seriously had the best week ever. Hardly went anywhere but the weather was stunning and not too busy.. So nice out there out of season... Our season is effectively just starting as we didn't use the boat during the busy period.. Can't wait to get out! Heaven!
  20. Geez that's more than I pay for my 42 resi berth here in Kent.. Broadsedge is the only marina in Norfolk.. nice and affordable..
  21. Watch out Clive, when gracie comes back you will have to put nav lights on otherwise the hemby chaps will be out all night
  22. Sorry to see you letting her go liberty. She looks a good example. Good luck with the sale.. Looking forward to seeing your next broom
  23. from me to.. Sorry I don't talk northern.. I can try but I'll probably cause a ton of offence. Thanks MM.. I can't say I'm that bright.. there's way more smarter people on here.. aint that right Gracie We should be out that weekend too so will look out for you.. We are on Orca not Ocra as my folks still call her (Folks it's named after a whale not a veg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killer_whale).. Well it's actually named after the boat from Jaws (and that's because whales have been known to attack sharks).. anyways have a good trip and give us a wave if you see us!
  24. from me too.. I've got that song in my head now lol
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